Cheathater Active 8 years ago

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  • Cheathater

    Sadly I have confirmation that the cheaters are not blocked as much as it appeared.

    Bryan has on 3 separate occasions jumped about 500 points almost instantly. In the first 24 hours he went from not on the leaderboard to first with over 500 points.

    I thought he was farmed in from another tourney since there were 3 of us playing hard to get close to 300.

    It was turning into a barn burner with 5 players all up to 900 as of yesterday. Bryan was hanging back and as of an hour ago he was about 1060.

    As of now he is just shy of 2000.

    I will just stay in 4th or 5th just shy of 1100. Wasted about 2000 jewels this week. Shame on me!!

    No point if you can just plug in your results. Can’t be that fun for the cheater could it?

    It is probably for the best as I was spending far too much time playing anyways.

    Have fun where you can.


    Part 2

    About 6 hours ago I was in 1st with 178 points. I stopped playing for a couple hours and was passed by Arjon. He is level 91 with 52 golds. I have no issue with him.

    I went to see a movie and when I got out Arjon was passed by Marcos. Marcos shows Azure league and level 43 with 4 golds and no other medals. I am and have been playing in the Diamond league. Other than he should be playing against others in Azure I have no issues with Marcos.

    At that time Arjon and Marcos were at 308 and 331 respectively.

    So I decided I better get busy or get left behind. I got to 302 and decided that was close enough for now.

    Just 35 minutes later I go to play a couple rounds as I knew the freebie rounds should be available. After I had a quick victory I checked status and I was now in 4th place. Suddenly Bryan is in 1st with a whopping 556 points. IF he was even on the list he had under 100 points just 35 minutes earlier.

    So he either is a cheater….or he was moved into the tourney I am in as there were 3 players with high scores over 300 after the first 24 hours. If done to drive people to use even more jewels then I am no more motivated than if there was an individual cheater.

    He needs to be removed before I will play another round other than the free rounds. I will only do that so I don’t get too far behind if justice is served and Bryan is removed.

    Again…no one will play a game that is impossible to win. I never have an issue being beat fair and square.


    Now there is either a new cheater in town or the game is being managed in a way that simply is a turn off for me.

    I have had to play an unreasonable amount of games to stay in the top 3 for the past two days. Technically we just reached the end of the first 24 hours.

    Two months ago 500 points at the end of 7 days was enough to win first place.

    The numbers have been much higher for the last 4 weeks. Typically over 1000. That doesn’t bother me when I can see the progress and know it was not a blatant cheat. Again since the last update anything that appeared out of line was handled and the player was dropped to the cellar.

    This week there were two players that each had 1 point. I have been watching them closely but so far they are still at 1.

    My actual issue will be spelled out on my next post as this is already a bit long winded.

    Part 2 after dinner.



    I will have to speculate on what you are experiencing. I am not sure if I am reading correctly. But if you are at level 645 then you are getting a benefit from the 80 levels at a time. I am getting the new levels approximately every two weeks. Only difference is that I am through level 620 waiting for new levels. I just got these a few days ago so I won’t even see level 640 a week and a half from now.

    I just reached a bird level 91. I often play more than just the free rounds. But I am surprised that you wouldn’t be higher than level 37 as far into the game you are outside of the arena. I am not so sure what you are seeing is cheaters. More likely people with too much money and or just play a lot more rounds than you.

    I also just got all my birds to level 10, waiting for level 11 to become available.

    With the new win streak feature you will probably see your progress increase faster than the past versions of the game. Especially if you max out your win streak at 7 in a row.

    Not sure if that helps. Can’t wait to see the levels you are seeing?



    Do you recall how many points this level 12 player scored? Hard to imagine they could get there at a star level 12. I just reached 90 today.



    I get how the level 10 is happening. I have not looked to see if they added several new levels. Is that how the 12’s are possible or is that your point that this is showing a new exploit?

    Thanks for any clarity you can provide.

    I was fortunate as many were with the new winning streaks you could get a lot of exces points on your birds. This afforded me to have 5 moved to level 10 nearly right away.

    Weird experience I had was when starting a game today after the update 4 of my birds were level 10. Played 3 hours later when new free rounds were available and only the bird being awarded was 10..the rest back to 9. At that time it was Chuck. I think it is now Bomb.

    So I went in and paid to the treasure chest. Once that bird was awarded feathers it was restored to a 10 again. But I have Terrence with 6700. It did not go above a 10.

    Just telling what I have seen today. I must have played a ton while Terrence was the bird of the day in the streak awards. I really don’t recall playing that many?



    I don’t think Raven Birdson should be sent packing. I am assuming Mighty Swanson was removed based on what I saw. Meaning they suddenly dropped to 12th with only 1 point which you cannot win just a single point.

    I still don’t recall seeing anything that was done that caused the removal. The only thing that came to mind was that they may have jewels that were not earned or paid for.

    Two reasons to keep a close eye on Raven Birdson…If I aspire to win they are the current big threat to beat me. Second…since I don’t know what Mighty did wrong I am curious if Raven will be removed for a similar reason.

    Unfortunately if this happens it won’t really explain why. It will just be more information to try and see if there is still a means to cheat after the new update.

    In closing…to be clear I do not wish Raven to be removed. I have no reason to believe they have done anything wrong.

    I will continue to watch for anything unusual as I want to remain confident the arena is a fair enough contest. While it never seems like a fair fight with someone using spells. At least we all have a choice to use them as well.

    Hope that answers your question.


    I experienced the same before the update about 10 days ago. This is the first I have seen someone dropped midway through the match. Technically a legit player can go up about 150 points in an hour if they get an average of 9 stars per match and fast forward through the rounds. If perfect about 180 points could be achieved in an hour. But that could not be sustained hour after hour.

    Right now I think things are being played within the games intent. Rovio does benefit by encouraging more jewels are spent.

    It is a business, and to RedYoshis point. There are more rewards now than past. Some things cost more. But I for one think it is an improved game with less cheating.

    No doubt that with decent skills anyone can win with enough jewels/money invested.

    It would be good if there was a sub level that you could test your skill separately where no additional games or spells could be used and see who wins in that arena.

    Then the only advantage would be those that watched closely when the 3 hours expires.

    Although there is a way to get the free rounds faster than 3 hours perhaps that could be blocked for that specific format.

    Just an idea


    I just had a strong angle experience and not sure what to make of it given something that I believe KT mentioned last week.

    I have been in a 3 way battle between Mighty Swanson myself and Raven Birdson. Mighty Swanson has not displayed the usual signs of a cheater. They have play a billion games and I have have played a billion and one to keep just ahead. I felt like I was being coerced into playing at this level to burn through my jewels as I may have exhibited signs of being ice on the competitive side?.

    However I played on even if that was the case. The 3rd player right on my heels is Raven Birdson. Mighty Swanson was up to 887 while I had gone to Laguna beach for the Memorial Day holiday. I needed about 70 points to get back on top. I was about 5 games in and closing in on the lead when I noticed I was already in 1st.

    I thought what happened to the current leader. I scrolled down and there they were in 12th with 1 point. I believe KT said Bankler stated that was a sign of a cheater.

    If true they have hidden it well. Perhaps the cheat was unlimited jewels. In any case it appears Rovio whacked them as sent them to the cellar.

    I will watch and see if they change from 1 point or just sit there in the penalty box. I will also keep a close eye on Raven Birdson to see if they are sent packing. Maybe I can give the jewels a bit of a rest.

    I have been playing almost perfect along the way without the use of spells so I won’t feel bad about the first place gift that just happened.

    More when I have a better understanding.


    I experienced 2 anomalies today that were really frustrating. I am not sure if I am the only one that this has happened to. It was the first sign of a cheat since the update from what I have seen so far.

    In both cases I was on the 7th game of a streak. The first time I drew a player with a 2 star rank. First time I have seen that in the arena. I selected battle. It showed they only had 5 cards and before I could study what they were…the game crashed and my streak ended before I could…and collect 500 feathers.

    The second time this happens I was on the 7th match and drew a player with all level 9 birds and a full compliment of spells. I had accumulated several spells from the treasure chests as a reward for a streak. I opted to use 3 to level the playing field. I had 6008 to their 6256…the game offers an extra bird if you watch an ad. The add was just about to finish and BOOM!! The game crashed and streak was busted again???

    Not sure if a bug or a cheat. Disappointed none the less?


    That’s awesome. Seem like Iida or Bankler or Rovio did the right thing and are trying to listen.

    We will see what else pops up. Hard to believe the cheaters won’t have a new trick up their sleeve.

    For now I feel more like playing again.

    Good luck


    Goran is legit. He is not able to win without the advantage so he pays to have that.

    Once you beat him you will win more than lose as I think he chokes under pressure. He is actually a good challenge with only a slight edge for now.

    Once your level 9 across the board he won’t win many.

    Good luck this week.


    Sorry missed your post. Okay at least I will know if I run into you!

    Congrats! Cheaters never prosper is coming back?


    Really strange phenomenon.

    I just went to accept my 4th place finish and start the next round and it said I came in number 1 and handed me my 100 gems. Thanks for leveling the playing field if that is what happened.

    If only I could see what Rich Peppy Boink received….

    Let me know if you were all equalized as well.

    I sure didn’t expect that!

    Now I am feeling guilty?


    After rereading your post I see that you say you were pushed to second by Peppy Boink. So the one in my tourney in second behind Peppy Boink is Fury Hatcher. Is that you? If not then everything I assumed is not entirely correct and it makes what you described from Bankler much more for me to think about.

    Thanks…I will remain a little hopeful that next week will still be better than this weeks cheatfest.

    Good luck



    Does that mean you are playing as Red 39742?

    If so we are still in the same match and I am hanging around a really distant 4th. The score is the same so I would assume Rich the tiger just changed the avatar to red and from Rich to Peppy boink.

    Unfortunately they haven’t rid us of this lack of character yet.

    I think I need to go back and study what you said. Thank you for the kind response.



    Understood! It is too bad that these things can be discovered. Nobody wins when it isn’t an equal base. It is fun if you develop a skill that is superior to others. But nothing that becomes too easy without a certain element of risk can maintain the same entertainment level.

    Hopefully what you discovered wasn’t in the usual course of playing the game or more will find that work around eventually.

    Thanks for the clarification.


    Once Rich scored his 2026 in one round for his only score to take a 1000 point lead it must has not been that satisfying. He finally played what appears was a legit round to go to 2031.second place is closing in with about 1350. 3rd gave up around 1100. I am just playing for feathers and keep familiar with what’s happening. I am over 600 which used to be a solid win for 7 days.

    I was obsessed about 3 weeks ago and wasted a bunch of jewels to beat what I thought was a Ro in player goading me into spending jewels and I was foolish enough to do it. I won but did I ?

    I will try to remain optimistic that the cheaters will all be spotted at the conclusion of the match this week. They say they will go review all winners and any final score that looks incredibly high will be removed before award ceremony.

    I have to say that will be priceless if it happens.

    KT…still waiting to hear back to confirm that we are truly in the same tourney or is the tiger Rich in multiple games somehow.


    Still curious what I may have posted that you disapproved. I am not here to cause any grief I assure you.

    Just want to learn and vent with all the other players that want a fair game to play.

    Enjoy you weekend people!!!



    Does it appear t be the same Carl? Do you think they were forced to start over? Or do they normally wait until the last minute to jump 2000 points or whatever is needed?

    The highest I have seen is a guy with a leather mask with a zipper mouth names George at 90. I have made it to 82.

    The 201 is shocking. I agree you should have played just to see what would happen. Nothing more to lose in this case. I am sure that was your point.

    The video was just one of the examples if you Google the subject. I didn’t look to see which county was involved with that one. But each video depicted the same thing.

    I did search the app to see if it is still out there to exploit. I didn’t see it but doesn’t mean that someone with root and jailbreak phone doesn’t have other hacks available. Still trying to understand what is happening.

    I just want to get back to a relatively level playing field to fully enjoy an otherwise fun game.


    Don’t do? Just making sure I understand your comment.

    If you are concerned about showing the cheats that may add to the cheaters…my purpose was to make certain Rovio sees all the things that have been done and can block them if not already. These were mostly older. so I would hope they have shut them down. They have at least as much to gain by stopping the loss as stopping the additional loss of legit players interest.

    I may be missing your intended point.

    Thanks in advance for clarification


    Here is another one that was shocking and upsetting.

    It is probably 9 months old and I assume has been patched to avoid by Rovio. But I can say that for certainty.

    See link below


    Last week I figured I had until Weds to lead and played Saturday until I had about 60 points and noticed no one else had more than 7 points.

    As I finished my round before planning to shut down for the night I noticed I was in 2nd. I thought it strange as it had been 5 minutes tops and no one could score 54 points or more in just 5 minutes.

    When I looked at the score this person named Neha was over 1000 points. This in 5 minutes and only an hour or so into the tournament!!!!

    This started my quest to read up on any cheats tricks or hacks as this was impossible. So far the most shocking was SB Hacker app video. Check out the link below and prepare to be shocked!


    Your comments reminded me of something I thought was happening that started about 4 weeks ago.

    I would start out strong and play extra games to try and get a lead by scoring a 100 points by the end of the first day of the 7 day tourney. Usually I would come in 1st with no more than 500 points total.

    Then as I said about 4 weeks ago…always on Wednesday someone would come out of no where and pass me by 200 points. It seemed like it t happened while I was sleeping. I would play my two free rounds before heading to work and notice I was no longer in the lead. I would play every 3 hours for my freebies…and then after work I would get busy and play for an hour to get a bit of a lead.

    I would stop for a while to do the normal things people do…go back for my free rounds and again I was behind by 100 or so points.

    I would really hunker down on the last day…was a ton of jewels and they would just stop playing and I would win by a landslide.

    I thought this was peculiar. Next week almost identical Weds someone would blow by etc.

    At the time I was sure it was a Rovio employee using company tools to drive revenue pegging me for someone competitive and by pushing I would spend more money.

    I am not totally convinced ai was wrong…but last week I started to see what was happening and was shocked and upset. Lost my first tournament. Rest of the story shortly.


    Thanks for the warm welcome. I have been told Carl was scraped but I don’t know about Andrej yet.

    It is possible that there are only a dozen of these people out there ruining the game for the rest of us.

    It is also possible if they have access to unlimited jewels that these same people could have several players and using several devices as they don’t have to dedicate that much time to playing.

    Unfortunately when they play once with all leveled up birds or even various level birds and load up with spells these games are saved in the data engine or whatever they want to call it. You can tell this because you will likely face them more than once in the exact same room and will finish with the exact same score.

    As a result you will likely lose every one of these matches unless you play perfect or pay to extend you round through use of jewels.

    Another conspiracy theory that I believed possible but could be just paranoia coming on my next post.


    I am confident there are cheaters still roaming after seeing what Rich (with the cartoon tiger did today)

    But depending how long ago they reached level 8 they could be level 9 relatively legit without buying too many feathers. I say that as I mentioned earlier today…after the update and new level added most if not all of my birds were in the 700-1000 range. After getting the 500 feathers from the 7 game win streak and feathers from the extra chests the new version offers Chuck is already at a 9.

    The spells is a purchase unless the Sb hacker app that at least a few cheaters had still works. Then they have no limit to free jewels and all that comes with it.

    I have already notified Iida at Rovio about Rich and so far they have been pretty quick to resolve these things as I provide the information. They have a way to access their player ID number much faster now.

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