JLoABT Active 8 years, 5 months ago

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  • JLoABT

    Okay now I just re-opened the app and I have 2733 tokens in 4th place. This ain’t right y’all! :)



    Same deal here… played first 4 levels (identical nodes played with different bots each time.) Scored 250 flying pigs total and I’m in 16th place. First place “Rebel” is at 5579 already!! First place on my gf’s game is over 10000 tokens?? 10 minutes after starting our contest? @gradientturtle7 @arceemega


    Looks like some of the other bots’ firepower issues have been tightened up a little as well. … GSG level 15 can now destroy a stone block in about 0.25 seconds instead of 1.5 seconds LOL (and WMT in about 3 seconds)


    It’s too bad that Rovio has limited the ability for most people to get Shockwave in this event the way it’s looking. Assuming people play a consistent amount of time each day, only 3 out of every 20 people can “easily” get Shockwave (getting 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place each day for 10 (12?) days. 15% customer satisfaction does seem about right, though, for Rovio. Guess I’ll go empty my silo now to farm about 24 gems if I’m lucky! LOL



    Thank you for providing this heads-up! Communication to your customers about an issue like this is exactly what you should be doing on a more consistent basis. While there has been a lot of frustration this past year with the game, it sure does help to feel like we’re not in the dark like so many people have expressed here in this forum. There are a lot of smart, tech-minded people here who are looking for a fun and fair game, who offer Rovio a lot of valuable feedback that seems to often fall on deaf ears, and who can also see very clearly between the lines. We all look forward to continued improvements in the experience!


    @gradientturtle7 Android fix is working for me! Hope it sticks :)

    Great weekend response from the Rovio crew, folks!



    @rovibot they appear to have fixed this with the soft update today. On ABT Facebook page someone reported that the weapon is fixed as well, and at Level 15 Rodimus kills a walking mortar tower in 2 shots. Rodimus definitely was unimpressive upon release, but they’ve hopefully addressed it. Mine is at level 12 but haven’t had a node to play with him since level 10.



    go to your album, click on the image you want to put in the forum, below the image, copy the “Embed” link text, go back to the forum and paste that text in the comment field. That’s all there is to it.

    Got another good one tonight in the desert again, paid one gem to change character from Airachnid to U.O.P. and BAM! about 46000 when I finished the level, up to 113K before watching the video to double it.


    @paul13 gem farming in the lab… they’ve definitely made it less fruitful when they reduced lab output of gems by 60% about 6-8 weeks or so ago. Just takes persistence when you have extra materials not used for TF upgrades.

    in your forum profile you can upload pics to your album, then link to them here. I’ve used a ton of gems to speed upgrades and pigs to keep speeding up long missions to get materials faster but have close to 450,000 overall. Wish I would’ve doubled all my end-of-node totals all this time but there wasn’t anything to use the extra pigs for until the missions came along back in the summer.


    @tc1712 thanks for sharing the info… definitely looking forward to this next character.

    Perhaps @gradientturtle7 can shed some light on this for us?


    @pampeans its definitely lot of luck as far as everything aligning… gold dome, doubling character, # of gold blocks/missiles, and then a good strategy as to when to activate goldbrick for max benefit.

    I’ve had probably 40-50 runs of over 100,000 (mostly low 100’s , but these were the only 2 over 200K and they were way over!

    Happy pig-killing!


    href=”https://www.angrybirdsnest.com/members/jloabt/album/picture/16941/” class=”album-picture-thumb-embed”>Ultimate OP big score.png” alt=”” />

    About a week ago U.O.P.in pig city,gold dome level


    HOBB big score.png

    Pretty adequate! Back in September, hence tbe 3 materials earned


    Galvatron sucks. Even at 15. Energon Galvatron, different story. How about just a general high score posting? I have a couple of pretty sick scores with H.O.B.B…


    Beyond 3 makes no difference. Activate strategically when max coins can be achieved. Also nice, obviously, on Eggbot intercept. Up to 4000 coins per hit on tbe eggbot possible. (Heatwave level 15 with level 3 Goldbrick)



    I almost exclusively use Goldbrick (except for pumpkin competition, Photoblast), and feel that it’s potential for scoring more coins is greater than Goldslam.

    At “level 3,” Goldslam gives you 400 coins. So basically for every 3 “energized” objects/buildings you shoot to get energon, you can get at most this much. So for levels in Pig City where you typically get the most of these, you’d need to shoot 21 energon items to get 2,800 coins ((21/3)x400)=2,800, not possible on most nodes in the game where there might only be somewhere around 9-15 energon objects normally to power-up with, earning you just 1,200-2,000 coins.

    Goldbrick, on the other hand, can get you 4x on everything you shoot, so between the missiles (gold missle = gold block), walking mortar towers (400 coins each at 4x), and hopefully at least a couple gold blocks for 1,000 coins each, it’s much more profitable on most levels to use Goldbrick, even if you’re shooting a lot of those items at 2x or 3x with a lesser power-up. Using a high level Soundwave or Energon Grimlock clears the screen fast and scores big coin.

    After playing over 8,400 nodes in this game, I believe it’s random as far as which version of that node you’ll be playing each time, however there are definitely some levels that I recognize from the beginning that have more gold bricks than others, so I can go back out of the map and re-start the level with a different energonicon.


    @mighty-red-1 so in otherwords, Standard Operating Procedure! Thanks…


    For eggbot intercepts, Heatwave with level 3 Goldbrick yields nearly 6000 coins per hit on the eggbot. This is at level 15. Energon Galvatron and Sentinel Prime are very nice too… especially if you can score gold blocks at the same max Goldbrick . My preference with these characters is to use a high level Energon Grimlock or Soundwave as a helper to clean up all the mess these slow- or precision- shooters aren’t able to keep up with on the screen.

    For gold dome levels, I stay away from the slow shooters like heatwave and go for 100% devastation with level 15 soundwave with a grimlock helper for the missiles.


    @optimuspig I’m getting 3 -7 pumpkins on most levels… a couple of zeroes and a few teens and twenties once in a while…I play probably 3-4 hours throughout most days so it adds up. My 370 number from earlier is now up to 778 I think.

    I recall you’re on iOS and I noticed on my girlfriend’s ipad her pumpkin totals do seem to be a little less on average but not by much. Just played some of hers and got 30 pumpkins on 5 nodes… she’s up to 515 so far today since getting the (still glitchy) update


    Same issue today. None of my pumpkins earned are adding to my totals. @aleks10

    I am connected to FB.

    Also had an updating progress issue this morning, lost 700,000 coins, 2,000 pigs… but gained 20 gems. Still annoying this isn’t fixed however it’s only happened to me 2 or 3 times ever. Android 4.1.2 Samsung tablet running new ver.


    ***Edit: I just lost about 250 pumpkins in the last 5 minutes. Never exited the game. WTF.

    Update: Its back and forth now. Stuck at 624, then went down to 370, adding to the total after a couple of nodes. Then back to 624 after another node and doesn’t add to the pumpkin count. Went up and down a couple times. No clue.

    Couple hours later update: still some back and forth between my 624 and the lower pumpkin total but as I get them they are added to this lower total. Once I finally surpassed 624 again it seems to have stopped doing it.



    Having the same issue as above – “I’m trying to join the new competition, but I cannot. When I click the competition button on the home screen I play the node with Nemisis Prime, but I am never asked to enter a nickname and begin the competition.”

    I keep clicking on the button and playing with Nemesis Prime repeatedly. I can play regular other nodes on the map, get the pumpkins at the end of the level, including the animation of pumpkins going into the button, but when I click on it again, it takes me to tbe original Nemesis Prime level and doesn’t allow me to see the leader board. (I’m getting really good at that level)

    *** Edit – seems to be fixed now….. these pumpkins are toast. ***



    Update: the above glitch i mentioned has been addressed as far as I can see. Thank you!

    I have to say that while my overall sentiments for this game are still on the negative side due to the months and months of glitches that so many of us daily players and techies find incomprehensible for a software team the size of Rovio (where quality control seems to still be in need of improvement), I continue to play. I’m a lifelong transformers fan and grew up watching the show in the 80’s so that helps.

    On the POSITIVE side (for once) its actually pretty awesome that you can pay a gem to change which character plays the nodes, ESPECIALLY eggbot intercept and golden egg dome levels. Now I don’t have to be annoyed playing a high coin potential level with Arcee and I can roll the dice for Goldslam Grimlock or h.o. bumblebee for example. Nice job, Rovio, and makes paying the 10 gem premium a little easier to swallow. I recently got over 280,000 coins playing a level, by far a new record for me. How about ensuring that all golden egg dome levels are long enough and have enough gold blocks to at least double to 100,000? Paying 10 gems and ending up with 6000 coins on a 30-second level is infuriating.

    Rovio: please continue to improve the user experience and listen to your die-hard fans who take time out of their busy days to play your game and – even more importantly – have the passion about your game to post in these forums.

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