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Forum Replies Created
Monday, July twenty something.
198 is still 3, 208 is 4
Sling, ka bam
Tell 45 degrees to pink balls, pick up as much as you can and activate to lower left TNT, falling boulders did not get far right pig.
Shock to where low left TNT was, activate to blast stuff Everywhere, flying debris took out last pig
knichy@knichyToday’s threshold is surprisingly high.
215 is 3*, 238 is 4*
Free sling, ala Kathy bam
Shockwave to triangle stone near base on left side of house, quickly get telebird in sling. As soon as possible throw telebird almost straight down and pick up as many berries as possible and activate to the middle of the second pit
knichy@knichy@suikyo on early today?!?!
This is the first one in a couple of weeks that was any sort of challenge, but as usual Ala Ka Bam, telebird, Shock to cleanup
Ala Knichy Bam, used my own sling scope, I have a ton of em and thousands of coins now. One of the TNT boxes wound up in the middle and blew before I started, taking out that whole lower center section.
telebird over the top, picking up everything up there and activating to the tnts to the far right in the cave looking thing
Shockwave between the hanging thing and left structure, manually activate right between them, blows stuff left and disintegrates center to clear level with all bonus birds for 258
knichy@knichyThursday, 184 still 3* 222 is 4*
Ala Knichy Bam Bam
Telebird to base of closest support, activate to far right supports
Chuck to big horizontal block in middle, queue up shockwave, didn’t need him, entire level collapsed.
knichy@knichyI thing tropigal paradise 2-1 today, Wednesday July 5
85 was 1*, 145540 was 4*. Big spread!
Ala Knichy Bam Bam Bam
Telebird to base of near structure, activate to right leg of middle structure, entire level leveled. Picked off parachute pig with shockwave leaving 4 for bonus points ts
knichy@knichy143640 is 4*
Ala Knichy Bam, all three wound up on the right.
Telebird low between bow and TNT, activate d past center tower and ala tnts blasted the right side to Oblivion.
Shockwave to the base (actually missed and hit the background hill) of the central tower and sayonara piggies.
knichy@knichyOk all, not using @mentions, here’s Kent’s cents
The 4* thresholds are fixed, and usually somewhere near the high scores on ABN for that level
For the get a trophy challenge any trophy should do, you don’t get credit til Monday when you accept your trophy.
The glitch is you can beat the weekend trophy score nfor whatever level, but you don’t get the high level trophy until you beat the level again, even with a low crappy score.
Yes there are occasionally trophy levels that require use of the regular birds above and beyond shockwave and telebird, and using them to grab every piece of debris while leaving a pig, only to buy the three and use one is a good idea.
The more we all collaborate, the more we learn!
knichy@knichyHappy to give back @trishohara after following years worth of your tips!
knichy@knichyActually took two tries today
knichy@knichy@trishohara 327 is 4*.
Ala Kathy bam
Pull shockwave down til he just starts to creep up the sling, I mean barely, and lob between two houses, should take out the hanging stuff and leave pig dangling from balloons.
Telebird under hanging remains to far side, picking up as much as you can and activate to hanging pig.
knichy@knichy@alortor welcome aboard!
knichy@knichyWednesday, 246 for four, first fling again, is it getting too easy?
Could probably do it with less birds, but…
First chuck low, dislodged first TNT an took out lower left pigs and most of structure. Ala Kathy bam, then shockwave straight through rope, manually activate in mid air to wipe lower and mid sections.
Telebird at about 45 degrees to pick up anything there and activate to center of bottom supports of far right structure.
Chuck same path but activate to far upper right pig.
knichy@knichyI guess 203 for 4* isn’t a revelation …..
Ala ka bam, tell to tree and pigs on a rope, shock to remaining left side of boat. Shock doesn’t do much to wood….
knichy@knichyWay easy, 1st fling 178 for 4*.
Chuck through bottom branch, dropping most of tree to ground, 38k
Shockwave to the pile up next to left tower, wiped all that mess, telebird to roght, pick up whatever is in the pit and activate to wooden supports in lower center of right tower..
3 bonus
knichy@knichyOh, to get 350+ I used red first to the peak of the middle roof, bouncing over and knocking down the sign and tilting the box. You can start with sling …
Then ala Kathy bam, high arc shockwave into the V created up against the far structure, cross fingers, hold tongue just right, it pushes everything off to the right and HAS to kill that far right pig and blast the hanging stuff downward, clearing that part as well and blowing the lower right TNT.
Telebird straight ahead, activate to pick up everything up top and hit the pig in the wooden suit and TNT on lower left.
I can’t imagine another 250k worth of anything, considering my request score before 9 bonus birds was only 260+
Repeated 3 times for 350+
knichy@knichy@karen68 the high is now a ridiculously high 583!
I got and earlier 3 bird run for 353, 200 points shy of the Platinum threshold at the time. I just looked and the threshold had dropped to 350, I played with no PUs for 250 and it granted me the Platinum based on prior high score.
@3sjs @wendylong welcome aboard! @3sjs you pretty much have to use PUs to get a fourth star on the dailies. Not always but most of the time. Most of us had to go through growing pains figuring out how to use them at all, then how to use them effectively.knichy@knichyPretty obvious today, 238 for 4.
Telebird toward near tower and activate to TNT on right.
Shockwave high arc to left side of boat, actually to glass on left side of boat.
And all that bonus!
knichy@knichy@kathy I got 340 last week too. Building up my bank account!
Today, Wednesday, easy 4* on this Abra ca bacon level.
Shock through supports of closest upper thing and activate close to right stuff.
Telebird to left remains into cage but missed the cage so picked it off with the first bomb
290350 first try
knichy@knichyMonday south hamerica 1-20 was one of my favs with all the stone to blow. 172 was 3*, 258 is 4 although I see @trishohara narrowed it further above
alaKathy bam
Ob to the right of the second to lasst tower blasting it back into the middle.
Shock low to blast first tower into the middle.
Telebird straight to pick up stuff from middle and activate to the H box in the far structure
knichy@knichy@mleflar we can’t fix stuff, we just talk about it.
Exactly what is going on with your score? Trophy meter or trophy award issues? We have identified and Fairly well defined a few glitches in the scoring system.
knichy@knichyThis.weekend is a recycled level, I remember it bt not where
304 is Platinum, I only have gold but don’t need Platinum so I’m not wasting PUs.