Kookaburra67 Active 8 years, 8 months ago

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  • Kookaburra67

    I actually got the Valiant set via the free spin golden pig. It’s a great advantage but the problem is after a few opponents in the daily challenge, all I get for opponents is people with the same set. What’s the point with this?!!!


    I reported that piece of s&!t to Rovio but who knows what they will do.


    I’m sure it’s out there a gazillion times but how do you send a screen shot of a cheater to Rovio? I can’t believe this crap is still happening!!


    Thanks mate, got it! Ha, just got the Valant Tapestry banner from the daily free roll…


    Looks like there are 3 new sets. I guess within a very short time all the people with unlimited LC cheat tools will have them.


    There was a name (Lulu I think) for the team. All 3 birds were level 12 without any set items. Note the pig with blonde hair hanging out. When I knocked the banner out the pole was entwined with roses.


    That’s what I did. I’ll try again. At least you can click on the link to see the screenshot right?


    Ugh, can’t figure out how to insert it into the forum. Using iOS device.


    There’s the link for the screenshot. Thanks for your help. Took a minute was trying to follow your directions while working out. How do you make the picture automatically appear like the others in this thread?


    Can someone tell me how to upload a screenshot? I’ve just encountered a battle against an opponent with a new banner and cap set.


    Can someone please tell me how to file a complaint to Rovio? Finally, after saving up LC for the new rainbow riot to get a chance at the new gear, the screen won’t respond to opening up the GPM. It just sits there with the countdown running. What the crap?!!!


    I noticed rank 12 teams almost immediately after the update. The time zone LC cheat was available to exploit for a long time and I think many people used it to save up massive amounts of LC. It seems more likely that would be the source of the quick leveling up than spending a lot of actual money to do it. Maybe Rovio realized this and allowed the new leveling up so they could “flush out” those large amounts of LC (my conspiracy theory). I personally am financially well off but have never actually spent any real money on this game. I refuse to. For me, it takes the fun out of it.


    @burbman Just came across another across the board level 12 mastery. Not only that but red was sporting the new primal set. Seems unlikely that anyone would spend that kind of money on a game just to level up.


    @graugeist I have 2 primal Axes and no spear,I would give you one if I could. Took me forever to get the Phoenix egg.


    I have already come across several players with Mastery of 12 with power of 1050. It seems there is no way this could be possible yet. New brand of cheaters/hackers?


    I still have them available. Couldn’t have made it through Cave 17 without them.


    I don’t have a FB account and I have managed to 3 star all cave levels. Using my level 10 Paladin/Dragon set and level 10 Lightning Bird/Phoenix set. Was able to get through cave 16 with just those 2 birds until the boss where I used Prince Porky. Cave 17 was a different story. I had to use Prince Porky on most of the later levels. I just waited until he was available again. On the cave 17 boss I just ended up tossing one of the Mighty Eagles at him that I got from the daily rewards recently. Cave 17 #9 was a pain. I was very careful to keep my health all the way up and the rage chili filled with potions.


    I am about where you are with my main 3 characters. I have come across several battles in PVP with level 12, and that was after the second day of being able to increase mastery. Are these people cheating/hacking?


    This system sucks! I looked forward to playing this game and I am tremendously disappointed!! Did Rovio not figure out that the original game was incredibly successful for a reason. I’m not going to pay not to wait, I’m deleting this game now!!!


    Not from Australia but I played Australian Rules for the Atlanta club in the USA for 10 years. Most of my friends (including my best friend) are from Oz. I started out a Richmond fan but switched to the Swans when one of my friends brought me back a bunch of Swans stuff back for me.


    Yes, it does appear that the statue for week 2 has changed. Last week when I hit diamond league I dropped around 200 LC in the arena GPM to try and beef up my power rankings. Wish I would have known this change was coming, I sure wouldn’t have done that! I think when Angry Birds 2 comes out I will likely be done with this game unless something changes for the good…


    I’ve heard several people talk about avoiding or rejecting opponents. How is that done? Only way I know to do that is to shut down my phone breaking the connection and restarting it.

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