kzodav Active 6 years, 8 months ago

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  • kzodav

    Hey guys.  First time poster.  Anyway, I wanted to let you know that the Viking Hat is ONLY worth (x3 +x10) WHILE the promotion is going on.  After that they are only worth x3.  I just read it in the fine print, after I had spent a ton of rubies just to get 4 of them.  To me, this whole promotion has been very misleading on the part of Rovio.  I wouldn’t have spent any rubies on this if I had known the hats are worthless to me after the challenge.  All of my x3 sets are full and I’m working in completing my x4 hats, so my my Viking hats will basically be useless soon.  Terribly misleading.  Because of this, I’ll end up losing 40 flock power, since they are the only x10 hats that I have.  Money grabbing Rovio.

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