Basic Information


Immortal… Larry

Personal Info

About Me

Hi, I’m Larry and I’m an addict… Can’t let go of the epic birds, golden pigs and snoutlings!

The alias Larry comes from my very first adventure video game ever, Leisure Suit Larry (1987). Pretty much the first 3d game in the world which caused a lot of trouble due to it’s popularity despite (or simply because of) the adult content (mission is to get Larry laid) and with an actual “BOSS KEY” which could be pressed to instantly switch to a complicated looking graph with nonsense data, just in case your boss would come by. It ran from High Density floppy disks which were hard to come by at the time (does anyone in here even remember what those looked like or how drilling a hole in a LD floppy could help out with this issue?). Oh yeah, another thing was that there was no such thing as windows yet… But there was a very amazing 3d game called LSL spreading around the world by actual mail… Yes, with that I do mean the old fashion postal services!!!

I’m also a big fan of the Baldur’s Gate series, both original and the re-launched ones.

Immortal refers to my avatar. Pencils will always win from the Kalashnikov. It’s a direct reference to Je Suis Charlie…






Gamer Details


Android Tablet