LBCJohnny Not recently active

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  • LBCJohnny

    I had the same connection problem.  I uninstalled it and reinstalled it.  Initially the connection problem didn’t go away, I did it the 2nd time after about an hour or so and it looks like the connection is ok but it won’t restore my levels.  GULP!


    Interesting quandary…  I have SoundWave and Blaster promoted enough that with the 4x bonus it’s a doozy.  Unfortunately, if I pair them together, neither can make a dent on Unicron when he shows up.  The difference in bonus when I put them together as opposed to pairing one of them with Dead End is 60%.

    I think the better option is the latter, but when Unicron doesn’t show up, I’m leaving a lot of points on the table…


    Ok thanks for the explanation. Still lame as hell Rovio!


    Wow this is getting ridiculous!

    Today, I didn’t get the 300 tokens I should’ve gotten for coming in 5th place. Ok whatever. I start out today’s challenge with 800 tokens (should’ve been 1100), but I earn enough tokens to make it to 1300. Main challenge says so. I go to the token exchange screen to get my 1500 sparks for 1200 tokens and the screen says I have 360 tokens and therefore I need crystals to redeem.

    What the eff is going on?!?!


    Before the crash, I was unable to complete a spark run for 5 days straight. Challenge nodes crashed about 20% of the time. After update, crashes every other time I go into the app before the map even comes up. Crash about every other challenge node. Ironically, I did a hard reset of my iPad Pro, cleared out all the apps, went into spark run and completed it for the first time in almost a week. Go figure.


    At L26. Crashed today. 4th day in a row. I thought maybe it was as simple as my wifi dropping out in the middle of the game or something. Today, I turned it off to go strictly LTE, went maybe 3/4 of the run, then crashed again.

    Challenge nodes also seem to crash 1 out of say 5 or 6. Regular nodes never crash.


    Crashing also…

    Erased the game, reloaded it. Played the intro node, sent me back to the main screen. Update in progress window comes up, I click the check box and it crashed again. Tried several times to no avail.


    Same thing here. Came in 2nd but all I got was 10000 coins! No gems!


    Hmm… I’m a lurker who registered a couple of days ago, specifically due to this phenomenon and intended to ask about it.

    Not synching between devices, nothing tricky. I play it straight, rarely used gems to quicken the time, except for getting to the eggbots.

    But yesterday, I got into the completed mission portals to claim my prizes and when I got out the center orb was still glowing so I went back in claimed more prizes (checking to see if the previously claimed prizes were still there, which they were). This kept repeating 3x for the easy and hard portals and 2x for the medium, before the orb finally stopped glowing and everything went back to normal. I have completed several missions today but they stayed normal so far.

    Same thing with the Barracks. I was upgrading Prowl. The completed icon was glowing, I went in to complete the upgrade, exited the Barracks, completed icon was still glowing, went back in, upgraded instantly. Went from L5 to L8 before it went back to normal. Never lost any coins other than the original cost to go from 5 to 6. Later I started upgrading Bluestreak and same thing. Went from L5 to L8, then everything was normal again.

    Strange, but I ain’t complainin’

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