Lisko Active 6 years, 11 months ago
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Lucifer the cat

    • He’s stunning! @lisko No wonder you fell in love with him! Fantastic name as well! You’re just about to join a whole heap of kitty lovers in the BP……me included :) I have to say though that I think your little monster will love Lucifer more than Lucifer loves little monster ;( in my experience cats don’t particularly like knee highs LOL!!

      • Haha, we had four cats at one point, but then I got allergic so we got new homes for all of them just to be sure. Now I’ve found out that I wasn’t allergic to the longhaired ones, cause there not as much dandruff in their skin. So we decided to take a longhaired one cause I can handle him without any allergic symptoms.
        Our son is very polite when…[Read more]

        • And yes, all the four cats went to sleep by themselves, we didn’t force them into the same chair xD