Loknar Active 8 years, 1 month ago

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  • Loknar


    I don’t think it is related to Bluestacks. I am playing the game on Android 5.1.1 on Huawei Honor 6 phone. I was in-game at the time the event ended though, in the leaderboards screen for the event observing if I needed to spend more stamina potions to ensure a three star finish.

    If I recall correctly, after I closed the leaderboards screen when the event had finished, the event icon on the right side of the screen showed the “Finished” text for a split second, before the icon disappeared for good.


    @shapokomanbeast @timber

    After submitting the initial ticket, and answering their inquiry for some extra information, they have now reimbursed me those 100 Lucky Coins that ShapokoManbeast mentioned. You are correct that is not a fair compensation, considering that would not even cover the cost of the Friendship Essences and Stamina potions used to ensure the three star finish.

    I have of course contacted them again about that, but I am not sure if Rovio will bother doing anything about that. My latest ticket for fair compensation for the arena and event resets a couple of months back has lain ignored for over a month now, while other tickets have been answered.


    Anyone else having problems not being able to finish the event and thus receive the rewards? The event icon on the right side of the screen is gone, and the news tab is showing the next event. Restarting the game doesn’t bring up the event completed splash screen either.

    This is very annoying, especially after spending some resources to secure a three star finish. Not to mention the event and arena reset issues a while back, which pushed me from a three star event finish to a one star finish, and pushed my arena league progress four weeks back. And what is Rovio doing about that? Apparently just ignoring me.

    Makes one wonder why keep playing the game…



    The ticket was posted on Friday, and as it took 6 days for Rovio to reply, it was too late for them to do anything about that particular board.

    From my experience there can be quite distinctive difference in the quality of the support you receive depending on which customer support representative happens to reply to your ticket. Although I did explicitly ask in the ticket how are they dealing with the cheaters, as so far the cheaters have just seemed to get away with it.


    It seems that Rovio may actually start doing something about the cheaters:

    Hello there,

    and thanks for your message!

    Sorry to hear that Epic has been causing trouble again.

    We made some good progress with the cheating issue especially during the past autumn, and the amount of cheaters has decreased significantly compared to last year. Of course, that doesn’t help much if there is now a cheater who takes over your leaderboard or battles in a team against you – there are unfortunately still some cheaters who can circumvent our anti-cheat methods. However, we are aiming to improve the situation further quite soon as we are going to implement some new server upgrades which should help us with this issue.

    We investigated this player “Kakaroto” and it indeed seems that he/she is a cheater. We have now wiped his/her game progress entirely and banned his/her account from the game.

    I assure you, we are doing our best to make the game fair for everyone. We sincerely apologize for the negative effect these dishonest players are having on your gaming experience; we understand very well that they take the fun out of the game very quickly. Thanks for your patience!

    Kind regards,

    Rovio Support Team

    For the record it took Rovio about 6 days to answer the ticket, which is almost reasonable, although does not really help the person who got cheated out of the league advancement. However the tickets regarding the arena and event resets a while back still remain unsolved…


    As it seems that one must register and post here to get support, so here we go.

    Among other things, the arena issues still have not been solved. Ticket #1282574

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