Porky Bonkers Not recently active

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  • Porky Bonkers

    Totally agree with this…I held top spot twice on the Emerald Arena level then left for a few days and came back at the bottom just for a few games as was not bothered about competing. Strangely my win ratio has suddenly switched from 8/10 to 1/10 and against other same rank but weaker card players. All of a sudden unexplained lag in bird launch, ineffective strikes….its as if my birds are level 5 cards instead of 9s and 8s. I’m level 47 so am used to going up against players with 10’s and 11’s and still winning…what on earth is going on! Outside of the arena I also agree that at times the levels are very hard indeed and also more than repetitive. I’m not going to play the arena anymore as it’s obviously not a level playing field….

    Porky Bonkers

    Same prob but I signed in through FB it worked I got in hope this helps

    Porky Bonkers

    Got the same prob….finished top diamond can’t get page to open…to release booty…doesn’t look good …

    Porky Bonkers

    Spent all week battling in Diamond and top of with a moderate 700 score to win….I go to cash in the next day as I’m top and servers down so no doubt it’s gonna wipe it all out when fixed. That happens again no more AB 2 Arena as I’m sick of this. It’s pointless scenario to go through all of that albeit for fun but to then have everything collapse because closing times are always weekends when no doubt staff react time possibly is limited at R.

    Porky Bonkers

    Tell me dude….I spent a hardcore week battle in Dismond topped of with a win next day I go in and can’t cash out!…connection error etc etc Does this mean everything will get wiped out when it’s fixed…i.e. Score etc….

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