• @mattharvey1




    Rebels #270907


    we have 3 clans and can help you grow fast, keep you engaged and tons of fun chats from help with birds to music, food and cars.

    Gearheads most welcome

  • @mattharvey1 Come check us out ay Solar Flock and see if we’re the right fit for you! #266104

  • @mattharvey1, have you found a Clan yet? Mine is amazing: we finished the current 600 point Event well in advance (as we always have since I’ve been with them and before) so now we’re just waiting on the Legendary Chest and all the gems, feathers and pearls. It’s a great group of 49 reliable and committed players ranging from kids to seniors, with…[Read more]

    • Thanks Inigo,
      Great pitch! :)
      Sounds good
      What’s your can number.

      • Hey Matt, our Clan is Breaking Beaks #113169, and you can come by to chat and for more info at BreakingBeaks.com, which brings you to our Wrlcome room. There are also some screenshots and details at ABN in the Forum (you’ll see our name in the title) as one of our other coleaders posted there. It’s a closed Clan with just one opening so our Lea…[Read more]

      • Our Clan Leader Toaster Oven is expecting your request in AB2 and at BreakingBeaks.com; let me know if you have any issues getting in!

      • Oops! Just saw that you’ve joined Slayer; best of luck with them, and perhaps we’ll see you in CvC Battle some time!
        Regards, Inigo