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  • meanguy


    I hope I’m posting this in the right place.
    On 7/6/19 I was playing the Daily Challenge when I got a Zero Birder. I took a screenshot;

    Here are the requested facts about what occurred:

    Game: AB Space-Cold Cuts-Mirror World
    Level: m2-4
    Destruction: Partial; The entire left tower & all pigs exploded after a reset.
    Range of Score: Unknown; I got 51,940 with Zero birds used.
    Frequency: Unknown; I reported it right after it happened.
    Wait Time: Happened right after reset. I had reset hundreds of times before this.
    No shots were needed. It just happened on a reset.

    If more information is needed, please contact me.


    Not in ABFriends, but on the leaderboard for the Challenge.
    I contacted the Admins earlier today about this, but haven’t heard back.


    @kathy    A “hotspot”, as I understand it, means that my phone was serving as the wifi connection to the internet, instead of my cable modem.

    What’s a “numpty” ? Ha ha


    @kelliekay  Thank you. And in case no one else has said it before, Welcome to the Nest. I see that you have been a member for only two weeks, and already have endured the anxiety of a Rovio malfunction. Luckily it seems to have worked itself out, though I didn’t get a gift. But that’s ok, I never use powerups anyway.

     I just got the notification of your message. Again, for some reason, notifications from ABN appear to be really taking their time getting to me. This was happening before the misery here in Florida, or I would blame it on the hurricane.  As to not having internet access, my cellular company allowed a wireless hotspot thru my phone, and though intermittent, I was able to get into the Nest (& the web) during the storm.

    The only update I saw today was for Jurassic Pork. I ignored it because I’ve had it for a while now. But, Seasons is working normally again, hopefully for good (wishful thinking?!).

    Happy flinging !!!



    @kathy  Thanks for your sentiments. My home & vehicles only received minor damage. Being without utilities was the biggest pain, at least for me.

    As far as figuring out how things work, or don’t work, regarding stuff on the interweb, I leave that up to people who are much smarter than me.

    I’ve never played the Pig Challenge, but maybe Rovio can restore your missing stars. They seem to be on a roll, getting Seasons working again…after only 2 weeks, lol !!!



    @ixan57  Thanks for the kind words.  As for the tablet,( android-based Lenovo) I just finished checking it out and I am happy to report that it too is working like it did before Rovio did something that they will never reveal or admit to. I just hope the “fix” is permanent.


    @kathy & @ixan57   The reply from Tadeusz is the exact same one I received on Aug.31, word-for-word. This must be Rovio’s standard reply when they don’t have a real answer.

    Today, 9/14/17, is the first time in nearly six days that I am able to once again play AB using BlueStacks on my PC. I live on the west side of  central Florida and Hurricane Irma really beat the hell out of us. No power, water, gas, food, or internet, etc. Fortunately, where I live, nearly all services have been restored and more food is being delivered to stores daily.

    I opened today’s Challenge and found that it is another Seasons episode. As I have done for the past two weeks, I first attempted to open Seasons before going back & turning off internet connection. I’m sure you can imagine my surprise & delight (relief?) that Seasons opened right up. So far, it’s working like it is supposed to. I really hope it continues!  I have not tried Seasons on my tablet yet, but I’ll find out later.  I hope it works for everyone that has had this problem.

    Happy flinging to all !!!



    For some reason, it is taking a really long time for some messages to reach me. I never did get the question you put to me & @gumby earlier today.  As far as steps go;  I first turn on one of my tablets, let it boot & link to wifi, then try to open Seasons. When it fails after the loading screen, I turn off the wifi ( I completely forgot about airplane mode, having never used it before today), then I am able to open  Seasons and turn the wifi back on. It is tedious, but it works.

    BlueStacks is an android emulator for PC’s.  It lets you use & play android apps on desktop computers, like my Dell XPS 8700, since Rovio no longer makes games that are PC compatible.

    As I stated earlier today, BlueStacks suggestion was to update to their lastest version 3, but I really don’t want to. When I HAD to update to version 2, I lost all my scores in AB.

    For now, I think I will just keep trying to open Seasons whenever I want to play a level there and if I can’t get in, I’ll do the wifi off/wifi on shuffle until Rovio, or someone much smarter, figures this out.




    I am glad that Seasons is now working on your device.

    After receiving your message, I checked both of my android-based tablets. With the wifi on, Seasons will not open on either one ( I have a 6 year old Toshiba forever stuck with 4.0.4, ice cream sandwich, and a 3 year old Lenovo running 5.0.1, lollipop).

    Yesterday I was able to get into Seasons only after turning off my wifi connection on both tablets. Today, as of 9pm, Florida time, I still cannot open Seasons with the wifi on. However, once I get Seasons open, I can turn the wifi back on and keep playing.


    @kathy  I just received your message. Yesterday I had this same problem on both android & BlueStacks. Before contacting the Nest, I wrote to both Rovio and BlueStacks about this issue. That was before I found the, hopefully temporary,  solution (Wifi off/ open seasons/ turn wifi back on).

    This morning,on my PC, I had to turn off my internet connection, then open Seasons, then re-connect to the internet. It worked fine. I then tried turning off Seasons, & turning it back on, only to have the same problem again.

    While I was doing this I received emails from Rovio & BlueStacks.

    Rovio says they are now aware of this problem and have their “development team” working on it. They hope to have it figured out soon, but it will require a new update to Seasons to correct the issue.

    BlueStacks also says that they are now aware of this problem. They further recommend that everyone using BlueStacks 2 should update to BlueStacks 3, their latest iteration. They would then like everyone that updates to contact them and let them know whether or not it fixed the problem.

    Personally, I do not want to update BlueStacks unless I absolutely have to. When they made me update to BlueStacks 2, I lost ALL my Angry Birds scores. Also, upgrading to BlueStacks 3 would do nothing to help with the problem on my android-based tablet.

    Hopefully, this issue will get fixed sooner than later.





    @birdmeister With a grimace on my face,I can say that I am relieved, & sad,that this bug exists. After a couple of hours of trying everything I could think of,I finally hit the red X to get a different mission. When the new mission opened,it again was for a level where the birds would not work.I then tried using the birds like the regular red bird.Several attempts later,I gave up and was about to hit the red X again.When I went back to the mission board,it marked the mission complete. I tried that again with the next mission,but had no such luck. Plus,I still haven’t been able to get a feather,even after reading the section @amslimfordy suggested.OH WELL !!!

    I’ve written to Rovio about the non-responsive birds on my tablet.I’ll let you know if I hear from them. Happy Flinging !!



    I don’t know if this is the right place to post this,but here goes. I opened AB Space to see today’s missions. My 3 missions are : 1. Finish level 25 of Pig Dipper in Mirror World
    2. Finish level 11 of Pig Bang in Mirror World
    3. Earn Feather from level 3of Brass Hogs

    I opened level 25 of PD in MW & found that I could launch the birds,but not use his power (regular power,NOT a PU).
    The same thing happened in level 11. As for the Feather, I have no idea how to “earn a feather”. I’ve never played for feathers.
    My real question is,in Mirror World are the birds supposed to react as they usually do or is there a problem with my Toshiba Thrive tablet?
    I saw the red ” X” in the upper right corner of the 3 Mission boxes,that when pressed,stated that the mission will be changed in 30 minutes,but I’m afraid that new new missions will encounter the same non-responsive birds. Can you help me sort this out? THANKS


    @mvnla2- Yes, I was on my PC when it happened. When I played the Short Fuse levels on my tablet I don’t remember anything like that happening.


    @mvnla2- There was no swaying. Just after a reset,& while the bird was settling into the slingshot, the left side would go to pieces like tnt had been used. I could see no reason for it. The pieces would just go flying. There was no even spacing between events. The first time, I had been playing for only a few minutes & just reset. About 40 minutes later,it happened twice within 5 minutes. The pic I submitted was the third time it happened & the one that gave the most points. The final time was about 90 minutes later. Each time, I launched the BB towards the right tower,but never got more points than the amount in my pic. I can’t explain it,so I report it.


    @mvnla2- This happened 4 times in about 2 hours. Each time, it occurred only upon a reset,several minutes apart. The left side just blew itself to pieces before any birds were launched, as seen in the screenshot I posted. Hope this helps.


    @mvnla2- I’m sorry,but I don’t have any more details about ABO Big Setup 10-3. As I posted when 10-3 was the Daily Challenge,upon reset on my Toshiba Thrive tablet,nearly the entire right side seemed to go to pieces,leaving the left side of the bridge & some wood on the far right side. I then used two big red birds to take out the remaining structures. That resulted in am impossibly high score,over 98,000,which I wrote about but did not post as a Challenge score.
    After a lot of searching on the internet,the only possible reason I can find for this and other ‘glitch-like’ occurences might be a recent update to the android operating system on my tablet. The ICS upgrade appears to be responsible for a variety of weird happenings.
    As for ABS HH 1-1, ABO Golden egg #20,& ABO RMF 24-13 (23-13 on PC),these all occurred on my PC. I have no idea why. Sorry I can’t be more helpful. I’ll keep reporting these things as I find them.


    At least 4 times so far today,5/3/14, while playing the Daily Challenge, Golden Egg # 20, I have seen the center area of this level erupt, sending many hats flying. This happened each time just as the level reset. The destruction was not that impressive,yielding only a few thousand points before any birds were used.

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