• MVNLA2 posted an update in the group ABN Members’ Map 10 years, 11 months ago

    @DH-Kim — If you join and list info requested above, I would be thrilled to give you a green dot in S. Korea.
    Could also put a yellow dot somewhere for Pigengineering, but not sure where?
    Are more of the Pigengineering crew members of ABN? Don’t know the rest of their names.

    • @mvnla2 “Do not list city if you are under 21″…I must wait then. {post has been edited by staff}

      • If you want a green dot on the map in South Korea please let me know. I will pick a location for you. The rules of the group are that you must request a dot on the map. It’s OK if you don’t list a city.
        What about a location for Pigineering? Maybe I could decide on a location for Pig Island?
        Must say I’m surprised that you’re under 21..

        • I am faraway under 21 :D

          Thanks if you can add a dot. and I will ask Pigineering if it is okay to tell their real location.

        • I regret to tell you PIgineering don’t want me to reveal their location, sorry!

          • I’m going to put Pigineering on Pig Island in the Bahamas, which is a real place. Both you and them will be in next update, which might take a couple of days.

            • After Foreman Pig is satisfied with Homeland Security arrangements, pigineering crews were given the go-ahead to post their Earth-land coordinates :)