• MVNLA2 posted an update in the group ABN Members’ Map 10 years, 7 months ago

    @Maiasatara — You’re on the map. Please let me know if I made any mistakes. Had no idea where Fall River, MA was; didn’t realize MA went that far south.

    • @MVNLA2 – map looks great, thank you! I zoomed way in and you almost hit City Hall directly; nice job! Funny I don’t think of MA going “south” but Fall River (think Lizzie Borden and Emeril Lagasse) does border Rhode Island. Glad to represent; map a very cool feature of ABN!

      • @Maiasatara — I didn’t hit City Hall; it was Google Maps that decided the center of Fall River was City Hall. now if you want a dream home / summer home; the accuracy of those locations is something I enjoy doing!