nikki567 Active 8 years, 1 month ago

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  • nikki567

    I have enjoyed the past few events, (THANK YOU ROVIO,- no bugs,!) (I mute the game sound and rock out while I play. My current favourite to play to is Ska.) Thank you for a glitch-free game (tho now I hope I haven’t jinxed myself, lol.) Anyway, nice challenges these past few times. Just saying this for the record, after the many previous difficulties, and think Rovio might appreciate positive feedback.


    (Correction: whatever the last special event was called, not the Chinese New Year event :) )


    When I started the event at 7pm EST yesterday, the leaderboard top scores were 6016, 5,907, 5,049, 4,272, etc., and obviously no one could have garnered those points with the first seconds of play. (I took a screenshot.) After I played three nodes, suddenly I was in second place with 5,907 points! This was actually my score at the end of the LAST special event, and then after playing another node I dropped back to my actual score. However, that CNY score continues to be intermittently displayed.

    Anyway, clearly there is a scoring bug, and I’m not going to spend any gems this time if this keeps up.


    I had almost enough to get the TF while I waited to see if I’d stay #1 in the latest competition, but opted instead last minute to splurge on the available accessories,(which I don’t usually do,) because of the poor reviews of the new TF. I don’t typically spend many gems, and don’t accessorise my critters. I also wasn’t sure if I needed to spend my almost-6000 before the end of the event, so figured I’d accessorise rather than wait til end of event and risk losing out on all.

    I find these special events fun, but the 6000 for the new TF seemed steep, given that I played hard but got swiped in the last few minutes, as others said. Also want to mention that during my many, many runs, not all targets registered, i.e. I would hit targets but they didn’t show up in my aggregate hits.

    I hope Rovio will continue these, though. Ramp down the required points to acquire TF. This is one long-time player who deliberately chose not to get the new TF.


    Apparently, my specific version of the bug only lets me garner 8 ice cubes, period. I sent a report to Rovio.


    That was supposed to be “probs,” as in “problems,” not “probes,” lol.


    iPad, IOS 9.2, New England (US,) (iOS update available, but haven’t done it yet.) Multiple issues: 1) No probes for about a day, then frequent “Update” bug, and none of the suggested work-arounds have stopped it. 2) Had a whopping good run for a day, but now none of my targeted ice cubes register as having been shot during my runs. Well, I think 8 registered, but should have been in the dozens.

    I am sooooo tired of this.


    In past experience (many times,) I upgraded with no initial problems, then a few days later had catastrophic bugs that left it unplayable for months. I’ll wait til all bugs are resolved before upgrade.


    Can’t play the Arena for the past two days – I get a message to check internet connection (tho I am connected.) Tried restarting iPad, turned modem off/on, reinstalled game, Airplane Mode on/off, launched via Game Center – none of these worked.

    I am, however, able to play the regular games, but it’s the Arena that’s the most fun now that I have completed all available levels. Anyone else experience this?


    @Poncho, I am on FB, but that didn’t help me with the current unplayable issue.

    , yes, I agree. I’ve been reading more books than ever and my veggie garden is now weed-free!

    , it has been several weeks for me since I could play!

    Alex, I feel ya’. I’m eternally stuck at 307. Rovio has not replied to me in quite a while. Their customer service is, frankly, surprisingly ineffective.


    My game always opens with Arcee doing her upgrade victory dance in slow motion (as in, one frame takes about ten seconds.) Eventually, if I click the exit arrow bottom right, I get to the map, but cannot access any nodes or Missions or the Lab, and the Arcee Upgrade Complete icon (bottom right of screen) is still glowing.

    I have in/reinstalled several times. No recent word from Rovio. It’s been a few weeks now since I could play at all. :-(


    Same here, @Dragynox. Very disappointing!


    @DawniJeann, count yourself lucky that you can play sans wifi! …My game loads with Arcee in completed Upgrade mode, then eventually I get to the map, and then …no interaction available. Wifi or no wifi, the game for me is unplayable. Supposedly Rovio is working on it, but no resolution yet. The wifi aspect doesn’t seem to be an answer in my case.


    I’m not sure thread on which to post this, but fyi, Rovio has responded via email that they are working on this latest issue that makes ABT unplayable for some of us. (ios 8.4, NE, U.S..) Just thought I’d let you know.


    Not for me, Optimus_Pig…I get the infernal Restart, then the game quits (on both iPad and iPhone.) I emailed Rovio yesterday, but no answer yet.


    It was worth a try, @Cerpin, and who knows, maybe it will work for you!


    @Cerpin, I have a Very Hard Terrence node that offered me the upgrade/or play options; I was able to get to the Upgrade window for Terrence, however when I tried to upgrade him, it sent me to a continuous loop of Arcee’s “Upgrade Complete.”

    And yes, I’ll email Rovio.


    Now the game is completely unplayable. Anyone try an un/reinstall this time?

    iOS 8.4, North of Boston, factory settings.


    @Optimus_Pig, I tried that, and it doesn’t help. I am now in an unplayable status. :(


    @Cerpin, I have been humming along with the game, no issues, then today when I logged in mid-day, I had a dreaded “Restart,” (only had one of those since that recent update.) Now I am stuck with a continuos Completed Upgrade, lower right of screen. I can play nodes. I then had a completed mission, which unlocked one of the three-headed critters. I have played several nodes with that TF, but can’t access the Barracks to upgrade him, ‘cuz the barracks are in continuous “Completed” status. (In retrospect, I shouldn’t have opened the Completed Mission, but I was trying to jump-start past the bug.)

    I have tried logging out of FB, hard-restarting the app, restarted my iPad, playing via Game Center. I have NOT tried installing the update from yesterday yet. The only good news is that I have now jumped up six levels to 307 in the past hour, lol.

    Did you install the most recent update? I am hesitant to do so. Any sign of Rumblebee from Rovio? :-)


    The un/reinstall worked on my iPad. I was indeed in the midst of upgrading Grimlock when I first tried the update. I AM connected to FB and Game Center (ABT is actually the only reason I keep my FB account these days.)

    Since I un/reinstalled the game, I had one initial “Restart,” but have had flawless gameplay since then. It actually performs 100% better than it did before, with the continual Restarts and coin/gem/materials losses I used to experience daily. I still have the older version on my iPhone, and haven’t updated it nor played the game on my iPhone; I guess I don’t want to chance another glitch. I do want to mention that it was pretty cool to see that there are people all over the world playing this – I hope everyone gets their game going again!


    My iPad:

    A) ios 8.4 (I just updated from 8.3 in case that would help, but it didn’t)
    B) North of Boston, U.S.
    C) 289
    D) I have no idea what that means!

    Thanks for looking into this, Rumblebee.


    Same here – iPad, iOS 8.3. Crashes before game fully loads.


    @DawnJeann, can you explain what the numbers in red are in your silo? I’m using IOS (iPad.)


    Finally managed to destroy some silos today in Pig City, both times with Corporal Pigs, both Level 11. The second time, I got three silos in one run. I was so excited that I didn’t pay attention to how many coins it rendered. Now I can cross that off my bucket list :)

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