sheepybach Not recently active

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  • sheepybach

    This game has changed for the worst. They need to get rid of this silly war pass events as when you get to level 50 you still have to pay £17.99 to get all the rewards. RIP off


    Just completed my 3rd 4 run event node and am still a way off 10,000 points.

    Decided to call it a day with this comp.



    I got no idea either why they kill me but they do.


    I see the dropped the tokens down to 50 for each total. I wonder what is next that they are going to mess up.



    That would work if I knew the walk way was blocked but sadly they just appear and bang I’m dead. Still not completed a node yet. You getting walk ways blocked????


    Unlocked the new area this morning and have had the same node 4 times and been kill 4 times as the structure is on the walk way and you have to hit it and bang you”re dead. It’s crazy.


    so they have changed the bonus squad now SMFH plus they are offering Bots I’ve already got that is just plain crazy



    Same here the bonus squad is not showing in my list. Only 1 add-on and That’s an apron  for silver grimlock. Nice mess up Rovio again




    How Gems did you use to reach 10,000 Plasma??????



    I’m only getting 1 point for the target item’s and as I’ve said very very low scores.

    Such is life lol


    Yesterday’s Event targets scored 1 and today’s targets are the same, well it is for me.

    Anybody else finding the same? All yesterday and the run’s I’ve done today I’ve just got over 1000 after 500% once and total score of 14K at the end.


    Not been around for a while or played but I decided to give this event a go. Boy I wish I’d never bothered as I find Rovio are up to their tricks again.

    They’ve dropped the scoring and have not got over 500 in any event run yet and then I find that you no longer score anything shooting down the missiles that the Big Guy fires and when you kill him you now only get 400 and not 550 as we did before plus all the other Halloween stuff on the runs no longer adds to the score.

    Moan over see you are later lol


    Hiya all,

    Is it just me as just completed an event 4 run which is for blue glass blocks and there was next to zero of them. I wonder if they”ve messed up again????


    Phew I’m glad I’m not the only 1 that can’t find any TNT, I’m averaging 2 a run but no end of rockets that score 1 point. Way to go Rovio


    That’s me done folks fed up of getting 0 on most of the runs. Had 7 out of 12 runs. Waste of time trying to play




    Geeezzzz they have listened lol Pity they not drop the red blocks down to 1 point lol



    Phew I thought I was going nuts and hence I not post to ask but I see the very same thing the tokens needed have been reduced. Sorry better get on the phone and stop the men in white coats coming to take me away ha ha. I feel a little better that its not me but it still does not make up for this huge farce of an event.


    This event is nothing but a farce, I did a 4 run last night and my total score from all plus bonus was 91. Just done another 4 run and had 2 scores of  0, Zero, nothing, nada and then a score of 26 and 35 after bonus. As you can work out I’m not even on the leader board.

    So 5 days of nothing coming up for me unless they add more Green Blocks, Do a run in Pig City and I think there are only about 6 to 10 Green and all the rest are Red.

    You could not make this up you really can’t.


    What a crock of sh1te this event is. Just did the 1st 4 run and my total after bonus is 93 not even on the board. They are so few green blocks to a large number of red blocks that high scoring is not going to happen. You get 3/4 green blocks and the rest are all red so your score is wiped out quickly.

    Boy oh Boy


    Another waste of time event offering a ABT Bot that is really unobtainable by us players at 10,000 tokens in 6 days, no chance at all.

    I also see it’s RIP off Britain again as the buddle here cost £99.99, in the USA it’s  $76.00, Euro is £82.00.

    What a shame they decided not to give us the tokens we never got from the sharkhog event but to hold them over until Aug 4th event when I expect what is on offer then we all got


    That’s OK then but I wonder if the amount of tokens needed for the next event ABT Bot will be increased because of this.


    There was a 100 tokens in my daily quest and I got them all but sadly they never added to my total like they normally do. Magic stuff Rovio


    Same here the prize for the event are not adding to the total tokens, it goes through the normal way but not added.

    This has happened several times before when the 1st place shows 100 they don’t add to your total. Way to go Again


    Hey Guys,

    Thanks alot I’ll never get any to those levels and so was wondering what was what.

    iechyd da


    Hey with the bots at an overpower L16 does that show in the event table as purple??? Only used to see Gold & Silver as bonuses but i”‘m starting to see purple now

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