Pointless Active 6 years, 9 months ago
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    @sutekh137 yep, the whole Event (i.e. a Class, for all I care about), as well as a demotion from Gold League in Arena (although I can’t be sure, only two days of scoring would lead me to believe this is a given).
    The end for me, if/when this is solved and I get a for rote “we are sorry for…BS…BS…BS…, please accept our entirely unsatisfactory compensation of a used plastic grocery bag and a half eaten tuna sandwich (almost fresh-ish).


    Speak for yourself 😡


    Still no further ahead here…and no answer from Rovio to my reply that I had indeed tried an unintall/reinstall, which did not solve the problem.




    Got a reply from Rovio, consistent with their usual stock answers. They are aware of the problem, but should be fixed now. I may have to uninstall/reinstall before logging in again.
    Umm…I initially wrote that that was exactly what I had tried, more than once, to no avail.
    Nothing like actually reading the ticket before answering…


    Now can’t log in…updated and stuck forever, repeatedly, on Loading Balancing. Uninstalled and reinstalled…now when I try to log into my Rovio account, it tells me “update required for this profile” and then the game freezes. FFS Rovio…


    @quickgaming we are not talking about 30 LCs, rather 10, and for the cost of at least 30 SD, and often more, to reach the GPC and play through it in the first hour that it becomes available. Not worth it.


    @dahnlor you can include the GPC in the Events, wherein you used to be able to easily make five runs through, giving 50 LCs, before they changed the timer. Now the only way to make five runs is to spend a huge amount of SD to blast through the final levels and open the GPC (now costing 15 Stamina to play) to earn the additional 10 LCs…hardly worth the consumption.

    Well done again, Rovio/Chimera. The Golden Pig on the World Map has been a fixture, in various forms, since the game’s inception. Nothing like just taking this away. You have severely reduced sources of Snouts, FE and LC to fully promote P2W. What’s next?


    Still use my tried-and-true combo of Paladin/TBird/SeaDog/Skulkers. I have yet to even be hit by a Titan charge attack (but my Birds are all M80 with complete Sets).


    @toolow I’d chuckle, yet I wouldn’t put it past them…so shhhh! I kinda like my kidneys :)


    @toolow I was about to ask the same thing…must be a new “improvement” introduced in the upgrade. Really Rovio, why not just require a credit card to log on and be done with it?


    I would say something poignant (ie to the point), yet fear the gist of its content (ie the point) would probably be sharp (ie pointed) and may thereby become less meaningful (ie pointless)


    Thankfully the excessive World Map load times seem to have been fixed, at least..


    I have been told Silver…fits, yet why on earth in ABE? Doesn’t make any sense…thanks for that, Rovio


    Umm…what the heck is that trophy supposed to be?
    Stella? The parrot from Rio? Surely not Mighty Eagle…


    The All Stars are Rovio’s attempt at bringing Arena specific Classes into the game (note the sports motif), as it’s the only thing driving the game now. These Classes have passive abilities that really are only suited for the Arena game, and come at a cost of decreased Health/Power bonuses compared to their Elite/Legacy cousins.
    I have All Star TBird, and although his heal is semi-useful in Arena, it comes at a cost of a 0% Power bonus. Granted, TBird is not a high damage Class, but I’ll take the additional damage over the healing in a PvE setting.


    @dallasreds since the last update, it’s no longer possible to visit a Friend’s camp and see the Mastery ranks that they have obtained, so we have no way of knowing how close to all M80 one’s Friends may be.


    @fant they are on the east side of the map, one through a Friendship Gate by the Bottomless Pit, and the other more South, just up from the Sunken Pyramid.


    Yes, spent 90 LCs to get the last Elite…the never to be used Elite Priest(ess). Worthless, yet worth it, I suppose…


    @budstheawesome how do you have all available Elites/Legacy Classes? Not possible yet…
    Legacy Classes have bumped the equivalent Class to Elite status, so in essence, you have two Elites for the same Bird Class. Useless, unless your main concern is the aesthetic of the game…in which case you’d be playing Barbie dresssup, or some other game that @dallasreds keeps going on and on about…


    Nope…that’s it…a new skin is all…complete joke of an addition. Rovio, is this all we have to look forward to in Epic? You will lose us all very quickly…



    If you still work there and care


    @dallasreds a valid concern…maybe he’s also switched genres and is now channeling an inner Gollum (in that all too common thing in games these days, a trans-genre’d approach)


    @smwforever45 I said “done”, not “gone” :)
    Certainly didn’t mean to imply the world was down one Yoshi :D


    I’m guessing @smwforever45 is done? Not sure this topic is relevant anyways, but may be in the future, as Rovio tends to change thresholds frequently.


    A little pricey, yes, but will M up every Class by at least one level, maybe even more, depending where you currently stand. If you haven’t made a IAP yet, remember you also get the benefit of no ads before battles, as well (which is a huge boon, considering all the hang ups/crashes associated with these forced ads).


    So, once again, what is the point? If we get a 10% boost to the base, then all well and good, I suppose, but these Legacy upgrades are overriden by the Elites. Why would we use them? You can’t even argue from a collection stand point, as this upgrade will replace the existing skin for Tricksters (I have ArchMage and I cannot revert this to Mage). Shiny baubles…

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