• MVNLA2 posted a new activity comment 10 years, 9 months ago

    In reply to: MVNLA2 posted an update in the group ABN Members’ Map @samee-sevas — Welcome to the map group! It you want to be on the map, please post the information requested above in this group. View

    @samee-sevas @ramis-wasi — Wow! We could have multiple people on the map in Bangladesh! But I can’t put you on the map unless you post a request in this group listing the info requested above. If you don’t list your city / region, I will choose a location for you so everyone can have a separate dot on the map.

  • MVNLA2 posted an update in the group ABN Members’ Map 10 years, 10 months ago

    @ramis-wasi — Welcome to the map group! It you want to be on the map, please post the information requested above in this group.
    BTW did you notice there is already an ABN member in Bangladesh? Always room for more though!