IC Dead Pigs Not recently active

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  • IC Dead Pigs

    I should have sold Mighty Feathers when I had a chance!  Might have been able to get a few thousand for it.  Lol

    IC Dead Pigs

    You want him banned for recruiting people for his clan??  At least it sounds like he helped to complete a clan event. What’s next request to have people banned because they like the color blue!??!

    IC Dead Pigs

    I know the Russian clans have a bad rep, but there’s nothing wrong in having 2 accounts.  I have 2 as well as a number of other players

    IC Dead Pigs

    They get the same rewards

    IC Dead Pigs

    I would like to invite you to join our very active clan, but I’m concern that you would be banned after starting a cvc and hurt the clans chance of winning.  Your clone looks to be rather fresh due to the lack of a frame and no hatchling

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