rjfg007 Active 5 years, 7 months ago

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  • rjfg007

    How can these people that work at Rovio be so stupid and still live? Daily quest Destroy 75 Stone Blocks which there are none!! You would have thought they would have fixed this by now.



    How can these people that work at Rovio be so stupid and still live? Daily quest Destroy 75 Stone Blocks which there are none!!


    Don’t have any of the Speedsters which one should I get?



    How come I have only choice of girlbots  yet on my leader board they are three Dead Ends one grimmrock and a few others?


    Is Dead End worth over powering? 8% level 15 – 16


    Don’t have any of the bots should I get one or buy the 10 gold crates??


    Had my phone taken Samsung s7 edge so using my old iphone 6 but when i open game im about 6 months behind I started a new ticket 4 days ago still no word from them how long does it take for them to respond??


    Get Energon Megatron, I have him only level 5 so far I like it and I asked the same question about which one to get and Energon Shockwave was the least of the four to get.



    Which transformer to get: E. Shockwave , E. Nautica or E. Windblade,  I have 13,000 tokens?


    How good is Barricade is he worth the 7500 Tokens?


    I now have 8000 tokens my axe is at 35 % damage who should I over power Nemesis,Epic or Ultimate? I have all accessories except the Two jet Packs what should I buy?


    10000 tokens overpower ricochet and sparks or buy red alert?


    Boy I just wish just once they could do something right!!! I have no way of getting the daily prize today as one of my request is impossible to get. ” Open 5 Crates ” with out spending 800 or 1900 gems. ” limit Reached  free in 11h 31min  02 s how stupid is this???


    I have 16500 tokens now what to do with them?


    Just got Trypticon He is only Level 2!!!


    Justed started new round, 1st node half way thru and crash!!! I have enough tokens to buy all the sparks and thats all I was getting in this stretch so I’m going to cash in a quit for a few days.


    You crashed 1 of 4 I’m 2 in 4 if I’m lucky just played 3 nodes 2 crashed.
    Sent them a nasty ticket about this and yesterdays leader in my group with 5 million points and to explain it to me.


    I used to have this On OS now I’m on android and it crashes 50% of the time no matter what part of game you are playing. So all of you that are on OS should ask Apple to pull the App until Rovio gets its act in gear.


    I think its time to leave this game and move on. I’m in 5th place with 39801 and the first place person is 4844979. How is this possible.


    I am in 5th place with 38048 First place is at 484979
    Can any one tell me how this is possible???


    I just got ripped off of first place!!! I was leading with 45000+ coming to the end and the next thing i know I’m in 8 Place with 18,000 and get 200 tokens. After I spent 130 jems plus 6.99 on buying Sparks. They will fix this or I will take it off my phone and i will never play another rovio game again.


    I just got ripped off of first place!!! I was leading with 45000+ coming to the end and the next thing i know I’m in 8 Place with 18,000 and get 200 tokens. After I spent 130 jems plus 6.99 on buying Sparks. They will fix this or I will take it off my phone and i will never play another rovio game again.


    I use to think that too, But I’m one of those guys with way out of reach scores. My multi is 270 The first day I end up with a score of 95000. So Far I have come in First three times and second the other and today I’m in second so far I have 6470 Tokens.The first day I spent 110 Jems ( 4 Rounds ) the next Day None The Third Day 30 and the Forth Day 10.


    Yes I was


    no I had 1690 already got 550 Tokens for the day in meeting goals!

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