Ron14 Active 6 years, 9 months ago

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  • Ron14

    Jamie, as I said above, unless it is a fluke, as the game continues to update, the device (Kindle in this case) becomes obsolete for certain games, because the operating system on Kindles can’t be updated. I also play Pet Rescue Saga. As of 2 months ago I can no longer play that on my original Kindle Fire. I have an iPhone 4s and there have been times where there were OS updates for the phone that I refused to install because of bugs. It got to the point that if I didn’t install the latest OS it would not let me continue to play certain games, including ABF.

    Yeah, it sucks, big time!


    Yes. My original Kindle Fire stopped updating ABF months ago. I don’t know which Kindle you have, but it is now obsolete for ABF.


    @dixi-60 – as of this week leethax no longer works, so there is no other way to cheat that I know of.

    I take that back. I see it was updated yesterday. Right after I had worked my way to 4th place. I’m sure I will drop like a rock now.


    There is a green and yellow sling also.

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