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  • RPBThree

    I don’t know if this was mentioned yet or not, but having Grand Slam on Samurai Red and Nightmare on Matilda makes both those sets much more valuable. You get 3x chances (three hits per turn) to get a stun. If it stuns, you have two turns of big damage due to the Nightmare bonus. Because of this my favorite sets for these two birds is Grand Slam and Nightmare.

    Not to mention, Nightmare set is the only set worth using for Matilda so far IMO. Maybe Sweet set as healing can be huge, especially with the Blessings Banner in Arena (unless mitigated by Weakened Healing Emblem, which I switch to when facing opponents who are using Matilda with Sweet set).

    I don’t find the revive sets (Save Me & Reborn) in Arena that useful. When I come across opponents using these sets, I burn through the one-time revive bonus early. Then my opponent no longer has any set bonus utilities whatsoever for blues/chuck whatsoever. While my blues/chuck (currently using Lightning and Artillery Strike) can use their set bonus for the whole battle. However, I haven’t tried using these sets myself.

    Just my anecdotal experience.


    @jamairoqui Thanks for the tip. I searched the forums and couldn’t find anything about shutting off network connections to get easier opponents. Does this work for iphone? Would anyone mind telling me how or provide a link to the a thread that discusses it?



    Arena Problems (or just my problems):

    1) I get matched up with all mastery level 10 birds with maxed legendary sets and maxed legendary banner sets the majority of the time. The majority of my birds are mastery level 9 with only 3 or 4 birds at mastery level 10, and I’ve managed to get low level legendary banner sets, but nothing at a stronger level. Not sure how to win an arena this way.

    2) It seems that the coin flip is weighing the odds in opponents favor. I counted today, in 10 games I won the coin flip once. This has been evident on a consistent basis. To more accurately put it, it also seems like the coin flip is weighed in the favor of the stronger opponent. On the rare occasion that I face a weaker opponent, I seem to win the coin flip the majority of the time.

    Anyone else noticing this or feeling the same way?


    Anyone else have this happen?

    I had a close battle in arena. I have Vengeful emblem on my banner. At the end of the battle my banner had about 1000 hp left. Opponent’s birds were down and banner was ~200 hp from being destroyed at the end of my turn. Opponent’s thunderbird revived and ate a rage chili (the other two birds were knocked out). On the first strike, it knocked out one of my birds, which proc-ed Vengeful and destroyed opponent’s banner (graphic showed banner hitting the ground). But the rage chili continued and thunderbird attacked two more times and on the last attack it destroyed my banner after opponent’s banner was destroyed. It gave the victory to my opponent and I took a loss…

    Hope that makes sense. Anyone else experience this unfairness?


    I just noticed that I’m still in stone league even though I came in 1st last week, and I have come in 1st the first week on arena, and top 3 another week.. So I should be in silver at least…

    Anyone else not get promoted when winning arena?

    Edit: unless you can get relegated for getting no stars in a week?


    In arena, I just had my opponent use a rage chili on bomb, and then use a rage chili on chuck in the same turn…

    Any one else experience this?


    @CalvinJJ2009 uh, how do you use skulkers and wizard at the same time?…

    Edit: @nytmair @inimical

    Wow I’m an idiot. I was totally thinking something else… Too early in the morning for me to be posting comments. My bad.


    I can’t roll on friends arena golden pig. Yesterday and today it gave me a free roll on friend’s arena pig, and it was on Piggy McCool. I went to it and there was no where to roll and wouldn’t let me tap on Piggy’s golden pig. I exit and the free roll offer is gone… awesome…

    And sometimes game crashes when entering an arena battle. When I log back in, it gave me a loss. Thanks Rovio.


    @sjmike are you using a legendary set of any kind? sometimes it will dodge the initial hit and proc the set item extra damage


    @burbman Definitely not loaded. I believe I’ve lost the majority of the coin flips.

    Fortunately, I’m still able to win most my arena battles. I’ve lost two out of about 15 to 20 battles so far. I lost the two battles early on because I didn’t know what was going on and I was trying to fulfill objectives. And then one of those loses came from entering an arena battle against all mastery 10 birds with awesome banner bonuses – I’m just at level 7 with my birds.

    Since figuring out how it works, I’ve won every battle even after losing coin flips.


    What is SRC?


    Star Reef Castle? Searched forums quite a while and found someone suggesting this place for farming snoutlings.


    Looking for players close to max level and play often.

    I’m 41 with all classes unlocked and almost all at Mastery 7.

    Feel Free to add: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004882937240


    Pigs in Cave 13 hit for almost double the amount seen in the tool tip.

    I have nightmare set but doesn’t give me the set bonus when you tap and hold on character for tool tip. This has been a bug for a long time now and still hoping it will get fixed soon.


    My go to trio is:


    IMO, the most versatile combo. Puts out a lot of damage to multiple pigs, can clense when needed, and provides plenty of healing. Especially great when chuck has the time legendary set that gives an extra turn. If rainbird healing and paladin heals doesn’t keep up, usually a chili fed to chuck will top it up because it lets paladin attack three times in a turn, giving plenty of healing. And if its really bad, you can even use Blue Spies for a little extra healing as well. Put blues healing on a bird and then feed chili to chuck to guarantee 100% on a bird.

    I’ll trade out Spies with Sea Dog when I go against a single enemy/boss for lots of damage output.


    Anyone know yet if the new update is going to fix the exploit?


    Just to note in contrary to what someone else mentioned – I have no master classes and I was able to three star all but Cave 4 and 5 without Master Classes. Used all Elite classes for those.

    Cave 3 I used paladin, wizard, tricksters. Fed chili to chuck. Used 3-5 veggie cakes. Cave 6 and 7 bosses were surprisingly easy. Unfortunately, I don’t remember those strategies because I, surprisingly, 3 starred them first time through.

    Working on Cave 4 and 5 now, which I’m thinking I will need a Master Class or two. And will need access to Sea Dog, so I’m saving LC for him since friends list is scarce of Sea Dogs.


    How do you get sets? Is it all luck of the draw? I got 2 different legendarys for the same character. I’m glad I got it but was hoping to get a set for the set bonus.


    I don’t have enough lucky coins for skulkers or thunderbird… sad face…

    I was using Paladin red, Princess matilda, and capt’n for the same reasons. Capt’n because buffing red with attack power resulted to more healing. However, I didn’t think to do that with Cannoneer. A lot more healing that way.. woops.


    I had an issue with this and I think my issue was I had over 200 friends on my list (over 200 friends exceeds the 20 page limit in the game – you can have more but they all don’t show up). I unfriended it down to about 190 and now I get the roll on a 24 hour rotation whereas before I stopped getting a free roll for like 3 days straight.


    @deathevil Thanks for the advice. I was actually thinking it might be a friends list thing because I got a free roll offer showing on the camp totem pole but couldn’t find it going into the friends list. I had over 700 friends. I’ve deleted it down and hope it goes back to a 24 hour cycle.


    @paulb104 Thanks for the tip. I feel stupid not thinking of rebooting after about 6 hours of my friends lists not loading.


    Anyone experiencing problems with friends lists?.. I had a lot of friends but now it’s showing piggy Mccool as my only friend and it doesn’t seem to load all my Facebook friends..


    I noticed mine being on a 24 hour rotation as well. But now I’m on 3 days with no free roll offer on a friends GPM.. Sad face…


    So I tried this.. Worked once however I haven’t been given an offer for a free roll on a friends GPM in 2 days.. Anyone else experience this?


    Found a bug when replaying Mountain Pig Castle. It’s happened twice so far – when defeating the final boss wave (wizpig and prince porky), the round doesn’t end. You can continue to use abilities and it will continue indefinitely unless you restart the battle or go back to the map from the pause screen.

    I think, if I remember correctly, if you defeat wizpig (I’ve always burned down prince porky first before going after wizpig) on the same turn a summoned bomb is on its 3rd turn to explode, then it bugs. As in, wizpig dies from thorns or sticky goo, the bomb then explodes, and it goes back to your turn, and doesn’t go to the star/loot screen like it should. I’ll try some more attempts before confirming this though.

    Just wanted to note that and see if anyone else has experienced this.


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