• ReyDavid posted an update 12 years, 3 months ago

    @dollarbill2208 Hi Bill, first of all thank you for your tips in this blog: without them I wouldn’t be able to achieve my high position in the tournament ranking. I seem good in this game to the people’s eyes, but most of all because I follow your advices :P
    I would ask you what do you think about some strange scores, the 109K in the 2nd level in the last week, and most of all the 142K in the 1st level of this week: I have doubts about them, in the past I played a game on facebook, “who has the biggest brain?” where we have a lot of problems with cheaters at the beginning, and we fought vs them asking videos to make their scores legit: here it’s hard to discover if a score is a fake or not, I don’t want to insinuate anything about these 2 scores, I’ve not great experience in Angry Birds game, but what do you think? Thanks a lot :)

    • Thanks @Reydavid, that makes me feel good, and i’m glad i can help. Those scores in particular are very impressive, i kind still don’t believe them. I think if you can score that high, you should know exactly how you did it, and be able and willing to share your strategy. Unfortunately we have a couple of very quiet people posting unbelievable high scores, and posting pictures, and not saying hardly thing about how they did it. While they reserve that right, it’s still upsetting to a lot of players who don’t want 20k and 30k deficits (like me), which is why I post my strategy.

      • Yeah, it’s exactly what I mean, pictures are not a proof, everybody can post a picture after editing it with photoshop. For this reason we have considered -for the game I played for 4 years in facebook- video like the only way to show us that a score is totally legit. Here in Angry Birds we haven’t problems of clock, times up during the game, so it could be easier to check the truth in a video. I would be happy to have unfake scores, but probably this battle could be hard a lot… Do you think there are better ways to fight vs cheaters here?