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  • sata

    Glad to see my tip on spending 5 LC on mastery reroll is the best for LC efficiency like i said months ago.


    Thanks for the answers.
    The reason i’m using LC is, i have all the classes, so the 75LC gives me 25k mastery points, or a total of 1666 mastery points per 5 LC.
    That means for skipping the 3 hour wait to get the next page to buy masteries on the dojo, i need to get at least 4 snoutlings purchase for it to be an advantage, and i have to farm the snoutlings.
    Learned from this thread that theres more than 6 snoutlings purchases on average, so i understant its better to but the mastery trough the snoutling purchases. Still have to farm the coins wich can be time consuming :)


    1 question: i was expecting after getting the first bird to lvl 10 mastery, that the 75 lc purchase option would drop to 72 ( 1 less mastery to lvl up). It didn’t. Those the 1000 mastery points that were ment to the lvl 10 bird gets distributed tough the others, or do i just loose them?


    Hey guys, sharing my build.
    I use rainbird, druid and capt’n. I am lvl 37, no sets, nothing, i autoplay it and it always finish!
    Sharing as with previous build they get stuck a lot on wave 4 due to the sheer ammount of pigs that respawn.


    Got that bug of the rage chili when i stop the bot and try to manually do something, so i don’t touch it anymore.

    Game no longer crashes on advertising, was there an update i didn’t saw?
    Perhaps the problem was server side?



    Just came here to check if there’s a fix on the game freezing on second attack.
    Just saw BostonNeal complain of issues viewing the videos.

    I wonder if they are related?

    The ads at the beginning of the fights are changed, they had a cross on the top right corner for us to close, now it’s a “skip this video” link on the top left corner. I believe AB Epic is not dealing well with that new video player, and that’s why the game crashes, both on my case or in BostonNeal case.

    One thing i have realized, the game doesn’t crash when an ad appears, i close it and all goes well. However, if an ad does NOT appear the game freezes (does not respond to any touchscreen input or any keys).

    Can anyone confirm this? It looks like the game is waiting for the ad to pass, when in truth there’s no ad at all…

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