satheen Active 8 years, 7 months ago

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  • satheen

    The same !
    I was wondering the same question


    exactly the same, new bugs every day :(
    i can’t use my paladin even if it’s blue all around


    Oh yes I’ve tried everything, and although restored my iphone and put back epic on, but it’s still the same !
    the game is too loud and the ads needs too much ressources (even if all my aps are shut).

    I have new bugs every days :
    – now i’m level 39 but I can’t beat a donjon because my birds are quickly killed.

    – Another really annoying bug is for exemple :
    my bird should deals 700 points to a pig, and only deal 200 points whereas they’re not reduced or lowered…
    I really know the game (level 39 and Cave 11), but I can’t play it as usual, I can not finish the Cave 11 #5 because the damages I should done are not the real.

    – my game is cashing after a video

    – crashing after entering chronicle caves

    – crashing after the loading of the wave / battle….

    – crashing after visiting my friends sets

    – crashing everytime if you prefer, and without any rules…!

    I sent a message to rovio but I think nothing will fix it except a good new update.

    I’m really sad because I like the game, but will not play it longer in these conditions :(



    My game is crashing about 4/5 times per game,
    I can’t play anymore a big battle ’til the end….

    I am really uspet and angry because I have to try several times a battle, I lost my birds’s friend when it crashes and a lot of potions !!!

    I can’t load a video without bugs !!

    Can ROVIO give a new update to fix it orwill they wait ’til everyone leaves the game ???

    I’m on iphone with the last update.


    Yes exactly the same !


    Hello everybody,

    Since the last update I have a bug after finishing a level in chronicles caves : I see a pop-up with the word “stamina” but I don’t have time to read it before it desappears.
    I don’t know what’s this ?

    Thanks for your help !


    Hi, thanks for the answers,
    I totally understand, but the fact is we’re not all english people and dealing with another language’s explanations is much difficult than watching a video =)=)
    I used them a lot to choose best combinations and to see which bird to use on which other, or simply to see which one to use first and second, and third.

    So sad to know that ! I hoped them so much^^
    I searched on youtube but apparently no one do the same videos, it seems to be impossible to find at least 1 video of cave 10 or cave 11 :/

    PS: sorry for my french’english language =)


    Ohh ok !
    thanks for the answer :)


    my game is crashing too, twice or more per “session” of play,
    I have restarted my phone several times and still got the problem :(

    I have the 1.1.1 version

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