• @jo-ha

    What makes you feel so sure, that you won’t get banned by Rovio any moment … for something you did already long ago?! There are no rules in this respect and Rovio don’t loose a word about this. Apart from merely technical aspects (which I am not able to judge), there is nothing that could keep Rovio from extending their search for…[Read more]

  • @ryan-kochie,

    I definitely prefer the policeman situation: There is a full set of explicit (and well-known) rules behind his actions …. and the meaning of terms such as ‘speeding’ (in contrast to terms like ‘exploit’ in the context of a gaming app) is absolutely clear to me. In addition, I have the opportunity to speak to the policeman before…[Read more]

  • Ryan-kochie,

    I respect your different view on this topic, but It is neither you nor me, who decide what is to be considered as an exploit of this game. It is up to Rovio  – but unfortunately they remain absolutely silent (Finnish style?) and don‘t offer any guidance (before-hand) or support/explanation (after having banned a customer) in this re…[Read more]

  • RIP Piggies, you seem to be well informed about Rovio‘s terms of use and their banning policy:

    (1) Was Rovio‘s recent ban actually only intended to take out  ‚maxed out‘ players? ( I was far away from being ‚maxed out‘, when I got banned)

    (2) Can you be a bit more explicit as regards the ‚terms of use‘: What exactly is to be considered as a…[Read more]

  • From what I saw and heard since I started this thread one week ago, it seems that many players, that were banned by Rovio at the very end of first MEBC season had (only) applied the so-called ‚backup/restore‘ technique in the past (this technique was eliminated with the update early February 2018).

    It is highly questionable, whether using thi…[Read more]

  • Hi Jeremy Wilson (who posted in this thread about 5 days ago): You’re not alone in your anger!

    Like you, I have made substantial payments to Rovio in the past (and spent hundreds of hours in playing this game) and, like you, I have been ‚permanently banned‘ by Rovio (at the very end of the first MEBC season) on the grounds of having used a ‚chea…[Read more]

  • I have a question in this context:

    What‘s the effect of rainbow feathers, apart from what Rovio (totally uselessly) say on their homepage: ‚Rainbow feathers are a type of reward that lets you choose which bird you want to give feathers to.‘

    Do they only serve as a decoration? Or do they have/provide any further benefit?

  • Rovio just banned/deleted quite a lot of players from the final results list of the just finished ME Boot Camp season.

    This banning may (or may not) be justified in the single case, BUT: The final results list still contains a lot of players with minimal star rank and maxed out flock power, which clearly indicates that these players have…[Read more]

  • DisAB.ed became a registered member 7 years, 11 months ago