• AggieGuy replied to the topic Pharaoh hat event in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 6 years ago

    Since I already had the entire hat set I finished it yesterday. The only two rounds I had a problem with were 4 and 7. Round 4 took around 10 attempts, always had one dang pig left at the very end and most rooms took 2-3 birds to clear. To finish 4 without spending gems, you’ll have to pretty much be perfect, and have the entire hat set. Round…[Read more]

  • The arena is back to being absolute BS.  I have lost 17 matches in a row, most by less than 10,000 points, one by less than 500.  Twice I was slaughters by people who’s FP was well below mine.

    Of course then there is the match where all I needed was one bird to knock over almost anything, but what do I get, Blue and everything is stone.  Has ha…[Read more]

  • There is some kind of algorithm that controls it.

    The only question is how much does that algorithm randomize the outcome.

  • The FF button doesn’t bother me. It probably doesn’t change a thing if you use it or now. Most days I hit a pig on floor 2 or 3, which is an automatic quit.

    Today, made it to floor 17 and hit the first pig. Still quit because even 20 gems is not worth ~100 feathers, 5 applies, and 30 black pearls. Still can’t get a single submarine hat.

  • Got another one today. It is 3x4x4. First round, no problem. Round 2 took me three attempts to get past. There were always micropigs which took extra birds to kill, if not 2 or 3 and I’d run out before finishing the final room. Only beat it by getting a spell in room 1, which thankfully was either Mighty Eagle or Chili.

    Then on round 3, the…[Read more]

  • Yep, couldn’t finish the daily challenge Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. Had same level as @stevey did yesterday. After two attempts, I wasn’t going to keep trying to kill the King Pig who was virtually indestructible.

    Today was better, finished both the DC and KPP.

  • AggieGuy replied to the topic Submarine Hat Set in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 6 years ago

    Like every single day for the past 2-3 weeks, hit a pig on floor 2 or floor 3. Not going to pay gems because without a doubt I will hit a pig on the next floor.

    So unless something changes, looks like I won’t even get one hat for this.

  • Sitting nicely in first place, only cost me 100 arena tickets (I’ve got plenty so its no loss) and usually get beat on rounds 4, 5, 6, or 10. Finished one full streak, only had to use all 5 spells on round 10 and 3 spells on round 6.

    It’s funny, sometimes I can beat someone who has FP 50-70 above mine + spells, with me using no spells at all.…[Read more]

  • @flgolfer probably nothing more than letting you say “look at me!”

  • @phoenixt Oh that is just lovely.  The KPP is a pain enough as it is, but I’d buy one continue if it mean winning it.  Will not spend gems for a nearly worthless duck.

    Guess it means I’ll play it once, and claim the 20 gems for doing it.

  • @exora You should always try the match. Sometimes you’ll win even without using spells or gems. I assume it is because the opponent had a bad game. I beat a guy earlier today who was 41FP higher than mine and had 4 spells. Won by about 100,000 points with nothing extra except the video bird. If the game gets out of hand and it is obvious that…[Read more]

  • Just got the biggest screw job ever. I was on round 10 of 10 in the streak, and got matched up with a guy who had FP 34 higher than mine, plus all spells. Not a big deal, figured I might have to spend 60 gems, but I’d do that for a legendary chest.

    His final score was over 100 million, which I don’t see how it is possible. I finished with 40…[Read more]

  • I already had the entire set as it has been around for a while.

    That said, if you get to the last round, it is a 7 room round. First time I’ve ever seen a round with 7 rooms.

  • Another thing I’ve seen a lot lately. How is it someone can have 2, 3, 4+ birds left when I run out, without having used any spell. Just quit a match when down to 1 bird, and the opponent still had 4 left. I didn’t have any wasted birds, cleared each room with 1 or 2 (the rooms needing 2 required 2, no way anything but Mighty Eagle would have…[Read more]

  • I’ve got enough arena tickets (320 as of right now since I mostly just play free entries and claim the extra ticket each time) to win any almost any tournament if I wanted to put in the time and effort to actually play 30-50 matches a day, every day for a week.

    But I have no interest or desire to do that, especially since the last time I put in…[Read more]

  • Ugh, I really hate the Super Streak.  Not because I can’t win it most of the time (right now can’t seem to win much of anything regardless) but because it means a tournament goes from almost dead, to almost everyone playing like crazy.  I was happy to limp along and finish this tournament around 10th or so, but now I’ll be lucky not to get d…[Read more]

  • Since the new arena tournament began, I have won exactly 1 match out of now 25 attempts. Doesn’t matter if my FP is higher, lower, or whether or not I use spells. I can throw a perfect game, and will still lose by at least 5 million each time, usually by more than 15 million.

    It is also the same exact three levels over and over and over again,…[Read more]

  • AggieGuy replied to the topic New update in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 6 years, 1 month ago

    Have now seen four people with full community hat sets. I have three, and only because I made it to floor 15 with only hitting one pig and had earned enough gems to pay for it. I’m sure tomorrow I’ll hit a pig on floor 2.

    Suckers born every minute; nothing but a $$$ grab.

  • AggieGuy replied to the topic New update in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 6 years, 1 month ago

    I used to get the video in the Tower of Misfortune, then it suddenly disappeared, came back a few weeks ago for about two weeks, and hasn’t been seen since.

  • Just trying to make people play the Tower of Misfortune to get all the hats (thus spending gems/$$$). Of course I got a pig on the 2nd floor today, shocking. I also saw one of the hats when opening a chest from the daily challenge, but ended up getting ducks like I do 90% of the time.

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