• I wish I could get in a Legendary League which were easy to win. Whenever I get there, by the next day, #1 usually has 300-400 stars already, with #2 and #3 at 200-300 or higher. The one I’m in now (by finish the previous league with 312 stars from only playing free entries and one intentional streak to level of Bomb thanks to the extra feathers)…[Read more]

  • @rawdatasystems I haven’t seen a side by side pig survive a chili attack, but I’m sure I will eventually.

    Right now the ones I hate are the pig in a cube or bucket that can survive a direct hit by Bomb or Matilda, and simply goes flying across the screen. At most it has the cube/bucket destroyed, and might be all beat up, but of course survives.

  • The unkillable, unreachable micro-pig is the worst. I’ve lost 6 matches in a row today because of this. In most of the matches I was stomping my opponent, but ended up losing because I had to use, 3, 4, 5+ birds in a futile attempt to kill the **** immortal pig.

    Short of using a hot chili or mighty eagle (I never ever use any spells on round 1)…[Read more]

  • AggieGuy replied to the topic New update in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 6 years, 2 months ago


    I was only referring to the dishonest players. Honest ones, unless they happen to be sitting on a huge stash or they play all day, everyday and pay for stuff, won’t have it for some time.

  • AggieGuy replied to the topic New update in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 6 years, 2 months ago

    Only new things I’ve seen are the free 100 feathers (big whoop), the piggy letter out of which I got a golden duck (big whoop again), and the new 25K hat set.

    I’m sure by tomorrow we’ll all be seeing people with the full Tribal Mask set, who also have all the other hat sets as well.

  • I was doing so good this week just playing free entries, in solid second place and right behind #1. My plan to was to wait until the last hour of the tournament and since I have about 300 entry tickets, just smoke him and take first.

    Then Rovio adds the super streak thing, and I’m down to 7th place as everyone is playing non-stop.

    That said,…[Read more]

  • It’s funny, for me it seems like I have a decent chance of beating someone with much higher FP and/or is using a bunch of spells than I do beating someone who is 20, 30, 50+ below me in FP.

    Beat a guy with 542FP (about 100 more than me, and wasn’t using spells) by more than 10 million, without using spells myself. Not the first time I’ve done…[Read more]

  • My rule is if I cannot beat the Daily Challenge or the KPP without spending gems, then I just don’t beat it for that day.

    I can usually beat the DC (might take numerous attempts through the day), but often I can tell the KPP is just not beatable without likely buying 4-5 continues. If on the first stage I only have 1 or 2 birds left when…[Read more]

  • I used to get the free continue video, and suddenly it just stopped.

    Since it did, I get a pig on Floor 2 probably 90% of the time and Floor 3 on most of the others attempts.  I’ve only made it to Floor 5 twice since the free video disappeared.  Floor 6 was a pig and since I had not earned any gems, I wasn’t going to spend for a few spells, 10 p…[Read more]

  • I still get the extra bird video in regular maps and in the arena, but for the last two days I have not seen the video for the free continue on the Tower of Misfortune.

    At least that video let me get a few feathers, gems, or spells.

  • I seriously doubt it. You can hit any card, 4 of them will be top level rewards (1500 pearls, 15,000 feathers, etc.) while the one you select probably 95% of the time will be a pig inflator or if you’re lucky, a mighty eagle or maybe three. I suspect it is coded to only give the top level rewards only a certain amount of the time.

    It’s the same…[Read more]

  • Hadn’t played in ages, and left a completed arena match ignored for months so nothing would change, but accidentally went into it last week.  Saw the #1 player in the Diamond League had only 27 stars, and with only a few hours left, I figured I’d go ahead and win it just because.

    I did and got promoted to Legendary League, and even then, only…[Read more]

  • 38 games yesterday and today, lost 33 on streak 1, all the rest on 2. Most losses by 10M or more, often earned on the opponent’s last bird.

    I’m done, this is not fun anymore.

    #2 is no longer winnable.

  • The matchmaking formula in the Arena has been recently tweaked. Especially players with really high win ratios might be matched against the players with higher Flock Power to provide the challenging experience.

    Complete garbage. Friend of mine recently installed it on his new Pixel 2 (his old phone could not support AB2) and we saw the same thing…[Read more]

  • Yep, I get Blue probably 50% of the time at least and will often get Chuck if everything is stone, or Matilda if nothing exists where she is useful.

    Now I’m getting more and more games on 1-2 where I am outnumbered in FP by 10-50. I’ve been unable to get past #2 for 2 days now. The first time I got someone who was 40 below me in FP, he scored 49M…[Read more]

  • For whatever reason, I never, ever see a league where few if anyone is active. Mine always require a fight just to avoid ending up at the bottom. This past one had half of the players over 900 points with the winner over 1500 and second place at over 1300. The 3 last place people all had over 300 points. I think they all tried to make a run at…[Read more]

  • Just had the biggest screw job ever by the game.

    Going against a guy with a FP 72 higher than mine, but was soundly beating him, even without spells because I don’t feel like wasting the few I have left. He shows 2 birds left and I had 1. I threw the blues and did almost nothing because the only structure was wood, but a little bit fell…[Read more]

  • 3-4-5 back today.  Had been seeing 2-3-4 for several days now.

  • Yeah, I’m sure the mystery points brigade is a bad scoring system and not cheating, but it is flat out irritating.

    And thanks to how idiotic the entire arena has become, now I’ve gone from first place, to a distant second. Someone has been playing since around 7:00AM (central US time) and has not stopped since. He or she went from last place…[Read more]

  • We’ll, scratch that. Just had a round 1 who was 43 higher than me and slaughtered me with a 12M last bird to go from 11M to 23M. Such bull.

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