Seb Active 6 years, 2 months ago

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    Killing two Hodriders (I don’t remember the names / black and grey with TNT / top and left) heals others hogriders. If you kill the two others (red and grey with apple), they will be more powerful.


    I’m playing this game for a few years as well and except two additional caves when the max level is increased and not very useful new headgears, there were no new real content since a lot of months. Will we see the level 100 ? :-)

    I tried several others games as f2p and I switched to Hyper Heroes.



    I read that the only game which is financially interesting for Rovio is AB2. Revenues for others games seem not very positive (Battle Bay, AB Evolution… Epic is never mentionned) and the cost seems too expensive for the acquisition of new users for what I have understood.

    There are several topics on the Internet about the situation of Rovio in the stock exchange market even if the stock exchange is too much complicated for me :-)


    After the Cosmetics… “Cosmics” sorry, it seems that we will have “Super-Hero” headgears…



    You asked it few weeks ago


    Last Will does not trigger if Chuck is killed by the Gang Up of the SeaDog


    Same here. Except for the mastery because all my birds are 90.


    Same problem here with only the Legacy Pirate available.

    Some people already stated it on their FB page and at least one sent them a ticket to know if it’s normal or not :-)

    Edit : Solved


    @maxxmatt @bchild


    If your Chuck is killed by Bird A, the Last Will triggers. BUT if your first bird which attacks randomly (it’s not always the first of the team) kills the Bird A, the Last Will is stopped and your second bird won’t attack.

    I let you complain about this bug to Rovio. I complained enough in 2017 ;-)



    I mentionned it on this thread

    In the following cases, it can happened sometimes that Chuck set doesn’t work :

    When you attack a bird (not Chuck) with additional damages to others birds (with Beep or Dragon sets as example) and Chuck is killed.

    If you attack and kill Chuck first and the next bird is killed just after (by the additional damages) leading to an additional action.

    My feeling is that the game cannot make two actions in the same time but for the Last Will, it’s not 100% clear to me.
    As example, if you use the Illusionist Reflect on Red and use the SeaDog Gang Up on Red. When you attack an opponent with Red, Red should attack twice and after the SeaDog should attack the same opponent but the SeaDog don’t do it because you use two actions and in this case, the game does only the first.
    There are others examples of good ideas which don’t work :D


    There are some levels where birds are kidnapped by the pigs


    It is clear that ABEpic is not the priority of Chimera, with a minimal staff to work on it (and test it). They switched to others projects as ABEvolution or others.

    For years, they are developping the smallest possible content to keep the game alive :
    – two chronicles caves 2x/year with the increase of mastery,
    – new headgears to keep an “interest” in the events,
    – arena headgears + mythic emblem to keep an interest in the arena,

    If they were working on a real new content as a new island, their communication would be different.
    This is just my point of view which is maybe too negative. I play with this situation in mind, so without expectation from Chimera. Maybe I’m wrong or maybe it’s already the time to ask for an ABE gift to Santa Claus for 2018 :-)



    Check the mastery of each of your birds. Maybe their levels are too low.

    You can try Paladin, Rain Bird and Bard. You attack all the time with the Paladin to heal, attack one time with the rain bird and heal two times.


    It needs to be checked but if you can kill another bird just after Chuck (with Bones set), the Last chance doesn’t work.


    Just for my information, how much masteries do you get since the new level increase ? Currently I reach 105 on the new 300 available.



    It already happened with the “arena” classes in the past.
    Honest players like us will have to wait for the Xmas Event.

    Except the Ice Paladin and the Xmas Bard, I’m not convinced by Ice and Xmas classes as well. With the update they removed the Cupidon Canoneer.


    After Christmas headgears, now Ice headgears with Ice Paladin, Ice Druid… and a Cupidon canonner… for Valentine’s Day ?


    If you…


    Christmas Bard with Nightmare set will be interesting for the last boss.

    Otherwise, people can do beautiful drawings for the ABE Fanart contest.
    I sent my list of gifts for Saint Nicholas in one support ticket but it seems that I was not enough kind this year ;-)



    You can use the Rain Bird with a poor weapon to avoid killing the pigs and with a strong shield to have big heal.

    As far as I remember, even if the cannoner has three attacks, this class does not increase the chance to get snoutlings with the Pickpocket set than others classes.


    @poptimus @maxxmatt

    Thanks for all these very very useful information.

    I have the same as Poptimus for the KPC with pigs level 14 and around of 40 of Mastery per birds for this level.

    I tested the 9-9 with Samurai + Witch (level 82) with strong gears + elite levels and weak gears + normal levels just for the fun. I had the following stats :

    Weak gears + normal : 127, 105, 138, 133, 160, 128, 137, 86, 154, 118 (avg : 128.6)
    Strong gears + elite : 72, 144, 129, 95, 94, 118, 63, 153, 85, 127 (avg : 108)

    If I agree to say that the 13-5 and 17-5 are good places for mastery, but (with my birds) the 17-5 cannot be played by all the classes. I’m not sure that a team with my Rain Bird + Treasure Hunters can win this cave in autoplay. Rain Bird attacks one time and heals two times. Treasure Hunters use their passive ability too much often.
    Again comparing the mastery per minute is difficult for me because you have different behaviour in autoplay. If you use two offensive birds (paladin/samurai + wizard), the ratio Mastery/min will be excellent comparing to other teams (ex : rain bird + priestess).

    Following this, I selected teams with an offensive bird + a support bird to have medium mastery and no freeze. The ratio Mastery/min is not so efficient but I cannot restart the game so often, but all the teams can win the 9-9 with weak gears.

    My two cents in the discussion :-)




    Did you use the same weapons/shields for 9-5 or did you use low power weapons to have more pigs to fight ?


    If you plan to have all your birds M90, it would be maybe better not to use two “offensive” classes together.

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