• That’s right! I prefer legal players in the arena too.

    I like some much the new arena (but maybe only 8 leagues are too few for me, like i explained in other post).

    About the high number of stars, i had explained it badly. I didnt told about the stars got for someone in the current week, i told the star of progress of the player (top left…[Read more]

  • That’s right! I prefer legal players in the arena too.

    I like some much the new arena (but maybe only 8 leagues are too few for me, like i explained in other post).

    About the high number of stars, i had explained it badly. I didnt told about the stars got for someone in the current week, i told the star of progress of the player (top left…[Read more]

  • That’s right! I prefer legal players in the arena too.

    I like some much the new arena (but maybe only 8 leagues are too few for me, like i explained in other post).

    About the high number of stars, i had explained it badly. I didnt told about the stars got for someone in the current week, i told the star of progress of the player (top left…[Read more]

  • That’s right! I prefer legal players in the arena too.

    I like some much the new arena (but maybe only 8 leagues are too few for me, like i explained in other post).

    About the high number of stars, i had explained it badly. I didnt told about the stars got for someone in the current week, i told the star of progress of the player (top left…[Read more]

  • That’s right! I prefer legal players in the arena too.

    I like some much the new arena (but maybe only 8 leagues are too few for me, like i explained in other post).

    About the high number of stars, i had explained it badly. I didnt told about the stars got for someone in the current week, i told the star of progress of the player (top left…[Read more]

  • That’s right! I prefer legal players in the arena too.

    I like some much the new arena (but maybe only 8 leagues are too few for me, like i explained in other post).

    About the high number of stars, i had explained it badly. I didnt told about the star got for someone in the current week, i told the star of progress of the player (top left…[Read more]

  • That’s right! I prefer legal players in the arena too.

    I like some much the new arena (but maybe only 8 leagues are too few for me, like i explained in other post).

    About the high number of stars, i had explained it badly. I didnt told about the star got for someone in the current week, i told the star of progress of the player (top left…[Read more]

  • Aeshna,

    I had battle against Alpa too. It’s a good example of the things i told you. I’m sure you won that battle and than Alpa got a lower score.

    That’s not logical than a player had only 5 birds and 2 power cards, nobody has 5 but 7. In the other hand, if a player hacked his birds, the logical is improve all of them to 8th level (or more),…[Read more]

  • Aeshna,

    I had battle against Alpa too. It’s a good example of the things i told you. I’m sure you won that battle and than Alpa got a lower score.

    That’s not logical than a player only had 5 birds and 2 power cards, nobody has 5 but 7. In the other hand, if a player hacked his birds, the logical is improve all of them to 8th level (or more),…[Read more]

  • Aeshna,

    I had battle against Alpa too. It’s a good example of the things i told you. I’m sure you won that battle and than Alpa got a lower score.

    That’s not logical than a player only had 5 birds and 2 power cards, nobody has 5 but 7. In the other hand, if a player hacked his birds, the logical is improve all of them to 8th level (or more),…[Read more]

  • Aeshna,

    I had battle against Alpa too. It’s a good example of the things i told you. I’m sure you won that battle and than Alpa got a lower score.

    That’s not logical than a player only had 5 birds and 2 power cards, nobody has 5 but 7. In the other hand, if a player hacked his birds, the logical is improve all of them to 8th level (or more),…[Read more]

  • Just now i get my first 7th level bird (yes!, silver!). I have two more in 6th level and the other in 5th. Bomb is the 5th level, but only with 110 feathers, a very long distance with Silver.

    I met with players with less cards than logical (with five or six birds, and power cards, but not the regular full seven). I’m sure there are Rovio…[Read more]

  • Aeshna, i think you are wrong for think people with diferent levels in theirs birds are cheaters.

    I’m not a cheater and i have this PROBLEM. Until a few weeks ago, the most of times i get a daily reward, a surprise gift (sending for a facebook friend or get for me on a level), or a prize for ascend i get feathers of silver bird. That is diferent…[Read more]

  • Hi everyone!

    I was very excited with the new arena. I like it some much than older… until i reached the diamond league.

    The first weeks of the new arena i’m nervous while i was waiting the three hours necesary to play again, i felt the emotion of win or lose trying to reach the top three to get my ticket to the next level, but this feeling…[Read more]

  • Hi everyone!

    I was very excited with the new arena. I like it some much than older… until i reached the diamond league.

    The first weeks of the new arena i’m nervous while i was waiting the three hours necesary to play again, i felt the emotion of win or lose trying to reach the top three to get my ticket to the next level, but this feeling…[Read more]

  • SpanishBird became a registered member 8 years, 7 months ago