taifun76 Not recently active

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  • taifun76

    @csaba-szalai2 you can always dream that Rovio will release update to windows phone. Likelikyhood of that actually happening is 0,0001%.

    Following is straight from Rovio AB Epic support FAQ:

    Why Is My Game On Windows Phone Totally Different Than My Friends’ On IOS And Android? What Is This PvP Section?
    The Windows Phone version of the game has unfortunately fallen behind the other platforms. We are however working on a update to bring the PvP leagues and many other new features to Windows Phones as well. We can not comment on any specific release dates for the update at the moment.


    Just wonderful … I’m happy for all android and ios users. Unfortunately windows phone is still in 1.0.14 version.


    @danburns It’s not necessarily a bug. Maybe the pigs had a buf that makes them attack back when they get attacked?


    @gingerlm I’ve had this same problem with Chuck. He has set items that should let him revive once per battle. So far it has never done that.

    I’m I supposed to do something to revive him or should it be revived automatically?


    @rhinofreak … I agree finally update to Windows Phone.

    I’m thinking that there were few major bugs/exploits in 1.0.12 and Rovio just didn’t want to give those to Windows Phone. So they went straight from 1.0.11 to 1.0.14 on Windows Phone.


    Looking to add more friends in Angry Birds Epic.

    Facebook friendly.


    Anyone know when Angry Birds Epic v1.0.12 will be released to Windows Phone? I have had my free golden pig machine roll stuck for over couple weeks now and currently I can’t visit any of my friends in Angry Birds Epic.

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