Tipsy McFly Active 1 year, 2 months ago

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  • Tipsy McFly




    Aha. Murphy’s law… Well even if there’s more than one problem, I still believe your game/account is not lost yet.

    You can also try to send Rovio a support ticket maybe? Or maybe they can bug-fix this? It’s a bit strange that whatever FB thinks they can do, their action blocks your Rovio AB2 account asswell & you lost your game. They are still two different companies. This could be a known issue at Rovio and maybe they know what will help to recover your game.

    It’s also an option to let someone else send FB a support request on your behalf. Or you’ll make an extra FB account to do so. When we helped out stores (clients) who’s FB page was blocked, or inaccessible, we always did send FB a support request with another FB account. They must at least be able to tell you how long they are blocking your FB account. Again, it’s not the fastest help desk in the world.

    Hope this helps and welcome back on your new account.


    Tipsy McFly


    Thnx for your reply.

    Correct me if I’m wrong (trying to help). You have lost access to your AB2 game, because your clan-invitations on Facebook and in this forum were classified as spam. You are connected with Facebook with AB2 (FB saves your progress), and now your FB page is taken down this also results in lost access to your game… Something like that? It’s your FB that’s down? You still have access in this forum. And you still have an internet connection.

    If not: skip the next part.

    If so: Facebook tends to react on spam complaints in this way: they do not check the complaint. Most of the times they just simply shut you down anyway for 24hrs or maybe a week. And then you’ll have access again. A waiting game… If this is the case you can also try to send FB a support request. Maybe it will speed things up, but in general it takes some time. They are known to be difficult to get in touch with. No phone, and reactions on support don’t come fast and don’t always help. But you can try it nevertheless.

    I am not connected with FB in my game, don’t know what it means to cut the connection later on in your game. Maybe progress will be lost… Is there’s a topic on your issue on this forum? Just have read something over unlocking all birds first to have some options in settings. Not sure.

    Well. Hope this helps and you will get your game back.

    PS the leader did not mind if you stayed to gather some rewards and strenght faster that way.


    Tipsy McFly


    Whatever it is exactly, it sure looks like it’s temporary and can still be recovered. Murdoc did have the same according to the chat. Maybe return to the clan-chat and ask how it was recovered? Looks like you are not banned by the game on your ‘old’ nick, it still says you are a member.

    So don’t give up yet. You should be able to recover one way or another.

    PS what is Phacibuk? (Is it Facebook? Is that the cause?)


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