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  • crash

    sorry, it wasn’t for Transformers either,…. didn’t quite read the title correctly.


    My girlfriend did it with iTunes recently….. you should be able to back up your original phone on to iTunes , but don’t erase it from your original phone until AFTER you have verified that it’s on your new phone and all is good. That’s what we did, although it was iPad and not an iPhone, but may still hold true


    Hold up ninja, you are complaining to the wrong people I think. WHooo whooo


    that seems a bit odd, but maybe they adjusted the 4 star score as those are new and so definitely a possibility


    I think the one you are talking about was level 2-6 on tropical paridice. Also you can practice the level if you want before trying it in the challenge


    Yes, If you hit pause, you will see level number in upper left


    hold up!….i think i found it, lol…..


    Hello all, not trying to shortcut this, but throughout my reading I’ve seen about 4 names to look for in facebook to friend up…..JOHN THOMPsON , MR. Birds, BIRDS LEADERBOARD, etc….. I can’t seem to find the right place. There are a lot of John Thompsons by the way. Anyhow, myself and my girlfriend have been members here for a few years, and really enjoy playing the tournaments, but after reaching 2 star level, we realized, our minimal power ups just ain’t cutting it anymore. Any pointers on finding the facebook friend to add would be appreciated, thank you ! :)


    I tried starting a thread like this 2 years ago, and I think it got yanked down.

    Anyhow , I’m seeking FB friends for ABF as well so let me read the rest of the comments now to see what people are saying, lol


    Hi, don’t know if you need any more help with the list, but I happened to get 6th place in gold league last week and it was a +20 to my league rating…. I can give you a snapshot if you would like, or perhaps you already have verified that part of the chart.

    Thanks for the chart


    Totally random seems opposite of planned :-)


    I think in the long run, everybody will.eventually have had access to almost all variations of a level. True that if we all only had one try, that would rely heavily on the particular set up, but if we each take 1000 tries at a level, I would think its more or less equal opportunity


    Other levels probably includes surf and turf level 15…. read comments in walkthru for the strat


    I was going to suggest a stylus as well…. another good thing with a can.aim say Han Solos laser shots.more accurately then with your finger…. at least I can, lol….


    Thanks tom…. it makes sense too, otherwise why even have the three seperate ones


    there are a couple of things that help….. one is to focus in on the purple rocket…. don’t even look at the bird, that can sometimes be easier to follow with your eyes…. the bird just looks like a triangle so it’s easy to mix up.

    also, play the level alot of times in a row…. there is a pace or a timing that is able to be figured out…. you can almost shoot with your eyes closed, lol

    for instance, on the first bonus level…. i aim my bird at low part of tower…. wait like half a second and activate…. after a bit the timing between release and activating the rocket becomes really easy

    zoom in !!! ,lol…. that always heps

    also, if you fire the bird softly, it rotates slower, that can help and i don’t think it takes power away from the rockets speed when you activate

    good luck


    i wouldn’t dream of it….. and a quick glance of my scores should verify this :)


    hate to be a pest, i assume regular levels on facebook as well i.e. pigini beach?

    just don’t want to be entering scores i shouldn’t , thanks again


    thank you slim :)


    there is one on 19 for sure, i think it may be in the walk-thru , and if you watch it you;ll see 3000 points come up…. it’ll take a few views because the power-up present is all in your face pretty quick…. it’s either JUST before it gets huge or just after, i can’t remember,,,,, your see another 3000 and thats the points for the rocket….but there’s alot going on and my computer doesn’t have the smoooothest video playing capabilities sometimes so i could be mistaken, but 19 is the level to check the walk thru on…. it’s the only evidence, lol

    yes i just checked it again… level 19, you can see the points both before and after the power up pause…. and i checked by playing the level on my phone, and unless i am seeing or not seeing things, then , lol…. i *may* be wrong, i will say it, but i’m pretty sure i’m right


    actually “first try” isn’t quite right… you only get the points once on the “first time you manage to get the power-up bonus box”


    15890….. lol…. i’m close!

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