YellowChuck Active 8 years, 6 months ago

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  • YellowChuck

    I’m still using Soundwave, and have finished in first place three out of the four days of the challenge so far. Although I did spend 30 (10+20) gems for two full refreshes the first time, 70 (10+20+40) gems for three full refreshes the second time, and 10 gems for a full refresh the third time I finished in first place, in order to make it happen. And also, working from home and taking a three minute break once an hour to play ABT without having a boss breathing down my neck helps.

    I’ve also noticed that the leader board doesn’t appear to become active until after you’ve done your first run for the new day. So I’ve been staying up late to finish the daily challenge, and not starting the next day’s challenge until I wake up the next morning.

    I’m now at 4720 tokens and it looks like a sure thing that I’ll get Shockwave. I don’t think I’ll be spending any more gems.


    It might not be rigged, actually.

    In my game, I spent a bunch of gems to buy two full refreshes in the last 30 minutes, and got as many canes as I could to finish in first place. Three of the eight event levels I got at the end were lucky ones that had something like 18 canes each.

    I ended up stealing first place from way behind right at the end. You probably had the misfortune of having a jerk like me in 2nd place in your leader board. Sorry.


    Goldbrick (edit: I mean Goldbite) is an interesting choice. From my experience, I had thought that Soundwave was the obvious choice.

    Even at only level 12 (where I’m at), Soundwave hardly even gets injured during these runs unless he gets hit by a falling monolith. And his weapon destroys everything that’s anywhere near where it hits, so I don’t miss any canes/presents/snowmen/whatever unless I don’t notice them until it’s too late (his weapon takes a second to recharge).

    Also, using Soundwave every hour has helped me make some real progress towards that seemingly impossible “Destroy 1 Million Blocks As A Deceptihog” achievement. After a year of playing I was at 330,000 blocks destroyed, but after a few days of this event I’m at just over 400,000 blocks destroyed.

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