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  • zeppled

    My friends game shows TNT as the target and mine shows stone blocks.  My version shows and his shows but there are no updates available.


    Anyone notice the beach scene has no sharktihogs in it.  Must be Rovio’s way of “enhancing the gaming experience”.  🤣


    Is it my imagination or is the target in this event only giving a credit of 1 point?


    Thanks everyone for the ideas.  I too am a player from day one and have always tried to save my gems and spark (once that started). I have only spent once and it was some gem package for 99 cents.  That was to get rid of the ads.  It takes forever to build up your spark or gems, but uses all of them to get you to a point where you can be competitive.


    @fortressmaxin,  Yes you are correct.  I did go after it in my spire one and netted out over 38,000 spark.  But the trade off is that cost thousands of gems.  They do sell some during the events but I have only seen packages that usually only see 6500 spark and some amount of gems for $9.99.


    @elpapam  I do have some saved up also but it is really slow going to build it up.  It would take 7 weeks to earn the required 122,500 spark to go from red crown to green crown between the Spark run, live events and what little comes from chests.  Guess I am curious if there was something else I was missing short of purchasing.


    @asen  How do you manage to have 540,000 spark laying around?  I must be missing something.


    Seriously???  Those spark levels are outrageous.  The only time I have ever achieved full spark in the spark run is when they had the large gold blocks.  How can you ever hope to get that much spark?


    I believe it is the black blocks that subtract from your score when you hit them.  You need to try to avoid the black blocks.


    It would have been nice if Rovio would tell you which block subtracts instead of finding out on your own.  Not sure why they would care. I’ll get my spark and I’m out. It will be a welcome break.


    UM has been nerfed beyond recognition. He is no longer the great warrior he once was. And it’s not just the black blocks inhibiting Ratchet. He has a massive delay when he overheats. Even when I back off firing to keep him from overheating there is still a delay before he starts firing again. He too has become the latest casualty of the downgrading of our Transformers.


    The event is long because the tokens for Chromia are so high (10000). Plus with the nerfing of Ratchet + more recharging of character (because he is nerfed) + lower scores + spending gems to achieve more tokens + less gems received in missions + less gems in lab = $$$$$$$ for Rovio / Exient. Who said they aren’t smart?


    It’s just that you invest time, materials, tokens, sparks and gems and they can and will wipe it all away in one upgrade.  You would think they would at least have a little dignity and respect.  ☹️


    IOS just went to 1.10 and although the token amount matches it has gone to the lesser amount that was in the token exchange.  For those who have spent gems trying to get an over power you just got plunked once again by this game.  Why aren’t they compensating the gems back? I feel your pain.

    Those who have played since the beginning must remember when they raised the material amounts in the silo to something like 50/25 (memory not good) and then when you maxed out the materials they lowered them to 15/12 and took all you had accumulated.


    @partshade.  I have  already purchased the spark and accessories I needed.  I am so glad I did since Jarsu is alive and rampant once more.  I noticed there are quite a few posts accumulating on Facebook on the subject also.


    @partshade. My IOS version has changed to from 1.8.  I didn’t notice the difference between the main event screen token amount and what is listed in the token exchange until this last event ended.  And now I see the version changed also.  Hmmm, guess you don’t have to be an Einstein to figure this one out.


    Not sure what happened but my tokens seem to have disappeared.  WTF!  I guess Rovio/Exient is going for a record on number of f*%# ups in one event.


    Looks like the crash bug is back. I had a video playing also and then it just went out of the game. When I went back in I had lost that one tournament play.


    WTF!!! My last four runs I encountered the health cube bug. I am so glad this is ending.


    @luis-carlo-arocha. I agree with sntrooper. Play the one that interests you most and you enjoy. I am just mentioning that Exient has their hands in the Angry Birds games I mentioned earlier. That’s a deterrent for me.


    Not sure if the long term players remember but we didn’t have all of these problems until the word Exient started showing up when you open the game. Rovio should be ashamed to be associated with that company.

    I also looked at the reviews of the other Angry Birds games that Exient does the maintenance (Angry Birds Go, Angry Birds Star Wars, and Angry Birds Transformers). Lots of complaints specifically about the forced ads all the time. The ratings in the App Store for those games are much worse than the other Angry Birds.


    My news feed on IOS is blank while my husbands (also IOS) shows two sets of tokens. What a cluster f@#$.


    I just had a unicron and got almost 10000 out of it after bonus but my score did not update. I have the same amount I had before running that node.



    Good point. Also, unskilled resources are just as bad as not having any. What adds insult to injury is they never update you on what they are doing to fix the game. A simple statement could appease the masses.


    My crashing has returned with a vengeance. Three crashes out of four nodes. Between the months of software glitches, unreasonable goals, ridiculously boring and unachievable spark run, nerfing my players once again, and nonstop videos I too will be joining the ranks of non players. Rovio really needs to assess their business model. Maybe they are trying to get everyone to abandon this game so they will no longer have to support it. With all of their screw ups this must be a massive drain on resources.

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