This video shows you one way to achieve 100% Total Destruction on Angry Birds Surf and Turf level 10. If you have an alternate strategy please feel free to leave a detailed comment below.
Use the first two White birds to blast through the left side of the structure. After triggering the TNT, loft a White bird to destroy some debris on the right side. Bomb the final pig on the left side and place the Sardine Can where the pig used to be.
Took 3 MEs, and I was sure it wasn’t going to be TD — Stuff left on the far left and far right. Used all 4 WBs. 1st medium low to drop egg close to the left of the rock wall; this should also do a fair amount of damage to the structure on top of the wall, and maybe even detonate the TNT. 2nd to clear path to sand to immediate left of wall, where first egg dropped. 3 rd to clean up debris on top of wall; 4th to clean up right side (didn’t completely). SC to sand next to rock wall.
Sardine Car lands on the first left pig.