Rovio Turns Down a $2.2 Billion Buyout Offer from Zynga

The New York Times is reporting that Rovio — creators of our beloved Angry Birds — turned down a $2.2 billion (that’s $2,200,000,000) buyout offer from Zynga.  Neither company has confirmed this, but it sounds like it’s more than just a rumor.

If true, this is the second high profile buyout attempt by Zynga this year. This summer they failed to acquire PopCap — creators of Bejeweled and Plants vs. Zombies — for just under a billion dollars.  EA later aquired PopCap for around $1.3 billion.

I, for one, applaud Rovio for being able to stand their ground and turn down such an enormous pile of money.  I don’t know a lot about Zynga, nor do I play their games, but based on the articles I’ve read it sounds like the company’s internal dynamics may in part hinder their ability to acquire top tier game developers like Rovio and PopCap.

With any franchise as massive as Angry Birds many people like to gripe about this or that, but I am very thankful that Angry Birds is under Rovio’s control.  Nobody is perfect, but they don’t nickle and dime us and continue to provide regular, high quality updates without charge (I can’t wait for Wreck the Halls!).  Yes, I know some platforms are slower to get updates than others, but would you rather they charge you a nickle for every pull of the slingshot.  I didn’t think so.  Thanks, Rovio.

Category: Blog, News

Comments (46)

Rank: Fling King with 4185 points
By RedBirdsBrother (@redbirdsbrother)

All right’ go Rovio! A lot of other companies would sell out, but not them, all right!

Rank: Master Slinger with 7205 points
By TruckDriver (@truckdriver)

I’ve not heard of Zynga before, myself, so I googled ’em. The top article headlined the fact that they are looking to launch an IPO next week. Given that, it would seem to me that all Zynga was after was a hot property to sweeten the IPO for any and all potential investors.

So I concur with BirdLeader, way to go Rovio! Thanks for looking out for us loyal bird flingers!

Rank: Sling God with 37665 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Sorry, I should have mentioned more about Zynga. Here’s a breakout of some of their games and below is a snippet from Wikipedia:

As of November 2011, Zynga’s games on Facebook have over 200 million monthly active users. Four of Zynga’s games, CityVille, Texas HoldEm Poker, FarmVille, and Empires & Allies, are among the top five most widely used game applications on Facebook, with CityVille having over 54 million monthly active users.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7205 points
By TruckDriver (@truckdriver)

So it appears that Zynga is bigger than I initially thought. Going back to google however, further down the page list is a link to an article from CNET. In summary, it seems that some while ago, Zyngaemployees were given companty stock in lieu of higher salaries, but now, Zynga wants those shares back from their employees under threat of termination.

Another reason to applaud Rovio management’s decision.

Rank: Explosive with 2105 points
By nascarboy (@nascarboy)

If only other companies would do what rovio did.

Rank: DaBomb with 410 points
By dGhost (@dghost)

I’m glad to see Rovio standing strong – I like the way Rovio has been running Angry Birds, and considering Zynga has always been quite greedy, (requiring you to play exorbitant amounts of money for pixels on a screen) I’m happy that Rovio keep on providing for us Angry Addicts. If another company like Zynga were to take over, I couldn’t imagine how Angry Birds may change…

Rank: Hardened with 585 points
By townzell (@townzell)

I was about to say pretty much what you said, so I’ll just second that. I think Angry Birds will continue to do very well in Rovio’s hands. Clearly, they love their angry little babies.

Rank: Flinger with 40 points
By lartomar2002 (@lartomar2002)

My hope for the world has increased exponentially.

By Oobgular

Me too! I’m glad someone has some sense!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8570 points
By Kartflyer (@kartflyer)

Keep it up rovio! Angry birds is better in your hands!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1710 points
By Jody (@jody)

I’m so thankful for this. Rovio has done a top-notch job with Angry Birds – I am consistently impressed with them. Zynga, on the other hand, is like a parasite.

(Could you miagine how annoying it would be to have to beg/spam your friends in order to play the next level? Yeesh.)

Rank: DaBomb with 305 points
By banzaigtv (@banzaigtv)

It’s great that Rovio is keeping the game and not hand it over to Zynga, only to have it screwed up. Zynga can try and make their Angry Birds clone, but I’m sure that game will fail. Now if only we can get a new Angry Birds with 3D gameplay and graphics similar to a FPS game, such as Portal 2 and Call of Duty: MW3.

By Morph416


I applaud Rovio for keeping their company business, their business! Just because a company is successful, doesn’t mean they should or would be willing to sell that to the first offer that comes their way. I believe Rovio should continue to develop the AB platform until the world is tired of playing it!

Rank: Out of this World with 2555 points
By Codebreak (@codebreak)

Ya like thats going to happen. The world will never be tired of playing it!!!!!! I also congratulate Rovio for turning down the deal. I wish other company’s and games could do what they did. Club Penguin has turned into a money maker and you have to pay for membership just to unlock most of the game!!!! I bet that if they accepted then we would have to pay to unlock each world. Rovio cares about us!!!!

By Oobgular

Well, isn’t Rovio making a movie, and all that stuff? They want to be the next Pixar, Mickry Mouse, and everything! Of course they won’t sell to a game company when only a part of them Is games!

By Chong

Great! If angry birds continue to get tons and tons of downloads, I’m sure other companies can’t catch up!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6960 points
By iamMighty (@iammighty)

Thats a good and awesome step by Rovio.
If they would have handed it to them, forget about getting free updates but also poor gameplay and ridiculous episodes too.

Rank: DaBomb with 305 points
By banzaigtv (@banzaigtv)

Or no updates at all.

By ashok pai

why do we need large corporations of greedy pigs. we need plenty of small companies who deliver good stuff. gravity app comes to my mind – @janole fantastic guy, great updates and regular, its joy to use that app and its maintained by a single guy – give it to a bunch of people and they’ll screw it up. look at winamp. why do we need large band of thugs to give us a sense of “oh its by a large corporation, so it must be good”. the way things have gone, smaller shops – well run, talented bunch is much better. thank you rovio for staying independent !

By Oobgular

Who’s better: Rovio or Zynga? Rovio makes Angry Birds. Zynga makes FarmVille. Case Closed.

Rank: Debriefed with 1255 points
By FrithaB (@frithab)

Couldn’t have said it better myself. Three cheers for Rovio!

By JeeJee


Rank: Flinger with 80 points
By plusle (@yellow-birdy)

that is a good choice,kepp it up!!

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

They will probably go public in the near future. I really hope that they don’t end up putting profit before quality.

ref: Article

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9535 points
By sandjoy (@sandjoy)

Thanks, Bird Leader. You definitely expressed my sentiments in your post. I love everything about Angry Birds. I think it’s due to Rovio’s “love and devotion” to this quirky little game that draws us all in. Kudos to Rovio!

Rank: Boss Hog with 13330 points
By kathi17 (@kathi17)

I am also glad Rovio didn’t sell out. I have never played anything by Zynga, but it seems like any time a company takes over another one, they ruin the product they take over. I love Rovio and Angry Birds!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6700 points
By wanda (@wanda)

Kudos to Rovio. It’s nice to see a company that isn’t willing to sell out. I don’t know how long AB will be popular, but 3 decades later, I still love Ms. Pacman! Sometimes, a company just gets it right. Nice news, in a time when most news isn’t. Thanks for letting us know.

Rank: Hardened with 680 points
By mozzie (@trefoil)

i feel like im correcting everybody on this site (kidding) just think you got a little typo there birdleader “buyout attempt buy Zynga” don’t you mean “by Zynga” ? to the matter: i am also very glad they turned it down, who knows what other companies would to to such an amazing game… regards

Rank: Champion with 3750 points
By Oobgular (@oobgular17)

Ha! I think you mean “who knows what other companies would DO to such…” not “would TO yo such…” You are corecting them for a typo, but he a typo too! ;)

Rank: Champion with 3750 points
By Oobgular (@oobgular17)

And I just had a typo there! i meant “to to” not “to yo” :D

Rank: Hardened with 680 points
By mozzie (@trefoil)

lol, i guess everybody makes mistakes. in my defense im swiss :P

Rank: Well Traveled with 1565 points
By Angry_Bird (@angry_bird)

I know this isnt the right place for this but the photo for seasons changed in game center and there is the “wreck the halls” leaderboard with no scores!! Looks like an update will be here soon!

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)
By NoisyCricket

My respect for Rovio has skyrocketed…and it has already been well on up there. As much as I’d love to see an Angry Birds themed Facebook game, I have preferred from the get-go that either Rovio produces such a thing themselves, or if they honestly need a partner, they choose another outfit besides Zynga. This news certainly cements absolutely no Zynga interference at all with our beloved feathered friends…AND that Rovio is just an AWESOME company, period. Which makes me all that much more unabashed in my saying it loud and proud about how much I LOVE the Angry Birds franchise. I don’t ever recall a puzzle game seeing so much deserved praise and popularity since Tetris 22 years ago. And that said, unlike FarmVille, Cafe World, Mafia Wars, CityVille, you name it with Zynga’s fare, I think Angry Birds will certainly be in the highest echelon of video/computer gamedom alongside Tetris, Pac-Man, Mario, Sonic, Legend of Zelda, etcetera. If it is not already there…the birds and pigs are definitely as easily recognized as the main characters of those games, and therefore well on their way to being icons (if not already there) of the industry.

By Don "Goober"

THANK GOD they did NOT sell out to Zynga. I PLAYED (not anymore, I smartened up) Farmville, and they would get people hooked and then they start “nickel & diming” you to death. You would have to pay alot of money for anything cool in the game. The thing I respect about Roxio is you get all the updates with the original cost. If Zynga took over, they would charge anywhere from $5-$20 for each update in angry birds. For instance for the new “wreck the halls” update, I guarantee you Zynga would charge you for the update, and charge for everyone after that. They did it in there other games. And then all the technical problems, my lord, Zynga is the worst. There have been very few “glitches” with angry birds, if Zynga took over, there would be multiple issues if they took over!!! Thank Roxio and thank good that there are things more important that the all might dollar to Roxio, and not selling out!!!

Rank: Master Slinger with 5715 points
By Silent Assassin (@silent-assassin)

I’m glad they didn’t do it. I’ve seen their games and they suck, plus they worth way more than that. ROVIO RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rank: Boss Hog with 13330 points
By kathi17 (@kathi17)

Ijust heard on the radio that Zynga had an IPO today. It looks like their bid for AB was just a stepping stone to a higher price on the IPO.

Rank: Out of this World with 2850 points
By Mr.Potato (@mr-potato)

Nah their shares are now below original IPO price

Rank: Out of this World with 2850 points
By Mr.Potato (@mr-potato)

Check this out, Rovio might launch 5-6 games in 2012, possible IPO in 2013

Rank: Debriefed with 1390 points
By concretebrunette (@concretebrunette)

I hope they never sell out. Especially to Zynga. They’d manage to screw it up somehow.

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By Maravis (@maravis)

zynga is like a worser version of mini-clip they would probebley ruin this golden game

also thumbs up to rovio finally a company that’s not in it for the money but the happiness of their customers

Rank: Master Slinger with 6760 points
By username12345 (@blahalb09)

Zynga may strike again, although this time it is not with money, but a game.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I wouldn’t worry too much. From what I have read recently, Zynga may dig their own grave before launching a physics-based hit.

By J Thorpe

Yay, Rovio! I played Zynga’s Adventure World for a few days. It has so much potential, but Zynga can’t make a game without making you pay as you go, for the privilege of getting to finish the level you’ve started. Zynga is just ridiculously greedy. I’ll never play another Zynga game again.

Rank: Fling King with 4000 points
By Bill (@dollarbill2208)

That’s a lot of money. Rovio knows they can make a lot more money themselves, and a buyout like that would be like selling out the whole world. Not accepting that offer was a good choice for them and us.

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