The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 5
  • @sunshine I would like a pigs in a blanket. I need to take down the EE 1-8 piggies!
  • Good Morning @kartflyer! Happy flinging Sunday.
    @sunshine both ways sound delicious! Can you please make me the one which is less work for you?
    @rd wohoo! Already 5k more, that's awesome!
  • Good morning @kartflyer!! :) good to see you! :). Food coming right up!!!! :)

    I improver to 99050, just missed what you have rd. I know this can be done with two birds, I'm just not getting the second shot good enough! :)
  • I love when the kitchen is rocking!!! :) the food will be up in a moment! :). Enjoy!
  • @all Glad I could join you guys for this fun-sounding challenge. Happy flinging everybody! :)
  • I know it can be done with two, but your second shot has to clear a lot. I believe the high score got almost everything to fall left. It's tricky to cause that to happen.
  • Yes it is I have come so close, but no cigar! Haha :)
  • Looks like @trishohara is in the lead with 103,050. I just entered 102,750. Great flinging, everyone!! Those pigs don't have a chance against us.
    Btw @sunshine, thanks for the vote! Thanks also to @kartflyer and @harrystar6! I am honored. :)
  • @rd, you deserve it and helping hand, pleasant company, and a special badge for this creative idea!!! :)
  • @rd, you are right about @Kathy, she deserves one as well!!! :)
  • So who do I talk to for my drink on @rdnzlrips82?
  • @rdnzlrips82 *applause* Awesome badge rd! You finally earned it! :)
  • @fdslady Orange Bird is behind the bar at all times to make anything you would like. Blue bird will serve you and take care of you. @sunshine is the chef. @kathy is usually around helping everyone get comfortable. And I try to help as much as I can. Pull up a stool and relax from a hard day of flinging. Feel free to chat it up with the other patrons and participate in the daily score improvement level of the day: ABSeasons Easter Eggs 1-8. If you need anything, just ask.
  • @rdnzlrips82 srry I was out for so long my browser went down:( everything is o.k. I see
    @sunshine I know I'm late but I could sure use some breakfast..something greasy to cure this hangover I gotta lay off those pig killers! orange bird I will take a bloody mary please:)
  • oh and @rd congrats on share the wealth:)! you really deserve it! :)
  • Thank you so much, everyone!! I appreciate it more than you will ever know! I am beside myself with joy knowing that I have helped people improve their Angry Birds and Angry Birds Nest experience. It is an honor to sit here with you all and I promise I will continue to provide helpful tips to combat evil and defend the honor of Sling Town. Thank you all so much. *eyes begin to water* Okay, let's get to drinking. All drinks are on me today!! No one pays. Thanks, everyone.
  • @Kathy, foods up, and here is some hair of the dog!! ;)
  • Congrats @rd! You deserve it.
  • @orange bird, please make me a Pig Killer.
    I couldn't improve my score in EE 1-8 today. I guess the 103050 are already too high, though 3000 less than highscore. But it was fun to play, at the first few tries I wondered why yellow can't aim (played too much Space?)
  • I made some adjustments to the main story part of this discussion. I added a new section that lists the daily Improve Your Score level. I am still waiting on @kathy to give me the go ahead on posting the pig villain bios. I have some interesting news involving this discussion coming soon, but everyone will have to wait for that. Until then, enjoy the free drinks!!
  • @trishohara I have the same problem going to and from Space. I always miss that targeting system.
  • @trishohara,same issue, my perspective and expectations are off going between the to, I guess that's what happens to the astronauts as well!! :)
  • Grrrr - don't have seasons ATM! I keep meaning to send @sunshine my .lua files actually, lol!

    Also, that gave me an idea - I'm willing to look after anyone's .lua files if they want me to, as n extra back up. Just send me a PM, either here or over on the social part of the main site, and I'll send you my e-mail (Obviously, I'm not going to post it here for spam-prevention!) I've updated my status on the main site to reflect this as well! :D
  • @rdnzlrips82 please post pig bios:) ...they are perfext sent you a couple messages but not sure if they went through..looks like browser is up and running again:)
    @ sunshine tty for the awesome breakfast! that "hair of the dog really helped:)) I am now going to try the beat your score challenge, will b back in a minute with my starting score...I love this place...great job rd:)
  • Okay everyone, the Pig Villain Bios are posted. Be sure to check them out while you enjoy all of your drinks on me! I have an amazing idea for the Short Story involving our characters and I can't wait to get started on it. Cheers, everyone!!
  • @kathy You inspired this place. This is all thanks to you as well. Cheers to @kathy!!!!
  • oh man!! I forgot I lost all my progress in seazons:( gonna take a while to get to the daily challenge. and I missed @laurence posted something of being able to save?
  • @rd :) thank you
  • @kathy - on iOS devices and PC it is reasonably simple to create a manual backup of your .lua files which store your highscores and settings. I'm not sure how it works on android, which I believe you use? I guess I could google II, or someone like Slim may know!

    Oh, and orange bird - I'll have an orange juice please! (Just don't squeeze yourself o.0) :D
  • Could I have an Oj too?
  • can have whatever your heart desires:) orange bird will bring it right up for ya:)also feel free to hail down one of the blues:) happy to help ya with whatever you need...hope your hungry..@sunshine is cookin' up some smoked pork for supper:)

  • @laurence ty...I will look into it...and yes PLEASE orange bird, if we run out of O.J. please don't make that.sacrifice..we need you..will order more:)
  • @Laurence, you know you can send them anytime!!!! :)
  • @Kathy If Orange Bird still has some oj, I'll take a vodka sunrise, please! I can't drink at home but maybe I can have one here!

    @rdnzlrips82. I'm not getting your mgs, you missed the "i" in my name. LOL. I've caught them anyway I think. Hmm, I wonder if this would work? @All Do you think the admins let that one slip through? =; >

    ~I had more on that post but it got cut off. Hmm.
  • I just finished reading an article on Consumer Reports .Org about "Find out how to get your money back for an app that doesn't work the way you expected it to." I'd like to share it but I'm not comfortable posting it. If you subscribe to search on "mobile apps" and you'll find it. If you don't subscribe send me your e-mail address and I'll send you the article.
  • ty fislady..great. info..:) I will check it out..not worrried about the.99 but just the principal of the matter! ty
  • @ fislady plenty of o.j.:) actually if you want orange bird can whip you up something special:)
  • @Kathy That would be great! I haven't had any thing with alcohol since my surgery in '07. I miss having a glass of wine with dinner or sitting around the fire pit with a beer.
  • @fislady..I hear ya had 2 surgerys last year my mosst relaxation is sittin and sippin by the firepit..can't wait for this wind to die and temp warm up a liitle:)
  • does anyone mind if I change the music? I love radiohead but its been 2 days..I was thinking a little led zepplin? any other suggestions welcome..jukebox is free:)
  • @rd jukebox is free right? srry I just assumed:(
  • @Kathy I think it is. They have a free version at least.

    You guys seem to have a problem with my name. ROFL Its FidsLady : )

  • Hey, can I have a pig killer, orange bird? I can't get those piggies in 1-8
  • @Imanangrybird orange bird will happily give you a pig killer..srry your having troubles in 1-8.. I can't even get there:(..anyway 5 is the limit on pig killers, believe me! lol you will thank us tommorow:)
  • *kathy playing *Free Bird* by led zepplin on jukebox
  • No, not free bird, my husband was in the radio and musice business back then, It feels like a time warp. Lol haha ;)
  • aha! The pig killer worked! I got those piggies! Conngrats on the new badge.
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