The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2090
  • lol. Why thank you, that...means so much? :p I do love Rio and play it daily. I fully intend to retroactively climb the old episode boards just like I did in Space the last few months. But on June 5, you better believe it's gonna be seriously neglected for a few months :)
  • @KelanisnotaSpaceInvaderpagechanger *hands it to @Kitthy so she won't hurt him*

    edit: I may have even submitted that Rio challenge.
  • @Kelani, you submitted that sucky level? Okay, now I think you're trying to sabotage Rio by submitting these spray-and-pray level challenges. This is the circle of trust. This is Rat. This is you. LOL
  • Flinging time is over here - it's bedtime. So to you, guys and dolls, have a nice afternoon, evening, night. Tomorrow, new day - new chances
  • @ABCrazy -- Amazing video! I'm sure Robert would be the same.
  • @Bernersenn -- I let you get by with the first one, but another requires an English lesson. In my opinion, "guy" is not gender specific. Calling women, or girls for that matter, "doll" or "gal" is considered condescending in my opinion.
    I'm sure not every female on the Nest agrees, but that is my opinion.
  • Since we (I?) seem to be on the topic of sexist comments: How did women get the label of "chatterbox"? Seems to me the men on the Nest have the women beat in that department hands down.
    The only group that might be able to beat you would be a group of teen boys.
  • Hello TBP Nesters!

    Have a question: any of you have this issue: when navigate to your profile or any other profile you see a greyed-back box behind the user name? I've see this, suddenly, about 1 hour ago and is NO COOL at all.
  • @kelani Are you a Foreing Languages teacher?
  • @mvnla2 I think you mean teen girls :) Everyone knows teen boys communicate through grunts, burps and assorted "Dude! Sweet! Lame!" comments.

    @fenikus I said I *may* have submitted it. Rule 1 on my list was no 1-bird levels.

    @TienShenLong No, I was a music major. I just pick up languages easily. A smarter Kel would have become a translator. Also, I've never seen the bug you report. You might try restarting your browser. If it doesn't go away and really bothers you, you may want to post it in the bugs forum.
  • shhh be vewwy vewwy qwiet I'm hunting wabbit ..
  • @Kelani -- No, I meant teen boys. While teen boys may communicate through grunts, etc. in person, on the internet they can burn through comments faster than you would believe. Just ask @E-Star -- she used to keep a plot of comments per day, and the max days were when a group of teen boys took over the conversation. They also tended to blow the BP up, but then, what do you expect.
  • Hi @mvnla2, hope you're doing well. May I ask why you consider "gal" condescending in your opinion? Keep in mind that while I've been living in U.S. for 20+ years, English is still my second language and I'm still learning nuances of the language, hence my genuine question -- no writing between lines here.
  • @mvnla2 oh, boys/men can definitely go nuts at times, but excluding the increasingly weird BR bromance in here, ladies usually win that contest. Just yesterday I learned my 19yr old cousin had a phone bill 3x higher than her brother's. :)
  • IMO it should be the intent that matters. Unless you're in a formal setting, "You're a great gal" is a compliment. "You're a great gal, toots" followed by a swat on the butt is not.
  • @Kelani, I was asking because I did find some (unconfirmed) tidbits on the internet that "gal" may have had some racist connotations in the South during the fallout of the Civil Rights Era. That was new to me so I wanted to know from mvnla2 if that's what she meant. I always thought "gal" was an informal variation of "girl" and never thought twice about until now (though for the record I will say I never use the word).
  • Also @Kelani, since "bromance" is already a combination of two existing words, why not go further and call "BR bromance" "BRomance"? lol
  • @fenikus @kelani -- I suppose I object to "gal" because it came from "girl," and historically has been associated with a condescending attitude towards women. A lot of men used to (still do?) call grown women "girl." (To be painfully fair, a lot of grown women call themselves "girls," which drives me nuts.)
    Fenikus -- Would be interested to look at your references on racist connotations. I wasn't specifically aware of them, but that might have come through in the attitude. "My gal" was probably used to refer to your servant or slave.
  • @mvnla2, another question: did you mean "how did women get the label of 'chatterbox'" here in BP/Nest, or in general? I've been visiting the BP for maybe 1 month now and never heard a male nester utter the word; in fact, the couple of times I heard it, it was by female nesters in a context "this is weird, we women are usually chatterboxes in here, and now the men have taken over." So my question is: if one sex labels _itself_ somehow, is that also considered sexist?

    Here's the reference you're interested in: -- just another forum, nothing official.
  • @Kelani -- The only thing keeping me from slapping someone who says "You're a great gal" would be the thought that he just possibly might have meant it as a compliment. It's possible that my opinion of the word is related to the fact that I never lived in the South. Southern CA is NOT the South, in case the Europeans don't know.
  • @kelani @fenikus you can blame me. Todays Challenge was one of my picks.
    I don't mind the occasional 1-birder challenge if there's more than one possible way to 1-bird it. But I do recognize the differences are very very slight on this one.
  • @mvnla2 -- okay, I can understand your objection. I hear a lot of women say to men "okay boys, let's do such and such." Same objection could apply here, but like you say there is no historical association to make it unwelcome.

    But considering @bernersenn is not a native English speaker and "Guys and Dolls" is the title of a musical (from where I'm sure he got the reference), couldn't he be forgiven?
  • @karen68, I forgive you ;) After all, I did bump up my score by 2K which is great news since I'm fighting with bonmeypattycat for overall #10 in Rio.

    Edit: on the other hand, she did too so…
  • @fenikus -- @Bernersenn is (and was) forgiven, but he asked for English lessons if he used terms incorrectly. Yes, it is true that "Guys and Dolls" is a musical, but it is from a male-chauvinistic era, and even in that musical, the use of "dolls" to refer to women is belittling, though not uncommon for that time period. "Gal" was frequently used by men as perhaps even an unthinking putdown of women at that time.
    Thanks for the link, I did in fact find that one, and I think it's probably correct.
    I was referring to the general perception that women are "chatterboxes."
    The use of "boys" to refer to grown men can also be considered objectionable. It's use in the current day may be partly regional. BTW the use of "boy" to refer to a grown man has the same type of racist overtone as "gal." Slave owners referred to grown men and women as "my boy" and "my gal".
  • @Karen68 no problem. I like the level, just haven't had much time to get into it. :)

    @mvnla2 @fenikus My understanding was that "gal" was the feminine of "guy". I don't know of any widespread uses as a slur. The only terms I've seen for slaves were: 'girl', 'boy' and the half-dozen unprintables. 'Gal' has an affectionate quality, and I don't see a slave owner ever using it for his 'property' or anyone of low social standing. It would have been poor etiquette and highly unusual

    In the south, we just don't obsess over these things. We use lots of terms that may surprise non-natives, and assume the recipient knows our intent. @Rat could say "SWDNF is a great gal", and I would assume a term of respect. If he said the exact same thing about a Vegas waitress who spills dip on his ipad, I'd assume sarcasm. Southern ladies do the same thing. They like to call us 'boys', and if one uses "Bless your heart" in a sentence, we know it either means empathy or "you're an idiot" :)
  • @mvnla2 -- well I'm glad @bernersenn is forgiven and he did in fact ask to be corrected when applicable. For the chatterbox sexist comment though, I read between the lines. In my opinion, it is never wise to counter sexist comments (perceived or real) with yet another sexist comment.
  • @kelani -- As I said earlier, it may be a regional thing. But then, you're not a professional woman, probably younger than 40, living in the South, so not clear you have the correct perspective. : D I'm sure most of the men (even outside the South) using the term "gal" think of it as being totally non-offensive, even friendly.
    My experience is that women who use "boys" or "girls" are of a certain age that probably varies by geography. Not sure I've ever heard a woman use "gal" or "gals".
  • @fenikus for the record, that was my first and last use of the word 'bromance'. I hate the word, but all the other terms I could think of to describe it are wildly inappropriate.
  • @fenikus -- Do you think I made a sexist comment? Which one? If you meant the one about chatterboxes, I thought of it more as an observation of fact. Also, I had just finished reading / scanning I don't know how many pages of posts written since I caught up last night.
  • @mvnla2 I've heard women of all ages use 'boys' The only instance of women using gal I've seen would be 'gal pal' in a tabloid. I don't use it, and it's more of a 60+ term. I have examples just for you of how we interpret things here. :)

    (Paul barely knows Lisa)
    Paul: "Lisa, you're a pretty neat chick"
    Lisa: "damn right. don't forget it."

    If it was a compliment, great. If not, fine. Lisa wins both.

    (Steve just met Kerri)
    Steve: "Kerri, you're a pretty great bird/broad/dame"
    Kerri: "And what do you mean by that?"
    Steve: "Um.. I think you're really nice?"
    Kerri: "Thank you. You're not bad yourself."

    The ladies win again.
  • @Kelani -- good…let's keep it that way lol.

    @mvnla2 -- Yes, I read your comment as very mildly sexist, just because of the context and timing in which you applied it. "The only group that might be able to beat you would be a group of teen boys." At the time, it sounded to me like: "you _men_ are so juvenile in your banter here that only a pack of equally juvenile _male_ teenagers can beat you". Like girls (girls in this context = female teenagers) or women can't be juvenile!

    But, as the Bard would tell us, therein lies the rub. I didn't know at the time that it was an anecdotal remembrance of E-Star keeping a plot of comments per day and spike thereof when male teens were hanging out in BP. I also didn't see you body language, I didn't note your intonation of the spoken word so I misconstrued the comment. And similarly, maybe @bernersenn was wearing a tutu and curtsied as he spoke "good night guys and dolls" in an apparent spoof. Maybe not the best analogy/image (okay very bad, lol), but I think you know what I mean. My point is that this forum is called a "pub" and have you ever been to one? People of all genders and races talk a lot and are being juvenile there (with some help of beverages that may or may not contain alcohol, lol).

    So my point is: I see (saw?) this as a place where you can let your guard down, relax, and enjoys some friendly banter without worrying of unintentionally offending anyone (barring profanities and intentional attack of any kind of course). I hope I was not wrong.
  • Compared to some bars I've seen, this place is almost a church. :)
  • @fenikus -- Yes, I've been to a real pub. They're only in Britain, right? I've been to a couple of places in LA that call themselves pubs, but they're not the same.
    Hey! The only one with a tutu is @Rat, so let's not give one to @bernesrsenn.
    Yes, this was all friendly banter. I hope I didn't offend you.
  • Yeah, and the drinks don't give you a good buzz for some reason (no disrespect to OB, he does the best he can in virtual environment).
  • @mvnla2 -- I don't know what make a pub a real pub; all I know it's short for "public house". Maybe Mrs. Bunny could educate us?

    I agree re: tutu :)

    No offense taken at all and I hope likewise. Yes, a bit more than a friendly banter actually -- I always enjoy intellectual discourse that's educational to all parties involved!

    I may choose to limit my bantering here, not because of what transpired tonight, but because it is seriously cutting into my flinging time! I think this was Mr. Rat's ploy from the beginning…to invite me in here and distract me ;)
  • Hey! Give my tutu back. It was a gift from @Estar.
  • Just for the record and to muddy the waters, I was born an Indiana Yankee by the shore of Lake Michigan. Not a true Southerner.
  • @Rat You're an import? Here I thought you were really one of us. Maybe you can make the cutoff: How long have you been in SC?
  • I had some die-hard catholic-Indiana neighbors growing up. It took 15 years, but they finally started sounding normal :D

    I kid. I have no southern accent at all. I tried like hell to get rid of it as a kid, now I can't get it back.
  • 2007
  • @Rat one more Southerner test. What do you call a carbonated beverage?
  • Arrrrghh…I think I saw both @Rat and @bernersenn mention that their vision is not exactly 20-20 and that they wear glasses. I'm supposed to wear them if only for reading and looking at screens but I don't. Maybe I ought to? What "pixels" are you speaking of when you described how to hit the boulder in BR-19, @Rat? It's all a big blur to me and I can't hit that "middle" shot.

    Edit: I know how to get a one-birder on BR-19 but I would like to increase the frequency to little more than 1 every 2 days.
  • @Rat are you zoomed in all the way when you talk "pixels"?
  • I have 20/10 with contacts in and I can't aim by individual pixels. Gotta use background scenery for reference.
  • Wait…a…second…zoomed in all the way, glasses on. This could actually work.
  • Okay @Kelani, I promise once I get 130K on BR-19, I will stop using glasses. It just wouldn't be fair, this is too easy, lol.
  • If you wanna play dirty, I can just fire up windows screen magnifier :P

    really, background scenery. or the tip I posted. last aiming dot 1 pixel below center in the space between the two platforms. That's visible, at least.
  • Yeah, but your shot is at 70%-90% power. I don't have the technology to reliably do reduced power shots.
  • according to master @Rat, reduced shots are poppycock :P And he claims he was able to do it full-power.
  • Btw, I kinda can do reduced power shots. If I fling quickly it actually does fly a tad slower and weaker. But of course with that technique, I can't be counting pixels. No matter, I will figure this out. So far, the boulder gets close to that rightmost red band of life preserver but goes a tad too far and poof. I did get one hit but again the tower boulder stopped rolling on the very edge of the tower :(
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