The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2111
  • @mvnla2 remember the bouncing grapes I told you about on #5? The red flag on #14 does the same thing sometimes. :)

    @fenikus A bryonjames miracle shot, maybe. Besides that, I'm not convinced 1b is better. I've had numerous 132-133k opportunities w/2 birds. I just can't hit the second shot with any consistency. :) It's also very rare for the TNT to heavily damage to the left boat. Given how hard the first shot is, those odds seem pretty low.

    @Rat retires more than Maurice Chevalier did. :o) All hail the Rodent King.
  • @fenikus, warriors? Sure, I will continue this game until I got this bloody one-birder. Until 1st of december, then I have other priorities
  • @Kelani, both @SweetP and I also got that shot so it's not that much of a miracle. We just didn't get the same level of destruction like bryonjames but someone eventually will.
  • @bernersenn, I'm painting this mental picture of you on December 1, I hope it doesn't happen: Sulky eyes, hair ripped out, body emaciated from food/sleep depravation, muttering to yourself: "I will be back, monkey, after Christmas, after Christmas…" :-)
  • I can report that I had my first one-birder on this one: 120k. Didn't enter it on the leaderboard :-)
  • @bernersenn, it's easy to get the one-birder on BR-14. But you want that special kind of 1-birda…did you read my walkthrough post?
  • I can report that I had a 121K one-birder on BR-19. I challenge anyone to get lower than that with one bird.
  • @fenikus pretty sure I came close a few times. yuck.

    Ok, so what score do I need to post w/a #14 2-birder before you give it some respect? :P

  • @Kelani, if it keeps you trying for a 2-birder instead of a 1-birder, I give it my utmost respect ;)
  • Sorry flingers, gotta go. Preparations for the 2.6m celebrations are under way here in Connecticut, lots to do.
  • @fenikus, of course I did - and all the other ones. Think that I can dream of them. Don't think that I prayed enough to the AB gods. My one-birder as mentioned had all that it should had, box killed that marmoset, right tower fell to the left, but much, much debris left. Sure, I had other one-birders, but this one had it (nearly). For now, I start praying as mentioned, after that I give it a few tries ..
  • @fenikus I'm always trying for the 1 birder, just saying there's a 130-135k Plan B for the 99.99% of attempts it doesn't happen. I got 130.5k with less-than-stellar right-side destruction. With one great shot (and one block out of the way), I don't see any impediment to 135k. At the very least, it's better than a reset! :D

    Did you remember to pay the caterer for the 2.6M party? my wallet on the boat. :)
  • @kelani, I took another peek at #14 for you, and just got two one-birders, but BB did not drop down past the horizontal cement planks. There wasn't enough debris damage to get anything over 110K with the bonus birds. So, all I can say is keep trying! It took me (and probably @fenikus too) hundreds of wash, rinse, repeats to finally get it.

    The sweet spot seems to be between the marmoset and the cement cube, closer to the cube. When the sweet spot is hit, the horizontal planks under the cube will separate and lets BB drop down. You have to be quick, and manually detonate as soon as you see BB falling, before he hits the bottom.

    I'm sending you some L-factor to help you out. I know you can do it, just have to keep trying!
  • Maybe I was still under the influence of the anesthesia as @Mvnla2 said. But to shoot for three hours without any signs of progress? How do you do it @fenikus?
  • @SweetP Thank you. I'll take all the L-factor I can get :)

    My problem's not the 1st shot. I can hit that all day long. ;) I'm just not getting good 1-bird collapses of scores, and tired of that bleeping stingy raft wasting my good 1st shots. However, I am getting 129-130k w/2-birds. To break the monotony I started playing with variations on that shot, and found a 2bird shot that gives 130-135k in a certain scenario. Now every time the 1b shot fails, this gives another chance to save the day. Now I just need the stars to align once again. :)
  • Hail @Rat9 !! Hello fellow River Rats ;)
    @bernersenn I'm sorry you got the wrong impression I think, I didn't lose a pet I was borrowing 'Robert' pa's kitty avatar.. but i changed back to myself today. But thank you for the kind words; )
    Soo now ya'll got me back to #14 !! @Kelani do you mean to say YOU Can't destroy the small raft with Matilda?
    @Pa your not retiring lol.. you just missed me..that's all Now GO Get Em' !
    OB an extra strong Marmoset Killer please; )
    Hi ho Hi ho it's off to fling I go
    I'll fling in Vain , this games a Pain
    Hi ho Hi ho
  • @kelani thanks for Colón explanation
    And here in Spain I have a large glass of Cava waiting for the first (short, by his own standards, but very likeable) man to break 2.6 m

  • LOL @Kathy! I think you've found those silly dwarves! Well, hopefully they'll bring you more luck!

    Nice scoring @hunnybunny in BR. I've got a long way to catch up, but I'll get there, hopefully soon!

    @kelani, what kind of certain scenario? I could use more points in #14, so any breadcrumbs you could leave for me I'd appreciate.
  • NOooooooooo I Just got the Perfect Breakthrough on #14!!! Complete Destruction I exploded at the exact time!! AND the stone MISSED the TNT!!!
  • @SweetP I do have tips, but according to @fenikus "everybody knows that" :P And y'all know I'm -never- one to fill the BP with useless posts! :) Actually, I'm just on a break from helping my neighbor, so I'll post the big breadcrumb later. In a nutshell, if 1 birder fails, try a 2nd shot before resetting. Lotsa points there, especially if you can egg one debris pile and ricochet into another.

    ex: you can egg the far right debris, ricochet off the cone and land on the left pile and sometimes even the raft.
  • @fenikus -- Are you throwing a party for @Kelani, or do you think you'll get there first yourself? In either case, hope the caterer is used to last-minute delays. : D
    Someone should make a plot of score progress vs time. Might be too late unless one of you kept track.
  • @mvnla2 judging by his silence and the fact he stuck me with the catering bill, I suspect he intends to get there first.

    A score plot sounds neat, Maybe we can do that for the new Space episode. Depending on the length of the time variable, the graph'd probably be the left half of a bell curve, or maybe a big initial jump, becoming a series of plateaus, like a stepped garden.
  • @fenikus you misspelled y'all in that new users post :P it's britches all over again!

    Sorry, my point hunting has been fruitless tonight, so I had to resort to distraction tactics out of desperation.
  • Ummm @Kelani, that topic has so many misspellings that I doubt my minor misplacement of an apostrophe makes that much of a difference. I still fixed it because I'm a perfectionist, thanks.

    I'm also an apparent masochist since I couldn't resist getting involved. Maybe I'll get lucky and everybody will miss my post...
  • Lol @kelani I'm in the same boat..paddling upstream tonight:/
  • It's All Your Fault btw!! This River Mania is All Your Fault! !
  • Uhhm @kelani where are the Promised Breadcrumb for a2 bit shot on#14?
  • Ahoy there @Kathy. Hey, you're the BP hostess, right? I hate to be a tattle-tale, but did you see what @burpie did to the popcorn booth? I was checking it out cuz I wanted to use it to watch the LB show once I get to 2.6. I almost fell and broke my neck -- unpopped kernels and butter all over the floor…it's a hazard!
  • @Kathy Sorry, you'll have to follow those popcorn kernels tonight. I should have posting time again tomorrow afternoon. You're probably not missing anything, tho. Yep, It has been an unproductive day, riverwise. Played 1 hour, got 900 points, but no 2.6M.

    @fenikus lol anytime. Glad to help. You picked a good time to get involved, as far as I could tell, the heavy bloodshed argument point just ended. Hey, I noticed another project suggestion has been posted. Here's your chance to get involved right at the top! :)
  • @kelani, unproductive day? I've got an unproductive week yet, and no idea if it will stop.
  • I'm surprised nobody hit it yet. Of course my internet died for 4 hours right when I went to post the score. I expected @fenikus to sneak in a 2.6M score during that downtime.

    @bernersenn I wonder if the game starts handicapping you the higher your score goes? Sure seems like it. :) btw I declare you the Master of #2. That level is...evil.
  • @kelani, #2 wasn't evil for me, although that big bird isn't my thing. Just pulled that sling and boom, fat score. Level #14 has the more mysterious factor. Angle and hight, actually a two-birder with one-bird
  • And, let's be fair. It doesn't bother me if I finish at #3 or #4. It's annoying me enormous that this one-birder is not working for me.
  • Doubt there'll be any sneaking in of points by me today, @Kelani (though I did improve on #13 earlier but it wasn't enough). Family obligations today, so you're safe till at least tomorrow morning.
  • There is a somewhat tentative knock on the door of the BP. OB opens it somewhat puzzled as the mailman has already been, deliveries go round the back and why would a patron knock? He opens it and looks at the stranger on the step ” How may I help you?” He begins then realises its Mumsie! "Good heavens why are you knocking? Come in! I've kept your rocking chair dusted, and covered all your yarn. The big touchscreen was moved to the smoking shelter to see if it would help @rat (not that he needs it!).
    Mumsie gives OB a (((hug))) and explains she has been watching the River Madness from afar - she tried to join in but failed miserably - but she needs to sit in her rocker and knit furiously as the secret supply box in B&R is running low - would it be possible to move the TV round so she can watch a DVD ? OB ushers Mumsie to her chair and dashes off to get her a G&T. Mumsie sits down, gets out the beautifully wrapped gift she has brought for OB, breathes a sigh of relief at being back in the BP, inserts the DVD, sits back, gets out the needles, chooses a beautiful blue yarn that SweetP delivered and starts to knit.
  • @fenikus Enjoy your obligations. I'll need that time anyway :) I had to abandon all the usual levels and grab my handful of points on #9 of all places. Good ob on #13. I saw your improvement, but couldn't figure out where the hell you got it :P

    btw, just to make sure we're talking about the same 2nd shot on #14. Which one did you and @SweetP use?

    1. Long shot to corner of right debris pile, ricochet into marmoset
    2. Low arc to left-middle platform debris, ricochet into far right marmoset.
    3. Low shot to boat center, egg debris, ricochet off a protruding piece, fly into right marmoset & debris.
    4. Egg leftmost boat marmoset, ricochet through 2nd marmo & flag. Land on right marmoset, roll onto debris.
  • @Mumsie I doubt OB could ever forget you. :) btw, as you seem to be the resident master knittress, how much would you charge a guy for sewing lessons? I was just moving a recliner in my neighbor's yard sale (tag sale in UK, I believe?) and ripped my pant seam in the worst possible spot.

    On a semi-related note, a dozen little old ladies just gave my butt their seal of approval, if whistles and catcalls are an accurate measuring device.
  • @kelani -I can't sew! But I could knit you a patch! You do realise I hope that the dozen 'little old ladies' don't feel old! And just proved it!
  • Come on @Kelani. Twenty points? Really? Whoop that uppity @fenikus for me. I'm counting on ya. I won't be online for the next three days. I'm headed to a family reunion in the Smokey Mountains. Wifi? Don't let me down now.

    BTW, Just that little bit of flinging I did yesterday has me significantly under the weather. I'm beginning to get real worried about competing in Space. Rio doesn't bother me. Not playing Space is going to kill me.
  • *blows a kiss & tiptoes past a very contented @mumsie,grabs a bottle of red from Ripsys best and heads out to smoking area to scream expletives*
    I'll try to remain as calm as possible so as not to disturb the lovely calm ambiance that mumsie has created in the bar but I'm bleepin furious! Tomorrow was all set to be a petrol heads dream! Our 2 fave races of the year are on tomorrow,the Monaco Grand Prix and Indy 500. Everything is set,friends coming for liquid lunch and nibbles at 1pm for Grand Prix,food and more liquid between 3-4pm then Indy at 5pm. Great day ahead yeah?!.......nooooooooooo! Some bright bleepin spark has decided that after 20 bleepin years on UK TV they're removing it and putting it on a bleepin subscription only channel....Arghhhhhhh:( why? Ah yeah..... Money! I'm beyond furious :( So that's that then.......gone......:( Bleepin bleep bleeps!!!!!!!
    And breathe......................
    Still having the get together but we're all seriously disappointed and desperately trying to find another way in ;) Anywhooooooo, just needed an outlet to rant!
    While I'm here. @kathy you've got your face back! Handsome though Robert is and as lovely as it was to see him again it's much less confusing having the princess back!
    @kelani hmmmm lets just say it all to do with time travel ;)
    @sweetp I love your beautiful poppy but why the change now? Sorry if I've missed something.
    *tiptoes back through pub,checks @mumsie didn't hear the bleeps,blows kiss goodnight and stomps away with 666 blazing fierce!*
  • @Rat Just remember in Space, you're weightless. That's less strain on the old body, even if it is imaginary. I hope you have a good trip. Should be excellent weather in the Mtns until Monday evening. After that, wear a raincoat. I'll try to get those 20 points. Some of these levels don't score so well on PC, and my ipad is also out of town for the weekend.

    @Mumsie Aw, thank you :) A patch works, but how would I attach it? I have some amazing adhesives, but nothing I'd want near my skin. btw, I can promise those elderly ladies *definitely* don't feel old. There was whistling, cackling and I suspect pinching if not for my escape route. Whatever senior center they came from must be a heck of a fun place with them around.
  • Ok, I had it with that #14, taking some distance. Going to look at the bonus levels, what they have to offer. In a week I'll return to my favorite game.
  • Awww behind again. .thanks @fenikus for letting me know about the popcorn mess..OB has it all cleaned up.
    @jlz666 nice to see you (as I stand back a few feet) sorry to hear bout your race being put on pay station!! I hate that is all abbot the £ hmm is that the right symbol?
    Anyway something is wrong here half my post is shaded out and now have BIG error box..
    I'll be back maybe:/
  • Very strange says my page cannot be loaded via chrome compression somethimg or other! !
    @Sweetp thanks for the poppy reminder. @JLZ666 its for memorial day rembersnce of our fallen soldiers
  • I think i fixed it;)
  • @fenikus, I don't know who made a mess of the popcorn booth in the BP but it wasn't me. I didn't even know the BP had a popcorn booth - I would have borrowed the thing during my last visit. I've been stuck here in the ISS for ages with nothing but microwave popcorn. And only Tang to wash it down.
  • Aww @Mumsie OB would never forget you lol he's just been Soooo busy lately with all the ahem 'guys' that he was just surprised; )
  • @Kathy @SweetP as the son of one, I thank you both for that.
  • @burpie I knew it wasn't you; ) is usually the tattle tale that does the deed then places blame on someone else haha;)
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