The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2486
  • @Ma I had better luck on 9-15 backing off the power a bit. But I think it may come down to just that, Luck!

    Edit: I'
  • woohoo !!
  • hey half myComment dissappear! !
    i finally broke the 136040 curse ! now at 136050 haha funny funny
    OB Please a SpacePigKiller with @sunshine special :)
  • Cheers! @kathy !!!!!! :D
  • *clink* Cheers @sunshine :^) keep warm !
  • @Estar When you get a chance. .i seem to have lost my Beautiful Winter hat:( must have got lost when i got my new phone.. hmm come to think of it that sales lady was admiring it a little to much anyway if you have a copy and its not to much trouble. ..Dont get me wrong absolutely love my crown but my ears are a bit chilly;)
  • @kathy you too! Getting lots of snow today, you?
  • ye p @sunshine it just started snowing so i ran to the store quickly. it's kind of a wet heavy snow:/ Done dudun dundun C'mon Spring! !
  • ha ha @sunshine you posted on red planet mission 5-6 "Is this someone's idea of a sick joke!"
    Well, it was, until I read your comment. Five minutes later, mission completed. Keep making comments :-))))
    Not all missions completed. But I will do them. Did level 30 Brass Hogs on the green button thingy

    Off to bed early, spring tides are here, saw (but did not photograph) an empty sea this afternoon
    Tomorrow, up early, for high tide, which should be spectacular. It's a short two mile walk, so hopeful......
  • @hunnybunny Please Do take a picture!!
    nighty night
  • @mumsie, @sweetP -- Did you watch the golf at Riviera today? A guy drove the ball onto the green on a par 4; the ball rolled through the hole, but kept going. It wasn't that fast, but rolled off the back of the green and ended up 30 yds from the hole. As HWDNF, but does play golf, said, I love to watch the pros suffer, and Riviera is really making them suffer today.
  • @Kathy -- What did happen with @Kelani anyway? I think he's still around the nest, but doesn't seem to be visiting the BP.
  • @mvnla2 I really don't know to tell ya the truth I've been wondering myself:/
    i heard he had some family business and busy with admin duties here but it is odd he just kinda dissappear from the BP. i don't think anyone said anything to offend him idk?
    your guess as good as mine?
  • @mvnla2 So the ball rolled Right over the hole ? lol i hate when that happens! not that I've golfed in years but when i did i was a pretty good putter, but every once in a while you get that 'magic carpet' over the hole lol
  • i don't care if it's Saturday not Tuesday !!
    OB put in your earplugs I'll give you a minute to prepare; )
  • BH 9-15 I Need a few thousand points Wwwhhiiiinnnneeee Wwwhhiiiinnnneeee
  • @Kathy -- I had no idea you were a golfer (once a golfer, always a golfer).
  • Woohoo :/ that got me another 280 points big woot!
  • yep @mvnla2 years ago my ex husband and i golfed quite a bit , i even had custom made clubs;) i really enjoyed mostly. 3 par course but sometimes we got brave and went for the harder courses
  • You guys crack me up sometimes :P

    Sorry for the vanishing Kel act. :( Holidays were pretty hectic, what with the trip, all the family stuff I mentioned before, and a poorly-timed flu. Since then, I've been taking on a heavier grandma caregiver schedule and helping a friend dig through his two warehouses of estate sale stuff (we're finding things to donate to local charities). I haven't had much free time at all to do more than lurk and hop in a few times a day to do adminny things. Have been playing Brass Hogs (or attempting to), and the new Stella and Seasons stuff (yeah, yeah, I like Seasons now. @estar must be jumping for joy) :) Still playing Plunder Pirates, and running the ABN guild, but haven't had much time for that, either :/

    Not sure if I mentioned it before, but on the bright side, I finally gave in and got a phone! Thus ending my 13-year-phone-avoidance thing. :) That lets me check in a little more, but cell service around here is still spotty, especially in those faraday-cage warehouses, so it's hit or miss.

    And of course, I missed you guys :o)

  • Hi @kelani -- Glad to hear you're OK, even if you have a heavy load of grandma care. Your family caring for grandma should be given some kind of award.
    Hope you find some priceless items in the warehouses. Who has two warehouses of stuff, anyway?
    I forget what the ABN guild is? Is it something separate from ABN?
  • @kelani Welcome back! So nice to find you back here in the BP. Two warehouses of estate sale items? Argh! My siblings and I just finished an almost two year project clearing out our parents possessions. Frightening what can accumulate in a lifetime of never getting rid of anything.
  • @Kelani !!! Hi !! glad to know you weren't avoiding us :D And you got a phone! ! Welcome to the 20th century:D Hope Grandma is doing well.
    Can someone check the gravatar site for me? I'm trying to change but i keep getting a big Whoops message:/
  • hi @catsnbirds nice to see you here:)
  • @kathy Thanks. I'm usually here, just quietly sitting at my table and observing the interactions. Aka, lurking.
  • @Kelani Well hello there stranger. I haven't seen you since before x-mas. I've been going through Kelooge withdrawals. I hope some time frees up soon.
    BTW, If you got rid of that female acquaintance, you'd have oodles of time. lol
  • i thought that @catsnbirds lol..i see you sitting over there in the corner; )
    ohh yeah Pa i forgot Keloogle never updated us on his trip to the beach? or did i miss that?
  • Hey @mvnla2 and @catsnbirds :) Plunder Pirates has guilds, where multiple players team. Sal created one when the game first came out, and BirdLeader, me, and a few other members joined it. I guess as a form of advertising, we just call it the official guild of ABN. :)

    The warehouses are an interesting story. My friend and his father ran a furniture store, selling discontinued/seconds from the local major manufacturers (before they all closed). They had a retail store, but kept all their excess inventory in two warehouses, each building would cover most of a football field. My friend is quite the hoarder, and also completely selfless. Whenever anyone (even a stranger) has desperately needs money and has something to sell, he'll buy it. He also collects a lot of different things and makes the rounds of the local thrift stores and estate sales. So over the years, he has packed both those warehouses with stuff from a huge hand-carved arch from a Chinese restaurant, to crates of ice cube trays. He also owns three houses, and all of them are packed with even more stuff. His long-suffering wife occasionally makes him put forth a token effort at cleaning up, so he'll dig through boxes, finding things that local charities need.

    Interesting thing about one of the warehouses. It was originally used at Oak Ridge for the Manhattan project. After the war, the govt auctioned off a lot of things, and a local car dealer bought a few buildings, had them dismantled and shipped here. :)

    Next time I'm there, I'll get pictures. It's really an astounding amount of stuff. I can't begin to estimate how much it's all worth, but I'd say millions.
  • @Rat Yeah yeah, I can guarantee you I won't be getting rid of the female acquaintance. I mean come on, you know me! How many women do you think exist out there that can put up with me? :)
  • The grandma situation is pretty much the same. She's living in a rental house next to one of her daughters, and all of us, plus a few hired caregivers and nurses stay with her 24x7. There really needs to be more hired caregivers, but she's been resistant to that because she doesn't see how much everyone's lives are on hold. It'll get a little better starting next month, because one caregiver's leaving, and two new ones are starting. I've worked it so that will free me up more. So, I'll be looking to get out of this town and resume real life as soon as possible. :)
  • @kelani Is she resistant because she feels uncomfortable with new people she doesn't know and would rather have family caregivers and those she is used to? I know how hard it can be when caring for elderly . wishing you all the best and hopefully you can resume or restart your "real life" soon. :)
  • @Kathy yeah, that's also a big part of it. She can barely tolerate her daughters helping her get dressed/bathe/etc. She's not really keen on strangers doing any of that, but will let the nurses and CNAs help. Unfortunately, they're only there during the day, so that means her three daughters are responsible for it from 5pm-7am 7 days a week. They've been doing that for over a year, and are burned out. It's just not sustainable.
  • that's rough @kelani:( me , my sister and my dad went through pretty much the same with my mom when she got demetinia it was pretty hard juggling schedules and such as you know.
    my best hopes for you sincerely, that you can get your life back and move towards your future
  • Well, well, well…look who the cat dragged in. @Kelani, your friend should call American Pickers…you might even end up on TV!
  • @fenikus There's a story about that. :) Friend was contacted by the producers of one of those shows, and they wanted to browse his stuff. He said he'd call them back. Then he checked with some people he knew who had been on the show before, and they said DO NOT do it. Apparently, people who get featured on those shows tend to get robbed shortly afterward. There was some evidence that the crew of one of those shows was behind it, too :(
  • i thought of that also I love that show!
    Really @kelani and those 2 guys dont seem that type:%

    edit. .but the girl who hooks them up..meh??
  • i just burnt my leg with a knock off hot hands:! ouchhh
  • @Kathy I don't think it's them personally, but maybe a crew member is tipping thieves off about expensive stuff they saw. Or it could just be viewers knowing where the location is and breaking in. Not really sure, but a lot of people who've been on the show ended up getting robbed shortly after their airdate :/
  • hmm @kelani i bet you that's more likely. cuz if viewers know the area they could easily find a place like that seeing as the show points out landmarks and such. m that's sad really
  • @Kathy I'll have to ask him what the evidence was that people from the show were involved. All I know is a few people who've been on the show seem to think so. :/
  • Be good to that girl @Kelani. Good ones that will put up with our idiosyncrasies are hard to come by.
    Ladies. Read no further. Testosterone Talk.
    Your caught between a rock and a hard place @Kelani. You're getting points for taking care of your Grandmother but losing points because you don't have enough time for your...can we call her girlfriend? Women are strange that way. They say one thing is important to them but they really want the other. You need to figure it out as best you can. And never, I mean NEVER, fall for the line "You don't need to get me anything". It's a trap. You can't win. I'm just pulling for you to stay in the game. lol
    OK ladies. You can read again.
  • *blockiing out testosrerone talk*
    @kelani do ask I'd be interested to know the inside story.
    and *ppsssstt not all girls are like that..ssome mean what they say when they say " dont get me anything" and they see a good heart when they see it;)*
    Anyhoo. . how goes Plunder Pirates.? still not available for Android ?
  • how bout those Red Sox ? heh?
  • What's the point of missions if you have already unlocked all levels? anyone know?
  • @Ma To get points. Why? Because they're there.
  • Points for What @Pa ? do they add to your final score. .no. idk?
  • Well i got a mission to 'beat my score in Cosmic Crystal 7-3 (i think) well I'm in 4th place there:( hard to beat.. @sglouk left good diagram follow your strat Pa and burpie. i almost had it was 10 points under my previous score when i thougt wth is it for?
  • o.k now is strange! while i was typing that i had thrown my first bird on level after typing i went to throw my second bird and the Doors were Gone! !
  • Why do people climb mountains? Because they are there.
    Someone is laughing at us sayin' "I have more points than anyone else". ha ha
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