The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2550
  • @Estar I see a job in your future. Any employer would be stupid not to hire you.
    Your self imposed work ethics are hard to find in an employee these days
  • Awww thanks Mister @rat for the confidence and I totally agree hahaaha, but all the young whippersnappers that graduated this summer are looking for a job as well and they are cheaper in pay... of course we all know cheap ain't the same as good and can turn out to be more expensive, but we humans do tend to go for the cheaper price instead of the slightly more expensive but solid one.

    Luckily I did find a way to keep my mind occupied and I have 1 year and 2 months left to find a new job, before the government stops the support. So I am not all that worried. But have to say the disappointment of getting rejected, especially from jobs that look really interesting are hard to take in.
  • Give me quality any day. A company that is short sighted and hires cheap over experience/ethic may survive, but they won't innovate and prosper. Look at Apple for instance. Your exactly the type employee they want. Self motivated. Not someone you need to micro-manage and control with reams of rules. Don't settle. Your dream job is out there. You've just got to find each other. Good luck and keep on being a shining Star.
  • You know me pretty well Mister @rat and I do recognize myself in your description :))
    Will do, I don't want to settle for less than I want to just yet... maybe next year if things are looking more gloomy, but not just yet. But I promise to keep shining hopefully as bright that you all will keep seeing me as I love spending time in the Nest!
  • @estar I'm not one to (((hug))) normally but sending you huge best wishes for health, wealth and happiness. You've got the last, two to go xx
  • @hunnybunny thank you so much for the best wishes, it is really heartwarming to know "strangers" around the world are rooting for me. I am sure with all that positive karma and vibes things will all fall into place at one point.
  • Tomorrow morning it will be a 1,5 hrs fitness/gym session in the freaky hours of the morning (the only time my super supportive hubby can go with me) and in the afternoon I am going to visit a farm with approximately a thousand female sheep to look if they are pregnant. I think he calls it scanning the sheep?!

    How did I end up going to a farm as the city girl that I am you might ask (or not, but I am gonna tell anyway... just a light conversation with probably only OB at the moment LOL)

    I am volunteering for the foundation that takes care of the park nearby (a park that provided me a lot of peace and comfort during the summer and my break down). There is a small section where 3 sheep are grazing the grass, they are a loan from that farmer. Everyday there is a volunteer checking the fence, health, stable and water. On Tuesdays I take care of them. On 20 November the 3 sheep will return to the farmer, because the weather will be so cold and the darkness sets in earlier in the evening with every day (at 5:30PM it is dark now). It would be to much for the volunteers to keep an eye on them during the dark and chilly Dutch winter. Next year we probably will get 3 new sheep, probably little lambs again, so we can break them in again for him. The 3 sheep are all ladies of just a year old now. They started as lambs as well at the beginning of the spring season. They are pretty tame now and will go back to his pack that grazes thru the area here.
  • @estar your tale was lovely. Parks and gardens need volunteers like you.

    OB whatever E-star wants, my tab
  • @e-star -- Great to see you again frequenting the Nest. Hope you can keep coming. Best wishes for finding the job of your dreams.
  • @hunnybunny thank you! OB I will have an E-Star's Early Bird Special please.

    I planned on going to the fitness, but I guess it wasn't meant to be... I strained a back muscle or something like that. All of a sudden the pain in my back was phenomenal! Luckily it is as bad as in June, back then I could not move a muscle without pain shooting down my back. But with this I didn't want to risk making it worse. So fitness is canceled. :\

    So plan is to move about slowly and hopefully the trip to the farm isn't going to have the same faith as my fitness plan.

    @Tompuss :)))) love the image, wish I had that outfit hee hee How are you doing sweets? Sorry I haven't been in contact for a while. How is the little boy Donny doing? Is he still loving his new found home?

    @mvnla2 I will try to keep up the frequency as I missed it a lot. Not so much the AB games, but I do miss the people here. Of course I have been staying in contact with a couple of my closest friends here in the nest, but I could not keep up staying in touch with the rest of my friends in here.
  • @rat
    I am sorry to hear (or read) about your problems, which made me wonder for weeks whether it was appropriate to update my scores. I did it in the end both because I saw you had some activity on various episodes and also because I thought it was increasingly ridiculous to hide a 20k+ lead.

    You may be right, at least partially, about the way I took the lead on Cold Cuts. I did indeed a lot of brute force flinging sessions on simple one-birder levels till I got top scores or went close to them. I can understand that you consider it as an ugly win. At some point, there was not much pleasure in spending 30 (or was it 40?) hours on 2-21 till I got top score, for example. Actually, what I wrote on the walkthrough page gives a good idea of my state of mind then. But I also did my best to have honorable scores on skill-based levels, although with variable amount of success. I am very happy to have made it for 2-22 or, a few days ago, 2-17, but there are still places in which I am far from being at ease. 2-4 is the most frustrating failure in this respect; how can one get 46k there???

    Now, I have to say that I am far from performing a top 9 in every levels as you did in Pig Dipper (and probably elsewhere in Mirror World). So this remains far behind your most impressive achievements. Therefore, regarding your crown on the overall game, I think it is safe for a very long time. There are many episodes that I do not like much, and I do not think I will be able to spend as much time on those as I did on Cold Cuts or Danger Zone.
  • Thanks for your concern for my problems @Sglouk. But don't use them as an excuse for not posting your great scores. Be proud, be loud is my motto. I've been known to trash talk during competitions with skilled players, so have fun with it. You earned the right. I'm a big boy and can handle it. As I said before, I wish I felt up to flinging against you but my flinging is limited and sporadic at the moment. But I'm still here. Use and abuse me. I've never run from a challenge or turned down a request for help.

    I find it funny when you say you don't like some of the other episodes in Space as much. You've already mastered Pig Bang and Cold Cuts which are the two episodes that require luck over skill on numerous levels. Oh, how I hate luck levels. Rinse and repeats. Yuck! I have no patience for them. If it takes skill, I'll play a level for days until I master it. If it's luck, I'm bored very quickly. Your able to do both. I salute you. But because of that I'll never catch you in Cold Cuts. You own that episode. CongRATulations.
  • @rat @estar best wishes, hope things are getting better, can't imagine not being able to do things I want to do xx
    @sglouk keep flinging and posting

    I'm off on holiday tomorrow! Yippee!!
    Cunard's Queen Victoria cruising to Spain, Portugal and Morocco.
    Can't wait...

    @kathy maybe some palaces for you
  • @rat
    I did not mean that my interest for episodes was related to the amount of skill or luck needed to complete levels. It is rather a matter of atmosphere. I like the dark sky of Pig Bang, and the shining crystals of Cosmic Crystals. But I do not like the yellowish clouds of Red Planet, nor the too sophisticated contraptions of Beak Impact. I play all the more that I like the easthetic part of the game. The level design is, paradoxically, less important to me.
  • So you're superficial. I'm exactly the opposite @Sglouk. The window dressing is just for show. The puzzles are what make me go. I sure hope your relationship with your wife is more than skin deep. he he

    The Bunny Boat is headed out again? You really don't like to cook, do you Mrs. Bunny?
  • *rushes in arms full of baskets of earplugs, spilling many on the floor (no matter there wrapped)
    *places baskets eveywhere willy nilly *!@#/&*
    Welcome to Wwwwwwihhhhhiiiiinnneee Tuesday eveyone! !
    Whew better late than never :/
    OB I'll have a Pumpkin Spice Pig Smasher ,,yes yes i just made it up, add anything you think will work on these ghostly pigs in 5-5 oooh and the little witch too heeehaaahoooo
  • :Þ pbbbbbb
  • Terrible Traffic Tuesday here. Once again, accident on the one road out of town, 1hr to go 6 miles. Reminds me of Boston during the Big Dig. Glad I commuted by train then. Love Boston, can walk EVERYWHERE.
  • Jeesh @knichy you weren't joking about TTT ! Well look forward, unfortunately to your traffic report on Whiiiiinnneee Tuesday,
    Also I'm liking the sound of Whiinnneee Wednesday, has a better ring to it, and seeing i was late is now extended to Wednesday.
    Speaking of Traffic seeing as is Terrible Traffic Tuesdsy (which is also something to whine about) I only live 2.75 miles from home to work, it usually takes about 7-10 minutes, But Today was 40 minutes! Not one Person approaching a Red light would stop and let me in! And n the big ass truck behind me wouldn't back up so i could go round to get out by the light. I had to sit there until my little 4cyl could speed across 4 lanes! That's my traffic complain for the day lol!:)
  • Good night folks, arggh is soo frustrating to fling all night and not gain a single point
    Night Pa ♡
  • Night Ma
  • @all first day at sea. I love being at sea. Skunked Mr Bunny at Cribbage with a marvellous trap involving the nine of clubs. If you don't play Crib you will have no idea what I'm talking about. But it was good, and very rare!
    Laughing til I cried tonight over silly jokes.
    We land in Spain tomorrow, better weather than home, Tapas y Copas. Here we come
    And Mister Rat, I love to cook, but I love eating someone else's hard work as well.
    Nighty night
  • @hunnybunny congrats non the crib win. I actually played in a "crib league" until we all decided to convert to pinochle

    @Kathy bummer about the traffic. TTT. WW. nitey nite
  • I'm Jealous @hunnybunny lol
    Congrats on the skunk..hee hee ,you pulled the old 9 trick. ..nice; ) @knichy i used ti play in a league also, and i kinda remember pinochle but hmm i don't. .isn't that with kings and qyeens or something lkje that? Idk my memory is fading faster than my brain can keep up with lol
    Of to fling ohhh
    But first
    Wwwwwwihhhhhiiiiinnneee Whhhhhiiiinnnneeeee
    Yes Ob I'll have a double please:)
  • I use to enjoy me some Double Pinochle @kinchy. Been a while.
  • Night Pa ♡
  • @Kathy all the high cards, I'm thinking two decks worth of 9-A. It's tough to remember, it was in the high school / college time frame and we played hearts, spades, cribbage, pinochle, bridge, and a really fun "imbibing version" of UNO. The latter is probably what makes me forget the specifics of the former 8*)
  • Ahhh the good old Uno haha @knichy , i used to play the others on Pogo, with the exception of cribbage which i played in real life, but I forget the majority of them, but Uno now there a game you cant screw up lol..
    Btw I'm thinking it's Thirsty Thursday so drinks on the house, again better late than never. .
    Now for Friday Woot one more wake up soo we need an acronym for Friday and nooo Not Freaky Friday...nahh
    And i dont give a girraffe about the day, I'm going to continue to Wwwwwwihhhhhiiiiinnneee as long as I'm in Pig Days..I swear the pigs are in control of that episode!
    You guessed it OB , I'll take whatever you pour me, just make it strong and I'm not talking Tea!
    It's Thirsty Thursday after all ;)
  • I'm down with Funky Friday. Anything can happen. Now that's funky!
  • Hmmm @knichy i was thinking ?( edit )
    I realize i said Noo Freaky Friday, but Funky works lol
    Have a bad day didya? (Double edit) thought you said "done" now reading carefully you said "down "
    You will have to learn to yell at me for reading to quickly and misreading as I've been told many time :/
    Btw i guess we are rivals on Sunday :/
  • Where is everyone? @hunnybunny hope you are enjoying your trip And you are safe:)
  • Sorry Ma. I just can't bring myself to root for the Pats. They play dirty. Great team though.

    Night Ma
  • Night Pa
  • I don't need to give you proof Ma. Belichick did it for me. He admitted to cheating when he got caught video taping opposing team offensive and defensive signals during practice. He was fined $500,000 and the team was fined $250,000. Plus they lost draft choices. This is only one of many times he's been caught cheating. And yes Ma, they underinflated the balls too.

    Did you just try to use the "everybody does it defense"?

    I can't root for a team with those ethics.
  • Well Pa ,they scored more in the second half of that game with regulation balls, and while your at it don't foget 'Deception' 'The snowplow game ' and the infamous 'tuck rule'
    All teams have scandals, But how many teams have played in 8 superbowls and won 4/8
    Say whatever you want , we are used to it and laugh out loud at jealously of others.
    And No I didn't say ' everyone does it" read more carefully.
  • @Kathy rivals? I didn't even know who they're playing, concerned with local soccer championship.
  • I'm sorry @knichy i thought you were a Redskins fan :/
  • Please forgive me Ma. Just because I can't root for the Patriots doesn't mean you can't blindly follow them. They are a great team with an intelligent, albeit poorly clad, coach. At least he's not wearing jerseys with the arms cutoff to coach the games anymore. And I agree with you Ma. They don't need to cheat to win which makes it all the sadder. Awww...look at us, our first fight. he he
  • Aww Pa i feel for ya I guess you have to stop rooting for Any team and stick to baseball
    Notice how low on the list are the Pats :/

    Aww well I guess baseball has it scandals as well, hmm maybe shuffleboard?
  • Night Pa ♡
  • I guess your right Ma. They all cheat. Whatever happened to sportsmanship and fair play? Whaaaaa!
  • Pa I didn't say They all Cheat, I said they all have Scandals ,doesn't mean they are true.
  • @kathy sell your share of BP. Get on a plane to Spain. Visit the Alhambra Palace. It's the most amazing place ever. Will post pictures when I get a better internet connection.
  • Hee hee @hunnybunny not sure i can sell lol !
    Looking forward to seeing pics:)
  • @Hunnybunny -- Sounds like you are having a great time!
    @all -- Boy has the BP been slow lately; my last post from a week ago is at the top of the page. Has it really been that long?
  • For @jlz-666
    Just keep flinging :D
  • Yes @mvnla2 it's been very very sloooooww :( we have to invite some more peeps maybe?
    Guess we are all busy, I know the clock change and the shift in the recent weather has thrown me off, maybe thats why not many have dropped In.
    I'm wondering where is @tompuss hope all is well? Has been a few days , I always look forward to the videos :)
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