The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2559
  • @amslimfordy @fujitoast -- I don't see any mistakes in my @mentions above???
  • Ooohhh lol ...I read to fast @mvnla2 and thought gumby said 'Amateur Proofing' haha cuz I had just asked if he was old enough to consume liqour..sorry been a long day haha
    I just read the FAQ' section and it didn't really give me the specifics i was wondering about. But great section and good thinking and contribution to the site mvnla2 on your part:)
  • can someone POOF me to Aruba with a Pina Colada in 1 hand and in the other hand …. well you know
  • @mvnla2 Now I'm confused , who said there were mistakes in your @mentions ?

    ¿ I haven't seen slim or fuji huh, I'm lost am I losing it? I did include Slim in my original ? for BL and sal but I forgot fujitoast .
  • @kathy his @ comments to them didn't highlight in blue, I think because he used caps for the A and the F respectively
  • In the other hand a brand new tablet so you dont have to fling on a little phone? @gumby lol...
    Oh and he's a she ;)
  • @mvnla2 maybe because of the parenthesis? (@mvnla2)
  • @gumby Your in Boston really? Like real Boston the ciry itself ? Or close to?
    I'm close to ..
  • And I'm talking to myself lol
    OB I'll have a Pigkiller to go in ice please I'm headed to dreaded Ski Country..
  • @mvnla2 I used to live in the city but now I am just south of it. It takes 10 minutes to get into Boston from where I am now and ewps couldn't tell if you were male or female sorry :(

    @kathy yea that would work, but I was thinking more on the lines of something more comforting.
  • Hmmm @gumby I'm just south of the city too! 20 minutes up route 3 ,10 on a good day if I'm the only car on the highway and I hit every green light getting there (to the highway), avoiding buses haha..
  • @kathy no your not talking to yourself I am multitasking LOL, beer and 3 games and watching a show all while chatting here as well
  • @kathy HMMM 10 minutes north, so Somerville??
  • Level 11 ..Whhhiiiiiinnnnnnneeeeee @bernersenn how are you doing?
    Team BP hmmm @hunnybunny you picked a tough one to call the team reunion lol;)
  • @gumby I'm about really 20 minutes south.. Did i say north¿
  • Somerville is southwest isnt it? Well northwest of me but SW of the city no ? I'm no good with north of boston direction lol
  • @kathy no you said south but then you said UP route 3
  • @kathy so 20 minutes south, Weymouth? also that means you are only 10 minutes away from me :P
  • Ya I have to go Up rt. 3 to go north..
    Not sure I really want to say my exact location... No offense
    But ya close enough;) @gumby
  • @kathy yea very small world indeed, it would be weird if there was another flinger close to us LOL
  • Yeppers @gumby lol we're probably neighbors haha..
  • @kathy almost neighbors, being only 10 minutes
  • @kathy probably passed you in the S S plaza doing X-mas shopping, Im the green dude with the x-mas hat on LOL
  • Nope @gumby you wouldnt catch me there if I was dying lol, been there probably 3 times in whole life! I hate that plaza! I usual usually don't Christmas shop ,i give money or gift certs. Nieces and nephews are grown and have everything they want (read spoiled) lol

  • @kathy I get around 40 Dunkin gift cards each year to give LOL
  • More likely to bump into you somewhere in Quincy , well I don't frequent there much anymore,I used to live on Wollaston beach , hit lots of the local places back then not so much anymore.
  • @kathy yea Quincy is where most people bump into me
  • @kathy and the Beachcomber is gone now, I tried getting Dropkick Murphy tickets for their last night open but didn't get any :(
  • Lol @gumby so we are close to being neighbors ;)
    Actually one of my friends here from the U.k came to Boston recently and we went to The Fours for a drink, it was very exciting to meet in person after being friends here for 5years!!
  • I haven't been to The Fours since last summer @kathy
  • @kathy, stop peekin in my window, Im getting ready for bed LOL
  • Really @gumby The Beachcomber is Gone!! Wow that's been there fohevah!
  • Well @gumby you should shut your blinds lol;) :)
    Really I'm off to fling bbiab..
    See ya around town haha, although I wouldn't know it..hmm I'll just start saying (gumby?) as i walk by people haha..
    Really gone flinging level 11 is killing me
    Not like every other easy level this one really hard
  • @kathy yea Im gonna crash soon and only 246,180 on lvl 11 for me so far :(
  • I'm at 251k *sigh*
    Ahh well have a good nights rest, see ya tomorrow probably.. If not later
  • Merry Christmas @gumby and all the folks who dont know the 'Drop Kick Murhy's
    And of course their well known
    Shipping off to Boston
  • @all check out the top score on 1-11 new flinger has only entered 2 scores!
  • @mvnla2 Mentions in the old forum are extremely ASCII-sensitive. It interprets the ) as part of the username and fails to find a match; therefore the mention is unsuccessful.

    Also, Fuji has been inactive from ABN for several years. Probably not good to bug him with mentions anymore.
  • @gumby @Kathy
    Not from B-Town, but been there TDY. stayed in Plymouth, took the train in daily, could walk everywhere! One of the three places in the country I'd consider moving to.
    Fave little Mass town is Holyoke, though, the "dumbbell city". did a few hockey tourneys there, ate a LOT of hot dogs simmered in beer! Mmmmmmm - beer dogs.
  • Oppsy sorry @amslimfordy I guess I didn't realize fujitoast had been inactive for so long, thought he was working behind the screens maybe it's hard to remember when we sometimes run across old walkthrough videos he made.
    Which reminds me I meant to send a shout out to @mightyred for the great walkthrough videos in ABS ski and squeal :) and others.

    *slides a Sam Adams across to Slim*
  • @amslimfordy haven't seen you in the BP! do BP mentions generate notifications?
  • Ahhh @knichy Yes Plymouth is a great place to visit, I'm about 45 minutes, I used to live down that way, I've been all over the South Shore, you name the town, I probably lived there at one time or the other, lol. But yeppers Plymouth the founding town (suppposedly) of our great nation:)

    Never been to Holyoke (don't even know where it is, must be north lol)
  • @Amslimfordy -- Good to see you, and hope everything is going well with your thesis.
    I was hoping you and Fuji would tell us how you became part of ABN. I know that Fuji hasn't been active for several years, so I only @mention him when I'm hoping to interest him in responding. It wouldn't surprise me if his e-mail for ABN was no longer active.
  • Oohh my 1:50 a.m Saturday now waaayyy past bedtime but ohn well it's Friday:)
    These are the nights i miss my buddy @kimmiecv who i must accept is never coming back:( it was fun while it lasted:(
  • Night Pa ♡
  • Morning guys,
    @kathy how am I doing? Must say that my scores are evil since that level 9. no matter what, birds aren't doing what I want. How come? Lost all my skills? Luck is gone?
  • Morning Ma
    How are you fairing on level 12 @bernersenn? I don't understand what to do on this one. My best score so far is only 184k.
  • @mvnla2 I met FujiToast through YouTube way back when he was doing walkthrough vids for ABo. We started chatting and some time later he was officially helping out on the Nest.
  • Hi @rat same here, residing on 184K. To be honest, I have no idea where the points are coming from. That crane has to fall in the ravine, clear, boulders upon it as far as possible. But... Scores between 165 and 180K. Never saw the 184 again
  • @BirdLeader @AMSlimfordy -- Thanks for the info on Fuji. Still curious about how Slim became an admin???
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