The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2563
  • @kathy its gotta be a direct hit and doesn't hurt to make little red squeal before he hits.
  • squeal like a pig?!?!?
  • @Gumby - You're Gumby by Gum. No Kathy, I am not Gumby, it's and old SNL Eddie Murphy sketch
  • @knichy yea old SNL, the good SNL :)
  • @rat what am I supposed to do with this empty box now???
  • Hmmm @knichy I don't remember that one, but did love the good ole SNL
    So he's gumby and your not lol
    Maybe @tompuss can us an old video ,uhmm did they make video's in those days heehee
    Thanks for the tip on 17 squeal like a pig huh, can lil' red do that ¿
    K I'm going in OB you know the usual... Wish me luck
  • @kathy ??? OB is that like the witness protection program?
  • @gumby OB (Orange Bird) is the barkeep did you not read page 1¿?¿shame on you! And you want beer?hrmmph
  • What empty box are you talking 'bout gumby?
  • @kathy, the one I had Rat in. And how to remember barkeeps name if he keeps given mr more beer?
  • Ohhh @gumby that box.. Hmmm
    And jeesh how hard is it too remember 2 letters¿ OB you remember that you drink beer lol.. What brand.. You remember that, i suggest if you want more beer you remember the barkeep name or you'll be pretty thirsty lol
  • You must hang out in dottie!
  • Pa you better hope @greybrow53 doesn't decide to tackle space, you might have a run for your throne: \ he's good!!
  • @all @trev17piano -- If you go to, maybe only today, you get a really neat quiz on Beethoven music.
  • @mvnla2 thanks for the news on the beethoven quiz,
    you keep mentioning trev17piano i know he was into piano and composingnmusic but I don't think he has ever been in the BP not sure if members get mentions from the old forum unless they have it starred do they ?
  • Night all indeed once again I've stayed up too late trying to conquer piggies arghh tgtf
    Nighty night @Pa
  • @kathy, @gumby Is this the sketch? There are others too.

  • Thanks for the video @TomPuss. I couldn't watch it in this country but there are numerous "I am Gumby Dammit!" skits that were performed on SNL. I'm sure you had a good one. My favorite Eddie Murphy skit is "Mister Robinson's Neighborhood". Classic Murphy! I still can't watch one without laughing.

    @Ma I don't think I'll lose any sleep worrying about Mister Grey Brow stealing my Space crown. Most of the scores he's entered in the other episodes aren't even above average. But then there's his excellent mastery of Ski and Squeal. Interesting to say the least.

    You need to slow down Mrs. Bunny. I can't have you stepping on my tail again. he he

    I didn't have a dog named Nopey @Gumby. But I did have one named Dopey. I am Gumby Dammit!

    Good night Ma. I'll try to do better if you will.
  • @rat9 Awwwww, I hate it when YouTube does that! So sorry, xoxo
  • Silly Christmas P**s Take Song

    We're nearly there, Christmas Day, end of Seasons Advent. I still love Chrstmas and Seasons

    I manhandled my huge garlands into place today.

    Might have sounded better if I'd said "Mr Bunny manhandled his huge garlands.....
  • @TomPuss The uploader has not made this video available in your country. :( but Im sure thats the one.

    @rat I an Gumby Dammit!!! now get back in your box LOL

    @kathy where ya hiding and did you get the dang board to break?
  • Lol @hunnybunny :D
    @tompuss thanks for trying to find the video, yes i don't understand why certain videos can't be viewed by all
    I'm here @gumby and no can't break the board, unless i do it literally like smash it over my knee!
  • @kathy :( dang board what a horrid day at work today :( 13 1/2 hrs 249 miles and only $40
  • @gumby -- What on earth are you saying? Are you a salesperson? Otherwise it sounds like slavery.
  • @mvnla2 if it was slavery at least there would be a good reason LOL no I drive Taxi
  • @mvnla2 we have some school jobs that are way underpriced along with traffic today, made for very miserable day :( gotta get better tomorrow :)
  • @gumby -- Sounds miserable. FYI, I never use Uber. We don't use taxis very much in LA, but when we do, we use real taxis. I think Uber is a scam taking advantage of the people who drive for it.
    I forget what city you're in?
  • @mvnla2 Boston and glad to hear some people have a brain and don't use Uber :)
  • @Gumby Where do you drive Taxi Quincy? Not a Boston i hope? And holy driving lol
    I put gas in my car exactly 2 weeks ago and still have half a tank ! Of course i only live 2.75 miles from work
  • @Mvnla2 what's Uber?
  • @kathy yes Quincy, but we go into town a lot, I just say Boston to make it easier for out of towners who have no clue where Quincy is. :)
  • Hmmm I'm slow tonight lol..@gumby you actually drive Taxi in Boston? That's insane! !
  • Like i said slow lol, which company @gumby in case i need a taxi someday, I'll call ya?
  • @kathy no I don't drive Uber, and the school jobs are way under priced, along with the 7 hours it took to get them to school and back home in the afternoon. many accidents , they even had the onramp to route 95 closed so had to go a longer route with heavy traffic :(
  • @kathy you could get some random creepy guy if ya call the company But its Marina Bay or Shore taxi ( both names are the same company )
  • @kathy also if you call and ask for Gumby they may think you have been taking TOO much medication LOL
  • Why the Hell are they taking Taxis to school? Wth happened to buses or walking?
    Glad i don't live in the city don't want My hard earned tax dollars going for spoiled kids
    When I was a kid I walked!! And Yes barefoot in the snow uphill both ways!!
  • @kathy try they live on the Rhode Island border and go to school in Randolph
  • Darn @gumby I've taken Shore taxi a hundred times lol! You probably drove me lol
  • Why Do RI kids go to school in Randolph? Ya know what don't tell me it'll probably just piss me off!
  • LOL I just destroyed 1 of the rubber bumper things on GE 67 the giant ice ball was going really fast between 2 bumpers and it broke 1. I thought those things never break
  • @kathy yea you may know me or even have my phone #, I give it to many customers. I don't give it to the drug addicts thou
  • But ya know what @gumby I'm sure your job is fulfilling, helping kids get a better, safer education right:) I'm sorrry, i always assume the worst b4 thinking of the good:/
  • lol @kathy, by the time I got them home I was wishing that I could wring their necks
  • gotta be up at 5 for work again and I am exhausted, I will catch everyone later. Hopefully they will do some Golden eggs challenges in the near future a lot of those are fun. :)
  • Nighty night @gumby

    Have a good day tomorrow, no school right:)
  • @mvnla2 I looked up Uber , is it popular in L.A. it doesn't sound safe really, ?
  • @karen68 looooove the avatar:)
    OB you know break out the special stock, darn I always forget if it's 2 fingers or 3
    I think ,uhmm 3¿
  • Whatchyall think about AB2? Mvnla2 is way up there. Started up on an overnight train ride, can't sleep
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