The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2722
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • and the Princess still wears the crown :)
  • I'm too hot and tired to even say "Good night @Ma♥".
  • @kathy, sorry I don't have that banner! Whinnneeeeeee!
  • Hi my sweet feathered friends!! Still alive and kicking and always lurking! How could I not right... this is the best place ever and it will be forever in my thoughts and heart even though it doesn't seem like it!

    But things are falling into place... the jailbreak is almost there!! and I can finally pick up where I left off long long time ago, recording Seasons!!
  • @mvnla2 - I'm a he, and don't worry because I can see the dots now ;)

    Also........ hi everyone! *being shy*
  • hi @smwforever45
    no need ti be shy :) Welcome to the BP.
    sorry i can't sttay,,I'm at work :( be sure to read page 1, and have fun. I'm sure someone will pop in soon:)
  • @smwforever45 -- Welcome to the BP! Hope you stop by often and enjoy the company.
  • @BirdLeader @SweetP @admins -- Happy 6th BirdDay! We all love this site!
  • Good evening guys
    @estar @sweetp thanks for the happy birthday pictures.
    6 Years already. I enjoyed Jul 8, 2012
  • I'm not big on places like these, I used to hang out a lot at such places but that was when I was younger :p My shyness is mostly caused by my Asperger's.

    I usually live from fruit (we Yoshis LOVE them) but can I have this German Chocolate Cake with bacon from the menu please... and some ice tea because I need to cool off :)

    Oh, and happy 6th BirdDay to the Nest! What a coincidence I decided to visit here on that day. XD
  • OB I'm whispering now, so as not to make @kathy get upset again, please serve her a bottle of Crystal, on ice, with side of Special Flinging Brew.....

    @mvnla2 just the one show with Mr Bunny. I know what you mean about British food years ago. We are eating here the first time ever I've managed to book the place, it's booked up months ahead.

    It's cool here, ideal London weather.

    OMGIRAFFE turned the page, Nest Birthday!
  • @smwforever45 a good omen indeed
    @birdleader @sal9 @amslimfordy @e-star @sweetp Thanks so much for this fabulous site
    Drinks on me!
  • @hunnybunny -- Now I'm jealous! The prices don't look to bad if you think they're in $. In pounds they are pretty pricey, especially considering that the pound is at the lowest relative to the $ that it's been in years.
    @smwforever45 -- I would think the BP would be great for someone with Asperger's. You can lurk to your hearts content and comment when you feel like it. Since the BP conversation is not real time, there is no pressure to respond.
  • @mvnla2 we are used to fluctuating exchange rates, the U.K. Is known as "Treasure Island" due to the high prices we pay for everything. Our "Bucket List" doesn't exist. Our "spend every penny before you die" list is going to plan!
  • @mvnla2 beautiful comment to @smwforever45
    Yes, @smwforever45 please drop in when you feel like talking
    Loads of Nesters "Lurk" don't feel bad if you don't gossip away like me and @kathy
    Each to their own...
  • Wwooot Happy Birthday ABN ,,thanks for the posting the Banner @estar, great to hear from you! !

    And can't wait until you start recording again! !
    @ Sweetp held us over for this new update, separating the compilation videos!!
    and thank you too Sweetp for the yummy cake and pops and the great Birthday Banner!!
    @Birdleader Thanks for 6 Wonderful years of making freinds from all over the world! !
    This site is truly Amazing and if the Whole world discovered it ,we'd All just get along!!
    @smw45forever Red Yoshi as everyone has said, we have quite a few 'lurkers ' members who remain quiet and sit quietly enjoying the coversatin ,and post comments from time to time, and there's no pressure at all to reply if you dont want to, but always welcome to join in:)
    Happy @mvnla2 was able to help you with the map :D
    I know I've missed a lot..
    thanks for the bottle of Crystal @hunnybunny and Wow what an impressive restaurant!!
    and I wasn't really upset you know lol.
    So you can borrow the crown, jeesh feels like i went to sleep with it on and it was snatched off my head in my dreams heeheee:)
  • Sorry to be a party pooper, but I'm off to bed.
    Hope to be here in ten years time, still chatting with @kathy and @mvnla2 (two of the best people I've met on this site)
    And still meeting new friends....

    Nighty night, God Bless xxx
  • Awww *blushes* Thanks @hunnybunny, i hope the same that we are all still here:)
    Nighty Night @ hunnybunny, Sweet Dreams :). Sleep well..
  • @kathy WASSSUUUPPP
    @sweetp I think that drink you ordered might need some Kahlua in it :)
    @hunnybunny yo yo yo enjoying the holiday

    Happy 6th Birdday
  • @gumby Waassssupppppp!!
  • @kathy still too hot to fling lol
  • @gumby How could it be 'To Hot to fling'?? Not that you fling outside?
    To Hot to sit comfortably in front of the t.v and move your finger ???
  • @kathy its 88 degrees inside
  • Noo AC @gumby? But really so,. 88 degrees, what Are you doing , just sitting there¿ pick up your phone and Fling, taking your mind off the heat?
  • Happy Birthday to AngryBirdsNest! Huge thank you to @birdleader for creating this wonderful place & to @sweetp, @estar, @sal9 for all the hard work. :D
  • @gumby ugh, that's too hot. I'd be very unhappy without my AC right now. Really hot up here too. OB, bring gumby something tall & icy cold to drink..
  • Hi @Karen68 :)
    Hey I think MH has gotten harder since SC update , I'm back there trying , nothing is going right:(
  • This is what I think if everyone joined Angry Birds Nest

    someone should make this song with Angry birds scenes!!
    Imagine ;) I couldn't find the original, but I really believed if the whole world joined this site It would be a better world, fight wirh piggies not each other!!

    found a better link

    @Birdleader @all
  • @kathy @all -- Well, I've often thought that if Rovio gave a smart phone loaded with AB games to every would-be or actual terrorist, they could win the Nobel Peace Prize, because all the terrorists would be spending too much time killing virtual pigs instead of real people.
  • @mvnla2 I believe your right , it would lead to world peace I'm sure, or at least Some peace keeping those guys busy killing piggies.. We would all have a common goal..
  • Nighty night @Pa
    me berry berry tired.tomorrow I'm off work, can sleep a little late,but gotta go help my daughter pack and get ready for moving, not much flinging for me this weekend :(
  • That's a really great idea, @mvnla2! I wish it were so...

    Perfect song @kathy, thank you! And you're right, all this hatred gotta stop!

    Here's another song that came to mind just now:

    And so I bid @everyone a good night and sweet dreams ♡
  • Happy belated birthday Angry Birds Nest.

    Nighty nite @Ma
  • Nice thought, @gumby, but it's too early in the morning. I'll have to try it this weekend though, I as a frappucino with whipped cream, nom nom!
  • Ok then. I'll just sit here and listen to what you people are talking about. I'm more of a quiet type anyway ;) Thanks for the warm welcome! This feels like my fifth home XD (My first being my home village, my second being the town where I went to school, my third being the city where I go to college, and my fourth being Yoshi's Island :P)
  • Enjoy @smwforever45 :D really happy you consider the Bloated Pig your fifth home! !:)
  • Another great song as well @sweetp...
    taking a break from packing, my daughter and i just stopped and had some lunch, now headed back for more work...haven't flung One bird today :(
  • @kathy Aww, but that's what Moms are for, right? Flinging will always be there, don't worry. She's moving to go where? If you don't want to say, I understand. :)
    @sweetp ya too early in the am would be bad, but the weekend is almost here :)
    @karen68 well its cooler today only 87 inside instead of 88 lol
    @bernersenn have you run out of film lol, we need wolf pics :)
    @hunnybunny still awake?
  • Does anybody understand what comex means in his description of the 4th shot on todays challenge? My brain isn't figuring it out.
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp! ! Haven't flung a bird all day :( Helping my daughter move.
    just got home, @Sweetp she's moving a few houses up from where she lives now, ,about 15 miles from me,,better apt. :D we cant move her in until Sunday, but I was helping her pack and stuff.
  • You're such a good mom, @kathy! Hope all goes well Sunday.

    Relaxing now, after dinner and a pan of brownies cooling on the counter. Going to top them with marshmallow cream swirled with chocolate icing. Yummm!
  • I know it's too late for a puppy @gumby, but I figured out what he meant by where to aim Terence.

    You have to fling him as hard as you can over the "steps"
  • Terence will bounce up onto the stone spikes, getting the pig. Then the wood will collapse setting off the two TNT boxes and debris flying to the left to pop the rest of the pigs.
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