The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2860
  • @kathy, @all An Italian "Taps" for Tom. The spoken words say "Good night my love, so far away. . ."
  • sorry to hear about Tom's passing. @kathy, if you speak to Carol, tell her my deepest condolences.
  • So saddened by the tragic news of the passing away of Tom. Many a post from him brought cheer and joy.still can't take it condolences to carol my thoughts are with you and I'm sure I can speak for all nesters, our memories of that unique rodent will never die.farewell good friend R.I.P TOM
  • Kathy, good choices. There is obviously a lot of music about space. “Wish you were here” is different, but went straight to the heart. Missing man formation, that’s exactly how the Nest is functioning now.
    Thanks a lot, both of you
  • Forgot to mention: count me in for the “Star”, great idea @Tompuss
  • @Tompuss was kind enough to find this for me and send me the link.
    Perhaps we could all sign the card, and maybe write *birdie friend* next to our names so Carol will know where the names came from and see how many Nesters loved Tom!
    I will send flowers on behalf of the Nest from all of us, meaning not just BP patrons but everyone in the Nest,, although Carol refers to 'The BP' when she mentions the Nest, Tom most have mentioned it a lot..
    anyway here is the link
  • Ok I won't be sending Flowers, I hadn't read it before i posted it,, Iwill make a donation , or ya know what, I'll do both! He deserves flowers from us..
    His memorial service is on my birthday :( He passed on my brothers birthday
    Birthdays are never going to be the same :(
  • There is a place to sign the Guest book after my name i wrote (angrybirdsnest) I thought Carol would like to know how many of us cared for Tom..
  • Courtesy of @Hunnbunny our Resident artist ..
  • I'm off, I posted xx
  • Thanks @Hunnybunny..
    Nighty night and thank you again for the wreath! :)
  • @Kathy and all,
    I just left my message on that link.
    Very sorry and sad that. TT
    And thanks to Nighty night for Tom's wreath.

    Best Regards
  • @BeautifulVVorld
    Romo thank you, it will be very nice for Carol to see all the names from Tom's friends in the Nest.
    We will all miss him very much
  • Especially thanks to @Kathy and @bernersenn for letting me know it.

  • Thanks @BeautifulVVorld I knew you would want to know. Rat9 loved his competition with you!
  • good night all
    If anyone changes the page, i would like to have the wreath and link be at the top if you can manage to copy \paste it? not sure if that's possible, or I'll just do it when i see it happen..
  • @Kathy I love the wreath, great job. I'm just heartbroken :( Rat was just a "cranky" old sweetheart and Space will never be the same, nor will BP. The amount of loss for the nest has been tough and this loss is one of the worst. Thank You for the link @tompuss and KitKat I signed it as well as sent Carol a card but nothing's enough when you lose someone who's larger than life. So So Sad
  • @all so so sorry to hear the sad news. Thanks @tompuss for finding the link to sign the guest book and @kathy for posting it - hopefully Carol will find comfort from reading it.
  • Hello guys,
    Good morning.

    @hunnybunny beautiful picture, thanks for that. @kathy thanks for sharing it with us.

    Signed it.
  • Thank you for the link @kathy. I think I've signed it??? Can't seem to view guestbook and haven't seen any proof it went through? Am I missing something? Have bad wifi right now. Sorry :(
  • @all Guys, I'm so sorry to bring you down to Earth with a bump. . Another Nester, less gullible and naive than I, has pointed out that this whole star-naming business is a scam. . More info from the International Astronomical Union here:

    I'm embarrassed and disappointed about this.

    @kathy Thanks for posting Robert's photo, I was wanting to see it again. What a sweetheart!
    Also that wonderful wreath.

    @ABcrazy Thank you for the poem, a long-time favourite. And for the "Missing Man Formation", which I didn't know. I'm currently watching the series "Foyle's War" and all this is echoed every time a Spitfire fails to return home.

  • Hi everyone!
    Darn i just missed @KimmeCV last night by minutes!
    @jlz-666 Yes i noticed that too, after signing i couldn't see the guest book button anymore,
    I think if it wasn't signed properly that it would have came back asking you to fix a required field or something.
    Hi @Mumsie42
    @Tompuss yes it was a very nice idea,, it's sad that there are people in the world today take advantage of others in their most vulnerable times :(
  • Hey @tompuss don't beat yourself up or be embarrassed.your thoughts were like ours.thinking about a lost friend.we are united in our sadness. It is even more sadder that there is scum like that in this world.
  • Ok thanks @kathy. It seems strange not to be able to view the guestbook? It would've been nice to see.
  • @tompuss I'm sure there must be some legit sites? If not,it was a lovely thought anyway X
  • I know @Jlz-666 I thought I'd try clicking on the original link, but it just brings me back to the sign page :/
    Yes the Star thing was a wonderful idea, but seems the International Astronomy association it whatever it's called doesn't offer that.
    Thanks to @Sglouk for warning us.
  • @Ixan57 Yes the wreath is perfect , @Hunnybunny made it :)
  • Hey all @Ixan57 had an idea , here it is, i copied it

    "Iwas thinking about contacting rovio about a one off AB space episode.they can do it for intel etc..."

    so I've posted to Wingmanjuan, and sent a note to @Birdleader , maybe he has a contact at Rovio., it's a good idea, i hope they go for it
  • I'll be back in a bit, gotta make some lunch
    I'll leave you all with this, yes it's a repeat but it's fitting..
  • Thanks @kathy and could i ask the support of fellow nesters to ask rovio for there help in appreciation and respect for a great ambassador of both the nest and angry birds
  • And should have also said. Please make a AB Space one off special for tom
  • I don't know if anyone would want to do this, but I found a site called Never-Gone. It offers free online memorial websites. It looks like it would be something that everyone could add to. As far as I can tell, it is free and doesn't appear to be a scam.
  • @mumsie just a huge ((((hug))))) for your loss too xx
  • That looks Great @Stocktoad, I'll have to look into it a bit more, it sounds like something all can contribute to as you say. I'll try setting it up, maybe I should ask Carol first what she thinks, i don't want to trouble her right now, I'll wait until after the services maybe? I'm not sure..
  • @hunnybunny Forgive me,I forgot to mention your wreath. It's perfect x
    Well I thought multiple times about sharing this but decided that although it was hard to hear at a friends funeral,it was also comforting,and I think it's something Tom would say. This was at a humanist (non religious) ceremony and was read by his best friend. I hope you like it....

    Farewell My friends
    It was beautiful as long as it lasted
    The journey of my life.
    I have no regrets whatsoever
    Save the pain I’ll leave behind.
    Those dear hearts who love and care…
    And the strings pulling at the heart and soul…
    The strong arms that held me up
    When my own strength let me down.
    At every turning of my life I came across good friends,
    Friends who stood by me,
    Even when the time raced me by.
    Farewell, farewell, my friends
    I smile and bid you goodbye.
    No, shed no tears for I need them not
    All I need is your smile.
    If you feel sad do think of me
    For that’s what I’ll like when you live in the hearts
    Of those you love, remember then
    You never die.

    I'm not afraid to say that I have a happy occasion to celebrate tonight. My friend got married yesterday. She lost her fiancé suddenly 3 years ago. It was his funeral that I mentioned above. She now has a new life,a new husband and a new future. Life must go on but we must never forget.
    Night all x
  • Terrible news indeed. While I didn't really know Tom, the loss of a fellow nester is very saddening nonetheless. My condolences to Carol and all his friends here in the BP.
  • Thank you @Angrychicken I will pass on your condolences to Carol as well.
    Really apppreciate your popping in with your thoughts.
  • *sniff* @Jlz-666 Thank you for sharing that beautiful poem! very moving, very!
    Do have fun and celebrate your dear freinds wedding, if it's the friend I'm thinking of, I'm so happy to be hear she's found happiness and can begin a new life that I will wish her lasts for a long long while. Bless her and her new hubby! go celebrate and have fun!
    Tom doesn't want us all sitting around 'pissing and moaning' a and being solemn, let's remember the happy memories.
  • Hey Guys how about Next Saturday the day of the Memorial services,, we have aBP Space challenge? we all play one of Tom's favorite levels in each episode, in memory?
  • @kathy Yes it is Tracy. Well remembered! She is moving down south (England) and we're not only losing our friend but neighbour :( We will miss her desperately but couldn't be happier for her. She has had sad losses in her life and this is a new start. It feels awful talking about happiness in here door closes etc....:(
    Sneaking away to do this so can't really stay and read all so will try tomorrow XX
  • Ohh @Jlz-666 I'm sorry to Hear Tracy is moving away from you, i know you'll miss her dearly, But sooo happy to hear she's found Happiness and can begin a new chapter in her life filled with Love and happiness! I'm sure you guys will be chit Chatting and communicating a lot!! keep her close in your heart!
    go enjoy your evening ;)
  • @Stocktoad did you see the link above to the Obit page,, there's a spot to sign the guestbook..
    After my message , name i wrote (angrybirdsnest) so Carol will see where we know him from and how many of us cared for Tom.
  • based on that obituary, did he have lung cancer? :( RIP Thomas
  • My heart felt sympathy goes out to Tom’s family and friends. It is sad when we loose someone we love, enjoy and want to be part of their life.

    Also send my sympathy and thoughts to his friends in the Nest. I would check in just to read and get caught up, and many of this comments would bring a smile, laugh and good feeling inside. He seemed to love life, flinging and the folks he got to know in the Nest through the Bloated Pig and playing the game. He was and outstanding strategist and flinger. Most important, he was their to help us and share.

    The Nest is a family and we lost one of our own.
  • @bernersenn @kathy
    Oh my. So sad to hear this. I never knew Rat in the way some of you guys obviously did, but ever since I joined the Nest his name was a regular feature, especially in Space. I've spent many an exasperating hour trying to replicate one of his Rat stRATs, usually without much luck. He made the trickiest shots look and sound easy - the mark of a master flinger! This great community has lost a valued member. My sincere condolences too all who knew him personally. I think your ideas of a Rat badge in Space would be a fitting and well deserved tribute.
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