The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2874
  • @all Happy Thanksgiving.
    @jlz-666 lol never good if you end up on top of all the dirty dishes
  • @kathy ewpsy I stole the crown again.
  • @kathy I am the KING of Thanksgiving WOOT
  • Well looks like everyone is gone to Dreamland on my way to join
    *Tucks Heyyougetouttamyway in snug as a bug in a rug*'Sweet dreams lil' guy
    Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡
  • @kathy bet you when you opened the bloated pig, you never thought it would turn into a zoo.
    Cat's,dogs,mice and horses and whatever else. Pigs, bird's
  • Oh and least may we not forget the one and only RAT
  • Heeehhhee @Ixan57 ya not quite what we had in mind! but we are all animal lovers so it's all good :D
  • Ahh you're right @kathy. Not often there's 5 Thursdays in a month.
    Nice "seeing" you again as well @hunnybunny :)
    @gumby That's how I end up every Christmas Day! Feeding 12 is fun but also hurts. In saying that,fizz and wine helps to ease the pain;)
    One tradition I'm quite happy to take from across the pond is Black Friday on line shopping. Got quite a few bargains for Christmas pressies today.
    @ixan57 There's more animal photos and vids than babies and kids in here. Says everything really ;D
  • our first real snow of the year today! Bloody cold so need to go out to clear and salt the road to get out tomorrow but it feels like Santa is close lol!
  • @jlz666 we got a good 2'' snow here between 11am and noon. 1pm and the lot gone. 8pm now and severe ice everywhere. Got the central heating on at 80f and still can't get the place warm.
    Winter who needs it
  • @Ixan57 I've still got about 2" but it's now covered in ice. The salt did bugger all so I've got a job on my hands tomorrow morning:( Car is frozen and road is an ice rink.
  • Still love it :D
  • Snow! I’m still in autumn clothes down south @jlz @ixan57
  • Snow!! No thanks, when does snow here I'll box it up and send it over @Jlz-666 lol! I'm sooo not prepared for Winter! i never am.
  • Hitting the sack,so tired doing nothing.goodnight @jlz666 @hunnybunny @kathy
  • Night night @Ixan57 Sweet Dreams ☆☆
  • @Gumby Wasssuuuppp??
    @jlz666 SHHHHH snow is a four letter word.
    @ixan57 if your heat is set that high and still can't get the place warm there is something wrong. Maybe need insulation in the ceiling and walls? Maybe old worn out very drafty windows etc. Maybe a combination of the 2. I am too warm in my house when heat is set on 70F.
  • Nah Nothing wrong with @Ixan57 house, ya maybe drafty, but if i had m my on place my heart would be as high as needed to keep me warm, my old place in Wollaston my heat was on b74°-76° all winter. Here SHE keeps the heat at 68° and is a drafty house,, it's too cold!
  • Ok @Heyyougetouttamyway' Hop up into that bed of yours, it's time to visit your dreams☆Tucks the little fella in nice and snug nighty night lil guy
    Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡
  • @kathy fully heated up. Turned heating off when left house. Out all day. Takes ages to heat due to large space in all rooms. Sitting nicely at 70f. Now
  • I think the town Will be painted blue tonight (cold). Temp struggled to get to 2c by midday
  • OB we need a charging point at the hitching post for wandering star to plug his blanket in.
  • @Jlz666 how did you get on with the frozen snow. We had mega problems with ice, including Glasgow airport beside me closed. ground tug skidded into a British airways airbus a319. Nothing could cope on the ground. Air traffic control said it was due to a rain shower and FLASH ICE that was not forecast.
  • Back to drawing board.tried to copy Twitter image did not work
  • Hello there @Ixan57 :D happy to hear the house is nice and warm now.
    Will have OB call the electrician right away to install that charging port , can't have Wandering Horse getting a chill. Might as well let him in lol.. after all we have cats and dogs and birds and rats! heehee
  • @kathy any room for a stray polar bear and a couple of penguins
  • Hey there @ixan57 and @jlz-666 did you watch the rugby? Scotland smashing Australia
  • @hunnybunny still don't believe it. Mind you the Aussies were complaining during the week that the training facilities they were given was a waterlogged pitch.they had to do their training on the touchline while the Scottish team trained indoors. LOL
  • Is Rugby the Same as Soccer, and your soccer is like our football correct? @Hunnybunny @Ixan57 ?
  • Time to hit town. No painting this week,to cold. @kathy and OB thanks for the charging point, will have to remember and unplug wandering star's blanket before we go galloping off down the street. Goodnight all.
  • @kathy rugby is more like American football. Contact sport running with the ball as opposed to football limited to kicking the ball apart from the keeper who can handle the ball
  • G'nite @ixan57 enjoy the rest of your evening.
    No worries about the charger, OB will check it when he does his later night fly through :)
  • Thank for the Sports explanation @Ixan57 still a bit confused but I'll figure it out!
    Nighty Night Sweet Dreams
  • @kathy not going to bed yet, going out for a few beers.
  • Oohh Ok @Ixan57 Enjoy ! have a couple for me :D
  • @kathy WASSSUUUUPPP their football is our soccer. Their Rugby is similar to our football.
    @ixan57 wouldn't it be easier to turn the heat down while you are out instead of turning it off? It wouldn't take as long to warm up.
  • @Gumby Waaaassuppp????
    @Ixan57 Gumby is right, just turn the heat down, it takes longer to heat up the furniture , rugs etc.. if you keep it at say 65° While to your out, then it only needs to heat up 5° than say 15-20°
  • Time for Dreamland Heyyougetouttamyway.. nice to see your already up in your bed
    *flicks the lil fella in nice and snug, nighty night little one sweet dreams ☆
    Nighty night @Pa ♡♡
  • Happy 4 weeks to Christmas Eve peeps! Or Happy Sunday if you don't have the mind set of a 4yr old lol!
    @ixan57 I saw the situation at the airport on the news. We also had the hard ice,so much so that Hubby had to take me into work yesterday morning. Our house is on a steep hill combined with an s bend into our cul de sac. The salt I put down didn't even touch it. Hubbys car is 4x4 so he could get out. Mine is good but it would have looked a bit like Bambi on ice! Snow is still here but it's a stunningly beautiful morning. The Hills look amazing covered in white with the blue sky above.
    Yes @hunnybunny I did watch the rugby. Awesome result! Really proud of them! Wales also put on a good show but nobody stands a chance against NZ ;( I noticed that their Haka at the start was extra long so they were obviously out for blood!
    @kathy @gumby For goodness sake @ixan57 is Scottish.....of course he's not going to waste money and heat an empty house lol! I can get away with that one.....nobody else try it ;)
    Off down to supermarket for roast dinner supplies,then watch final Grandprix of the year,then going to borrow my sisters puppy and take him for a walk,then cook dinner,then watch catch up Blue planet 2 (3 to watch) Day sorted :)
    Enjoy your Sunday x
  • @jlz666 it's alright for some, I've got a pub to go to
  • There's always a catch.
    Left it late last night going out last night
    Your late Ian (1hr drinking time left)
    Yes just lazy,have one for yourself.
    Cheers you can stay behind. (Yes knocked it off)
    Pub closed and then found out that the cleaner had phoned in Sick.
    Hour and a half cleaning. W**
    Mind you the beer was on the house
  • Lol @Ixan57 , well at least you had a few in you too make the cleaning worth your while!
    Why @Jlz666 I wasn't aware of that Scottish trait heehee ;)
    borrowing your sisters puppy eh? The best of both worlds , you can enjoy him and not have to clean up after him. what kind of pup is he,/she?
    Enjoy your Roast dinner!
  • @kathy going now, hoping to get in a good few rail miles tomorrow. So early start. Don't know where going yet, will turn up at Glasgow central station and take it from least 3 town's or cities hopefully. Goodnight or good afternoon where you are.
  • Oohhhhh @Jlz666 Thanks for the picture :) adorable ! I want him lol, i want to squeeze him an love him awwww..sooooo Cute! Baxter what an adorable name!
    Enjoy your evening @Ixan57 , and your trailblazing tomorrow :) Nighty Night Sweet Dreams!
  • @Gumby Waaassssuupppp???
    @ixan57 free beer for cleaning a little sounds like a good deal :)
    @jlz666 Baxter is SOOOO cute, I like larger dogs myself especially whereas small dogs like to bark a lot. He looks like a super friendly dog and looks very happy too :)
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