The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3188
  • Turd on the Run!
  • Poor Twiggy a bit grumpy having been spayed this week. She is wearing the cone of shame for 10 days. 4 days down, 6 to go. Long walks not allowed. For either of us. Frustrating.
  • No need for that. I think we need an independent opinion:
  • Poor Twiggy
  • Didn't bother with the DC today, figured I'd struggle to beat my score. Hit some speed bumps on Egg Snatchers so trying to improve by degree. Feel like I'm going back in time.
  • Phew!Turned Nox on this morning and it had a totally blank home page.No apps or anything.Fortunately using all my technical skills I restarted and everything was fine.That ever happen on BS @desperatedan?
  • No. I have Nox loaded but it's not better for me than BS. Or is it?
  • I think BS has more whistles and bells than Nox so will be better for recorded play than Nox.I think Nox has the edge when it comes to RAM but I downloaded an early version just to facilitate the loading up of older app versions.Seems to work well in that regard but perhaps that's why it doesn't always behave itself.

  • I can't get BS4 to run. It complains I need to turn off Hyper-V but my (older) laptop doesn't even claim to have Hyper-V.
  • I never noticed I had the Leaderboard Guardian badge. 4 weeks ago? Thank you to somebody.
  • Don't know about Hyper-V but do know I would love the Leaderboard Guardian badge.Have pointed out miscreants to admin several times but apparently you have to be nominated(hint hint).Haven't had a badge in ages feeling withdrawal symptoms.

    You must be fairly well along on your way to the Platinum Underdog badge by now @desperatedan?
  • Asher is an absolute machine.I seriously see him in a laboratory with 20 assorted devices on the go all featuring different versions of the same level continuously recording on a loop...or maybe he's just very good...
  • I'll think about it if you can refrain from putting anything by Everything Everything on the jukebox.

    Could be on 34 pups. Not sure. Lost track a bit because the Challenge winners page is about 6 weeks behind.

    But my runt count is more than 6, so I have gone past 40, so to speak.
  • Agree about asher. If he did more than just the Challenge, he would be uncatchable on ABO, even with my advantage of 1.2 million due to Classics.
  • This year's 6 Nations has produced 7 incredibly close matches out of 11. Although the table is not that close, this is surely an unprecedented level of entertainment. Just flipping a few of those close results could possibly see 5 or 6 nations all in contention going into the last round of matches. Italy have been crazily close to 3 wins. Scotland and Ireland could quite easily being going for a Grand Slam decider in the final match with 4 wins each.
  • @desperatedan sorry I've been very lax about the Underdog list. It's now updated & yes you have 34 pups. Shame we can't count the runts.
  • That's fine @karen68, I realise you do it in batches and it wasn't a problem. I've been trying a bit harder in the last few weeks but 40 seems an awful long way to go. I think we need Space Mirror World every day, or possibly Angry Birds Classics levels.
  • A high price to pay @desperatedan.

    Have enjoyed the 6 Nations this year but Scotland typically decided that beating England was the end of their season.France underwhelming.
  • For those who think my posts are full of nonsense ,you're wrong...

    ' Twas brillig,and the slithy toves
    Did gyre and gimble in the wabe

    Yours sincerely L Carroll
  • Why do I always choose the wrong supermarket checkout aisle?Every bloody time!

    Yours sincerely V Meldrew
  • I really must stop doing this, but the idiots on Impossible have taken things to a new level this week. First question of the show. A piece of which wall is in the Vatican? Hadrian's Wall, Berlin Wall, Max Wall. Now bear in mind one answer is a correct wall, one is an incorrect wall and one isn't a wall at all, which gets you knocked out if you choose it. Every one of those contestants surely knew which two of them were real walls but 8 (eight!) people out of 21 went for Max Wall. Reasons given. "It sounded Roman". "Hadrian's wall is in Scotland and the Berlin wall is in Berlin so it couldn't be those". "I have no idea why I chose it". Pure gold entertainment.

    Also, although Only Connect is undoubtedly the toughest TV quiz show, I think Round Britain Quiz (Radio 4) could be even harder. Is that one you know @hunnybunny?

  • Dan, the best answer on a quiz last weekend: what are White Cliffs of Dover made of?
    Chalk or Cheese

    Brian, two roofers, No.1 you’ve a cracked slate tile, £300
    No.2 you’ve a cracked slate file and the soffit is leaking, fixing both £200
    We didn’t go with the seesh man

    Rant: fourth trip with GWR in three months, four trains cancelled, many delayed, f,ing shite service
    Stuck on a cold, wet platform at Bristol Temple Meads for nearly an hour yesterday, and then had to RLF when they changed the platform at the last moment

    Love to Twiggy x
  • Also, the young women are flocking into the The Pilot, now they know François wife has deserted him. To be fair, he hates the Botox ones…
  • Anyone got some Diane Abbott jokes?
  • Congrats on the squeaky pup @desperatedan.Couldn,t get that fat Terrance over the line,he definitely needs to work out.

    Know a few Diane Abbot jokes @hunnybunny unfortunately they're all sexist and racist.

    So glad I'm not reliant on pub transport .My daughter goes to college in Arbroath and I reckon at least once every 3 weeks or so they cancel her bus without warning.Given they're roughly every 45 mins she often gets in late.Think it's such a regular event generally the college tutors are very understanding.annoying though.
  • Hey Dan I've just thought of a Stones song for Terrance(heh heh).
  • Struggling with that one.
  • Sorry Turd on the Run seemed appropriate.Oh no!Egg Snatchers!
  • Today's DC shows why I've hit the wall in ES.The second batch of levels all require easy shot(s) to get high score but endless repetition to get the requisite destruction points.If Ash gets a pup tonight I'll demand a Stewards Inquiry.It puts the Random in RNG.
  • You sound like the doc.
  • Let's hope there's a cure for that @desperatedan.

    Anyone lost progress on SW II lately?All gone after a phone change but think the reason is Rovio cloud evapouration.My scores all recorded here at the Nest.Scores not great as I never used swap characters or LCS etc but I did enjoy actual gameplay.May go again.
  • Hello all and sundry,especially sundry.How does one become a deleted user?Maybe @karen68 or @sweetp can shed some light on that?Couple of Nesters with whom I've shared PM's have either removed or had removed all their comments and their names changed to Deleted User.

    Now I know what you're thinking,he's been a rude git and offended them ,but no,scouts honour,best behaviour etc.

    Yours Undeleted User.
  • I'm getting quite Zen about losing all game progress these days.However still chosing wrong supermarket aisle every bloody time.Never be Zen about that.
  • Speaking of which @desperatedan (game progress not aisles) is your ABO progress linked to Rovio account ?If so you might want to think about backing it up as ABO cloud will eventually go the same way.Although I remember KPnanny popping in and suggesting we'd just be copying empty files.
  • This is where @hunnybunny comes in and says "If only you used a £1500 ipad you'd never lose progress".
  • I have to admit I don't know what you mean about linking progress to accounts so maybe not. I'm not aware of having Rovio account. I know about a Nest account but that's not Rovio, is it? I have never lost progress in 13 years of playing apart from when I have switched ABO versions but that's not a big issue for me in terms of knowing my scores. I accept things may not last forever, hence my switch a couple of years ago to adopt some of the dark arts before it is too late. I had 11 years operating at a relative disadvantage, and 9 years with PC only, which was clearly terrible compared to Android phone, as I quickly found out.

    Four years ago, when I was ranked about 20th in ABO, having worked my way up from 90th a year before, I responded to a friend who asked me if I could get to number one by saying that it would need an insane amount of effort for years to do that and anyway, it was probably impossible. But the journey was fun, so I carried on, aided hugely by Classics of course. But even without Classics I would be second. So if it all ended today I wouldn't mind too much, from a scoring point of view. But for the friendships I have made, that's a different story. That's the real value of it all. So if I ever become a deleted user, don't think ill of me.

    Don't know what brought that on...
  • Anyway, Twiggy no longer needs to wear the cone of shame, has been given a clean bill of health and is a very very happy little dog.
  • Confused by the Challenge sequencing. Thought it was Star Wars today. Glad it is not, I hate it. Just catches me out sometimes as I wait for the next Angry Birds Challenge.
  • Houston, we have a problem. Deleted user syndrome has hit @CG358 who is the leading Classics player on Poached Eggs and with whom I have had recent conversation. Something certainly wrong. Their scores are still listed but with a blank space instead of a name. Same question to @sweetp, @karen68 etc. Maybe I will be nex.........aaarrrrrgggghhhh....
    @BrianN scroll to comments at bottom of link page
  • No such message from @CG358 @ixan57, who is most certainly not an inactive player.
  • @DesperateDan the link should take you to page 5 of comments(at bottom)on FAQ's
  • Nice to know you are still alive @ixan57.Checked the comments and it seems something sinister is going on.One of the persons I mentioned has just spent over a year putting down scores in Seasons and they're all gone.Don't think that's voluntary.
  • If you don't know anything about Rovio acc @desperatedan I'd keep it that way.
  • Glad to hear Twiggy is on the mend,she'll soon be ready for those long rambling talks of walks.Word to the wise,don't go past the vets.Bit of a sore point.
  • Have just looked at the Members activity page(not something I usually do)and it's full of spam adverts-on line gambling,US meds,tyres etc.Is this normal?
  • @BrianN @desperatedan don’t know anything about those accounts other than they’re looking into it.
    The activity feed has looked like that as long as I can remember. That stuff never makes it any further into the site anywhere.
    It’s amazing how much spam the site is subjected to.
  • Ah. The ones who have disappeared are all busy helping that Nigerian prince with his finances. Not funny.
  • Hi all, I’m looking into the missing user issue. Sadly, the ones I have checked so far like @leggy are gone. I still have no idea why - very strange. If someone has a list of all the missing long time members that would be super helpful. I have backups so I should be able to restore those users, they will just lose a few recent scores and some activity. Thanks!
  • Hi @birdleader,the two that I'm aware of are @leggy(who has only just come back after a six year hiatus) and @andy2 who has just spent an age putting down scores in Seasons.Not sure why either would voluntarily delete their accounts.
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