The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3201
  • Gratuitous 160001st comment: otherwise known as lunchtime musings.
    Very funny Bunny though I think the Southgate kicking going on at the moment is shameful(I'm calling it Southgate Gate).

    No single person has done more than he to drag England into the 21st century with the possible exception of Sir Alf Ramsay(and he dragged England into the 20th century(that's how far back you have to go)).

    Our footballing heritage is based on kick and rush with a side order of cloggery and managers who think tactics should have a tangy mint taste.
    Teams like France ,Spain,Germany etc have had a footballing identity for decades that's part of their dna.A way or system of playing that is now second nature to them and Southgate has done his best to get his team out of their stoneage mentality.It's the players who need to wake up.

    But what really gets up my nose is the inane, slack jawed idiocy that passes for football punditry in Britain.If there's a bandwagon to jump on there they all are like sheep,or rather like sharks getting a whiff of blood.Stuff em all Gareth I say.

    Does this qualify as a rant @hunnybunny?
  • @desperatedan I got the Sharpshooter badge for getting all scores in an episode in the top 20 and the UltraSS(sounds like a group of Serbian football fans) for getting all scores in the top 10.

    Yes I'm still playing 'Lets Annoy Dan'.
  • And finally...Best two teams undoubtedly contesting T20CWC final but aren't India in danger of becoming the new Australia?Smug,self-entitled, beneficiaries of priveleges they only get because of the huge ammounts of money paid into the game by Indian corporations.Hope SA can overcome their history of bottling it in finals and give India a good game...and that's lunch gentlemen.
  • Comment 16004
    Comment 16002 was hilarious
  • Comment 16004
    Comment 16002 was hilarious
  • Grrrrrrrrrrrr. It's like trying to get a politician to answer a question. You know what I am asking, stop prevaricating about the bush.
  • Enjoying Glasto today.

    PJ Harvey
    Paul Heaton
  • The answer is Ski or Squeal
  • Very enigmatic @hunnybunny.(You're such an editor!)
  • Hope to hear Idles and Dua Lipa later on .Will have to catch up on iplayer for the weekend as we're away .Sleaford Mods tomorrow Dan.
  • I think the Democrats are hoping Joe Biden steps on a landmine before election time.Oh wait he already did!
  • What was the question @hunnybunny?
  • @briann, the latest news around the US nation, is Democrats are asking that Biden step down from the Presidential race after falling on his face during (stepping on a landmine as you put it) the debate. The Democratic party is now scrambling for another candidate, which would be difficult. It is up to Joe to step down, but seems most unlikely.
  • So, IF Biden decides to leave the race, who would be his replacement? VP Kamala Harris has very low approval ratings, and she would have to win a majority of the delegates at the Democratic National Convention. Highly unlikely. I wouldn't want her as a Commander-In-Chief, either.
    Bah, enough said.
  • I thought we weren't allowed to discuss politics @sweetp?
  • Ha Ha Gotcha!

    Must admit I saw a few chucklehead senators with white teeth and a quarterback smile saying they'd support Biden forever.Surely anyone is better than Trumpulus Maximus?

    Idles are absolutely smashing it.
  • Never fight a man with a perm.
  • @briann we're not supposed to, but this is not a heated discussion about anything political. Just observations and opinions that aren't being challenged.
  • Just messin with yer @sweetp.As you've probably noticed we only mention politics when we take the mickey out of those dastardly SOB's.Nice of you to pop in though,things must be kicking off Stateside?
  • This is hard for a dad to admit but my daughter can pull off that Dua Lipa look.I am on constant alert...
  • So is the answer Ski or is the answer Squeal?
  • Re the Democrat problem, I blame Jill Biden @sweetp. She might be the only one Joe would listen to (and step down) but she appears deluded.

  • C'mon Richi, not too late to pull out.
  • @briann, yes it has been ever since the trial Trump went through. Even so, that judge was paid off to steer the verdict the liberals' way. Dang, our gov't is all messed up. The media is even worse. It's no longer the days when the news was reported straightforwardly. Now it's all propaganda and opinions that the public is being told and they believe it without challenging what the "real" stories are. I haven't watched the news for over 6 years!
    I do my own research to figure out what's real or just fake.

    @desperate-dan, I know what you mean about Jill Biden. But, I don't think she's about to tell ol' Joe what to do. Haven't heard or seen anything she's done like all past First Ladies have. He's just a puppet and does whatever his advisors and VP tell him to do. Has been that way since 2020. An 80 year old Pres with dementia (or is it Alzheimer's?); this country is in very big trouble!
  • Thanks @sweetp for that, very informative. I have taken a very deep interest in the US election, far more than the UK one. Can't really go into much more of that here.

    Twiggy and I have now almost reached the halfway point of our virtual walk along the Appalachian Trail which we started in late January. Over 1000 miles under our paws as we enter Maryland.
  • @desperate-dan, wow! That's a lot of trekking!
  • Yes! Trekkies, not walkies.
  • Accidentally ended up on a page from two years ago @brianN when you commented on the oldest cast member of the Archers retiring at the age of 103. Pleased to say that the actress June Spencer has now just celebrated her 105th birthday and is still technically a character in the programme who is still sometimes referred to as being in the local care home. She started playing that character in (gulp) 1950.
  • Best Glasto bits (for me)
    Paul Heaton
    Cyndi Lauper
    And a flag that says “Jaffa Cakes are a Biscuit”
    Anyone know why is it isn’t?
    Watching Cold Play, to whom I have weird addiction, not my normal type of music..
  • Paul Heaton was excellent. Coldplay put on a good show. Just can't imagine listening to their albums. Jaffa cakes are controversial, probably a banned BP subject.
  • Apparently, the High Court determined they were cakes, so therefore their shelf life was shorter than a biscuit, and less VAT is payable
    Of course, they are most definitely a biscuit, albeit a cheaper biscuit!
  • Shania Twain not doing it for me, and no horse
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