The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3204
  • It's pronounced Ka-mah-lah. She hasn't done anything for us, and she'll just be another puppet, like Sleepy Joe. That's my opinion and I'm stickin' to it. Ugh!
  • So there!
  • I think we should get Harry Hill in as final arbiter.
  • Well, SweetP and I are definitely not on the same page. But differences of opinion are what drive democracy. And we are sure both Angry Bird fans!
  • I've got you both on page 3204 @catsnbirds.
  • Hey @hunnybunny I tried a glass of that Chateaubriand you were on about.Awful...notes of blood and a red meat bouquet...dunno how you drink the stuff.
  • @BrianN ha…ha…ha Bet we’ve been on LOTS of the same pages in the BP!
  • Date for knee surgery arrived: exactly 7 weeks from seeing the Consultant
    NHS would take seven days to see a GP (at mine) probably seven months to get to Consultant, and a year for the op!
    A big lump out of holiday fund seems worth it, seeing as a day in town is painful, and holidays right out…
  • And talking about Politics (banned in BP!)
    Has Kier mentioned the NHS, the Criminal Justice System (which, I repeat, he single handily ruined) other than letting prisoners out early!
    Which everyone wants fixed
  • First time you've mentioned it this week Mrs Bunny.

    Hundred off to a limp start .Must admit I'd rather have seen the Blast come to a conclusion before it started but hey ho .
  • I gather Ghenghis Khan was a left-wing subversive @hunnybunny.

    Anyway, it doesn't count as politics if the people involved don't behave like politicians.
  • Been a long time since politicians behaved like politicians.. There are a few decent people involved but they end up fighting against the system..
  • I believe the original rule states: No political conventions
    Please Vote on Election Day! That is where your voices should be heard.
    It’s your right. Every vote counts
  • Hey Sunshine our British reporters are still giving it 'Cameller' instead of Kahmahlah.

    Welsh FM election was a bit dull @hunnybunny but at least our reporters are getting Morgan right.Hoping for lots of long knives when the Tories elect their leader.Poisoned chalice.
  • @briann that was supposed to be a thumbs up
  • Asher beat my eight year old score on the challenge today
    Another one bites the dust!
  • Hi, @Sunshine
    How are you?
  • @hunnybunny I am doing well! Hugs! Sorry your score was beaten! Have a drink on the house! Cheers!
  • Good job Biden stepped down. November 5th is the day when we in the UK burn effigies of a Catholic revolutionary. So the portents were not good.

    Oh, and I listened to an interview today when the interviewee used both versions of Harris's name in quick succession.

    Love to vote @sunshine. Just figuring out how to swing that one.

  • Just saw what that swine asher did to your score @hunnybunny. By about one point too, the scoundrel. I will take revenge on your behalf by reclaiming top spot in Bad Piggies (cackles maniacally whilst stroking Twiggy).
  • Anyway, actually popped in to say I have now reached Doctor Who series 9 episode 4, Capaldi and Coleman. Still really good stuff, good scripts, enjoying it. In fact, I may have missed some of these first time round. Chibnell yet to start ruining things.
  • @Sunshine I’m good, other than a cranky knee!
    Dan, don’t cackle too maniacally, you may frighten Twiggy…
  • That Asher what an upstart eh?Did someone mention The Krankies?I reckon they'll be in prison this time next year..along with 'Sleepy Joe'...
  • Like your avatar @sunshine.Is that a Piggy moon or a Piggy sun?
  • @briann @leggy made me this avatar, it is a piggy moon
  • Oh no, Alistair Campbell has just weighed in with Ka Mar La. It may well take three of her to defeat DT. Wadd'ya think Bri Anne?
  • Hun Knee Bun Knee?

    Shortly to become Hun Knee New Knee.

    My invoice is in the post.
  • You wouldn't think it'd be too difficult to get right @desperatenan.Maybe she should change her name to Caramel.
  • Come on you Fire! The women have won, now the men need to do the same.
  • And they swatted them!
  • I think that fine man of Harlech Jonny Bairstow ate all the Welsh cakes.
  • Quite excited today. Twiggy and I saw dolphins swimming just off the north Anglesey coast. To be fair, she was much more excited by a rabbit.
  • Olympic opening ceremony. Lifejackets? Just saying. Seems a bit choppy to me.
  • Olympic question. How many times has Great Britain been awarded the summer Olympics?
  • Three
    Without googling 1908 1948 2012
  • I liked the opening ceremony, everyone else (of my few Facebook “Friends”) derided it
  • About Facebook
    I have 101 “Friends”
    Five are dead
    Six or seven never post
    The rest send pictures of cats, trains, corrugated iron structures and bloody carps they caught, with some nice pictures of the riverbank!
  • Thought the opening ceremony was spectacular! The variety and locations used and the quality of the performers was amazing. And all done in the rain!!!
  • Ah, @hunnybunny, you should have smelled a rat on the Olympics question, and you a quizzer!
    Of course you are right about the three years you quoted but there is a fourth year as well. London was awarded the 1944 Olympics too which for obvious reasons, never went ahead. They were not postponed but cancelled. This doesn't seem to be well known.
  • Found a drone in my back garden yesterday. Decided to join Facebook to access local estate group to find out who it belongs to. Is my whole life going to change?
  • Thought the opening ceremony was pretty good on TV but would have been a bit of a slog in the rain for Parisians and the athletes. Far too long as usual though. As for the team hoisting the Olympic flag, FAIL! Upside down - surely they practiced that one.
  • Did you spot the rogue scrotum, @hunnybunny?
  • Absolutely not!
  • Be cautious of friendship request, looks suspicious. Admin have been informed.
  • She's a friend of that kindly Nigerian prince who wants to give me lots of money. What could go wrong?
  • And she sent me a request, not likely to fall for her girly charms!
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